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Deputy Director of Elementary Education Una, Himachal Pradesh.
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[04-Feb-2025] Appointment order of JBT WEXM and SC BPL. Waiting-1
[04-Feb-2025] Regarding prohibition of physical punishment U/s 17 of RTE Act, 2009
[03-Feb-2025] Call for Application/Nominations for Prof. C.R. Rao National Award in Statistics 2024-25.
[03-Feb-2025] Regarding To carry out a special drive for Aadhar Enrollment of all enrolled students in schools in the State
[01-Feb-2025] Regarding expenditure on salary arrears due to court orders from the heads Heads of Accounts 2202-01-101-01-SOON and 2201-01-101-03-SOON Demand No. 08 for the period April, 2024 to till date dated 31.01.2025.
[01-Feb-2025] Regarding expenditure of Medical Reimbursement.
[01-Feb-2025] Regarding the information of 100% Health Check-ups of all enrolled students.
[01-Feb-2025] Regarding Counselling Schedule for JBT WEXM.
[30-Jan-2025] Regarding "Apna Vidyalaya The himchal school adoption programme.
[30-Jan-2025] Regarding Apex Level NCORD Committee Meeting.
[29-Jan-2025] Setting up of school Nutrition Garden in all schools in the state.
[28-Jan-2025] Seventh Apex level NCORD Committee Meeting.
[28-Jan-2025] Regarding extension of last date i.e. 31.01.2025 of inviting nominations for state level Awards-2025 i.e Stat civil service Award, Prerna srot samman and Himachal Gaurav Purskar.
[23-Jan-2025] Show Cause Notice on Smart Upashthiti Attendence.
[23-Jan-2025] Regarding meeting on 27th Jan 2025
[23-Jan-2025] Regarding the information of hundred percent health check ups of all enrolled student.
[23-Jan-2025] Regarding Establishment return of TGT Category.
[23-Jan-2025] Regardiing activities to be organized by schools for 8th Edition of Pariksha Pe Charcha.
[21-Jan-2025] Information regarding Examination Centre for Conduct of Stage 1 HP SJMMSE-I 2024-25.
[21-Jan-2025] Implementation of "The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education (Amendment) Act, 2009". Regarding conducting 5th and 8 th Class examination.
[21-Jan-2025] Regarding 100% registration by students from 6th to 12th on Pariksha Pe Charcha.
[21-Jan-2025] Utilization of functionality of Aadhar seeding with beneficaries bank account developed by NPCI-reg.
[21-Jan-2025] Regarding marking Teacher and Student attendance on Smart Upasthiti for effective implementation of VSK.
[20-Jan-2025] Revised Tentative Seniority List of TGT’s (Med./N.M./Arts) appointed on the recommendation of HPSSSB, Hamirpur received in the year 2002 & 2012 and consided deemed appointed on regular basis w.e.f. 01.05.2003 as per order/judgment passed by the Hon’b
[18-Jan-2025] Application to join the 3rd cohort of Satat Shikshak Samudaya 2025.
[10-Jan-2025] Campaign on Wetland Conservation till 2nd February, 2025.
[10-Jan-2025] 1 of 214 In the matter of CWP of Ex. Pet. No 1265/2024 in CWP No. 9817 2024 titled as Mahesh Sharda & Ors. Vs State of HP and ORs
[10-Jan-2025] In the Matter of CWP no 2968 2024 titled as Vinay Sharma and Ors. State of HP and Ors.
[10-Jan-2025] Regarding upload School Disaster Management Plan ( SDMPs) on the school Safety Mobile app. developed by HPSDMA in collaboration with NIC, SHimla for the session 2024-25
[10-Jan-2025] Regarding Observance of Road Safety Month- 2025.
[09-Jan-2025] Date of Conduct of Class VI Jawahar Navodaya Vidalaya Selection Test 2025( Summer Bound JNVs)-reg.
[04-Jan-2025] Order related to School Timing.
[03-Jan-2025] Testing of cooked Mid Day Meal Served under PM Poshan Scheme.
[31-Dec-2024] Regarding "Bal Vivah Mukt Bharat"
[30-Dec-2024] Regarding implementation of age criteria fro admission to Class Nursury to Class-1st as per NEP, 2020.
[26-Dec-2024] Regarding Celebration of Veer Baal Diwas on 26th December, 2024.
[23-Dec-2024] Clarification regarding accumulation of earned leave from date of regularization of services retrospectively in compliance to the judgements passed by the Hon ble High Court of HImachal Pradesh.
[20-Dec-2024] Regarding Establishment of Digital Helpline at 0177-3525101/02 for support on DDT&G Applications and Portals.
[19-Dec-2024] Regarding Vacation Schedule for Government Schools in HP.
[19-Dec-2024] Regarding Balvatika Norms.
[18-Dec-2024] Press Note regarding Document Verification of JBTs from PPH Quota.
[18-Dec-2024] Regarding submission of demand of Question paper for summer clossing schools for class 3rd, 5th and 8th march/ april-2025.
[15-Dec-2024] Implementation of NALSA (Child Friendly Legal Services for Children) Scheme,2024
[12-Dec-2024] IEC Material on Manual on Safety and Security of Children in schools and guildlines on schools safety and security by NCPCR
[11-Dec-2024] Submission of particulars to reframe the seniority on the prescribed proforma in r/o all the eligible C&V teachers in view of various CWPS.
[11-Dec-2024] Action Required w.r.t marking of Attendence on Smart Upasthiti and usage of Live Reports (HP).
[11-Dec-2024] Regarding Awareness Program on Intellectual Property Rights under NIP AM 2.0
[11-Dec-2024] Regading make Disaster Management Plan under School Safety Programme.
[10-Dec-2024] Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark Disabilities in the services of the State Government.
[09-Dec-2024] Revision of Material Cost w.e.f 1st December, 2024 under PM POSHAN Scheme.
[09-Dec-2024] Regarding Development of School Nutrition Gardens (SNGs) in all schools under PM Poshan Scheme in the state.
[07-Dec-2024] Regarding informing Parents about APAAR ID Generation during Mega PTM on 9th and 10th December 2024.
[07-Dec-2024] Regarding Apaar implementaion in Himachal Pradesh.
[05-Dec-2024] Informaion regarding C&V category teachers engaged under SMC..
[04-Dec-2024] Regarding Celebration of Bhartiya Bhasa Utsav from 4th to 11th December, 2024
[04-Dec-2024] Regarding age criteria for admission.
[04-Dec-2024] Aadhar Seeding fo all enrolled students in schools in the State-reg.( Reminder I)
[29-Nov-2024] Notable Alumni from Naitonal Children Science Congress.
[27-Nov-2024] Press Note regarding counselling of JBT(Sports Quota)
[26-Nov-2024] Aadhar Seeding of all enrolled students in schools in the State-reg
[23-Nov-2024] Regarding APAAR implementation in Himachal Pradesh.
[23-Nov-2024] Identification and early screening of CwSN through PRASHAST App in HP.
[23-Nov-2024] Restriction on deployment of teachers without permission.
[23-Nov-2024] Exemption of TGTs (NM and Med) from Non-Academic Activities in schools.
[22-Nov-2024] Reservation in promotion to persons with Benchmark disabilities in the services of the state Government.
[22-Nov-2024] Regarding Answer key by SCERT of SJMMSS examination held on 10th November 2024
[21-Nov-2024] Regarding organizing activities in all the school during Janjatiya Gaurav Pakhwara from 15 Nov to 26 Nov. 2024
[18-Nov-2024] Regarding Constitution of Cluster committees and first meeting.
[16-Nov-2024] Schedule for PARAKH Mock Test -3
[14-Nov-2024] Regarding online registration of students under pre-matric scholarship for SC Students whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation.
[14-Nov-2024] Regarding Constitution of Cluster committees and 1st meeting thereof under the programme "Quality Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
[14-Nov-2024] Regarding Celebration of Bal Mela for 1st to 8th classes
[14-Nov-2024] Appointment order of JBT (Batchwise) Waiting-1
[13-Nov-2024] Regarding 20 Day practice Plan for Preparation of PARAKH Rashtriya Sarvekshan 2024
[13-Nov-2024] Tentative Seniority List of TGTs (Med, NM, Arts) appointed on recommendation of HPSSSB Hamirpur received in the year 2002 and 2012 under CWPOA 3435/2020 titled as Satish Kuma.r
[11-Nov-2024] Regarding data recording of NIPUN Baseline Assessment conducted by Samagra Shiksha in pen paper mode.
[11-Nov-2024] Regarding inviting nomination for State Level Awards. i.e. Civil Services Awards/Prerna Srot Saman/ Himachal Gaurav Puraskar-2025.
[07-Nov-2024] Office Order( Regarding CSC Competition Result of Essay and slogan writing.)
[06-Nov-2024] Regarding Distt. Level 32nd HP Children Science Congress-2024.
[30-Oct-2024] Regarding download of admit card for NMMSS examinations 2024-25 to be held on 10.11.2024.
[30-Oct-2024] Regarding updation of UDISE Plus for the year 2024-25 thereof.
[30-Oct-2024] कक्षा प्रथम से आठवी तक वार्षिक परीक्षा के संचालन बारे दिशा निर्देश
[28-Oct-2024] Regarding release of arrears to the petitioner in CWPOA No.3544/2020 (Neena Puri and ors.)
[26-Oct-2024] 32nd Himcahal Pradesh Children Science Congress 2024. Theme "Traditional Knowledge System and Modern Science"
[26-Oct-2024] Direction for Recording of Assessment Marks of 1-8 Grades on NIPUN Pragati and Mulyankan Himachal VSK Solutions For Academic Year.
[26-Oct-2024] Hon ble Supreme Court Directions regarding bursting of crackers on Diwali Compliance of Noise limits for firecrackers and Air Quality standards.
[24-Oct-2024] Regarding filling up of vacant Urdu posts and Punjabi teacher.
[22-Oct-2024] Regarding Information under RTI Act, 2005.
[21-Oct-2024] Regarding half day training of Nodal Teacher on WIFS under RKSK Programme.
[19-Oct-2024] Regarding Implementation of E-Office in the Offices
[19-Oct-2024] Regarding Apna Vidyalaya The Himachal School Adoption Programme.
[18-Oct-2024] Duties of coaching camp and state level Cultural, wrestling Chess & Yoga.
[18-Oct-2024] Duties of Coaching Camp & State level Boys & Girls Athletic Meet.
[18-Oct-2024] "Dhai Akhar" Hand Written letter writing campaign on the theme " the Joh of writing: Importance of Letters in Digital age" for the year 2024-25.
[18-Oct-2024] Regarding 32nd HP Children Science Congress-2024-Duty Chart
[15-Oct-2024] Regarding Organisation of 32nd Sub-Division/ District HP Children Science Congress-2024.
[15-Oct-2024] Regarding status of Executive Pet. No. 2024 in CWPOA no. 3544by2020 and Titled as Neena Puri and others vs stat of HP.
[14-Oct-2024] Implementation of zero period for improving Learning outcomes.
[14-Oct-2024] Regarding to assign Extra work to Mid Day Meal Workers.
[10-Oct-2024] Regarding "Swachchhata Hi Sewa-Special Compaign 3.0".
[10-Oct-2024] Requisition for the support for global peasce day obsevation on 11.11.2024-reg.
[10-Oct-2024] ऊर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा 5,6 एवं 7 (श्रेणी क ) एवं कक्षा 8 ,9 एवम 10 ( श्रेणी ख) के छात्र/छात्राओं हेतु पेंटिंग प्रत
[10-Oct-2024] Regarding online registration for 32nd HP children Science Congress-2024
[10-Oct-2024] Office order regarding promotion of AS CHT.
[09-Oct-2024] Regarding celebration of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction(IDDRR) and "SAMARTH 2024"; from 1st October to 15th October 2024.
[09-Oct-2024] Regarding celebration of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction(IDDRR) and "SAMARTH 2024"; from 1st October to 15th October 2024.
[08-Oct-2024] Regarding observation of Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah 2024-25.
[08-Oct-2024] Corrigendum regarding Change in dates of district level Athletic and Cultural Program of Under 14 Boys gils
[08-Oct-2024] Corrigendum regarding change in dates of U-14 State level Tournament and Coaching Camp Minor Games.
[07-Oct-2024] Appointment order of JBT WEXM.
[05-Oct-2024] Regarding sports tournament duties for alhletics and Cultural program at GSSS Dhamandari.
[05-Oct-2024] Regarding duties of official for coaching camp and state level minor games (Boys).
[05-Oct-2024] Corrigendum regarding U14 district level sports tournament at GSSS Dhamandari.
[03-Oct-2024] Regarding Counselling of Shastri WEXM Quota on dated 14.10.2024 in the office of DDEE Una.
[01-Oct-2024] permission for conducting School internship for BEd students for the session 2023-25
[30-Sep-2024] Regarding inclusion of names in the TGT promotion panel amongest TET pass-in-service C&Vs for the promotion of TGT(Arts) as per existing RUles of TGT Dated 06.06.2024.
[27-Sep-2024] Regarding CWP 2968 and 9288 /2024 titled as Vinay Sharma and Ravinder Kumar & Ors Vs State of HP.
[24-Sep-2024] Regarding the observation of Rashtriya Avishkar Saptah 2024-25 circulation of Guideline among school students of Himachal Pradesh.
[23-Sep-2024] Regarding Yoga Session Organized through AYUSH Health & Wellness Centers and facilitating these sessions, generation of micro plan- guideline thereof.
[23-Sep-2024] To ensure that all CwSN within the state studying in Govt./ Govt. Aided inclusive Home based or special schools are provided with RTE entitlements reg.
[23-Sep-2024] Regarding submission of fee reimbursement cases under 25% reservation to weaker section and disadvantage group children in all Educational Institutions including privately managed schools and public school under section 12 RTE Act, 2009.
[23-Sep-2024] Corrigendum regarding change in venue of U-14 coaching camp Boys handball.
[23-Sep-2024] Corrigendum regarding change in venue of U-14 coaching camp Boys handball.
[23-Sep-2024] Implementation of Zero Period for improving Learning outcomes.
[23-Sep-2024] Regarding Student Attendance on Smart Upasthiti-LIve fro effective implementation of VSK.
[23-Sep-2024] Dissemination of Awareness videos on the protection of Children From Sexual Offence (POCSO) act 2012 reg,
[20-Sep-2024] State level Painting competition on the occasion of celebration of Wildlife Week 2024 regarding participation of students.
[20-Sep-2024] Office Order regarding deputation of officials for U-14 Girls Coaching camp and State level Tournaments.
[19-Sep-2024] Regarding PARAKH Rashtriya Sarvekhan-2024 preparation (NAS).
[19-Sep-2024] Office order Regarding deputation of officials for Coaching Camp at Dhamandari and State level U 14 Boys tournament at GBSSS Bilaspur Distt. Bilaspur.
[19-Sep-2024] corrigendum Coaching Camp from GSSS Dhamandari to GSSS Mubarikpur.
[18-Sep-2024] Regarding deputation of Officials for state level U-14 Boys/Girls tournaments at GSSS Kanaid Distt. Mandi H.P.
[12-Sep-2024] Report regarding dropouts children and Absent more than 30 days from school.
[11-Sep-2024] Regarding deputaion of staff District level tournament Gilrs at GSSS Saloh.
[11-Sep-2024] Regarding Celebrationof World Ozone Day 2024.
[11-Sep-2024] Regarding inclusion of names in the TGT promotion panel amongst TET pass in-service JBTs for the promotion of TGT and in service C&V for the promotion of TGT Arts as per existing R&P rules of TGt dated 06.06.2024.
[10-Sep-2024] Compulsory 1 day traning session of teachers regarding National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2024
[09-Sep-2024] Change of date and venue in r/o U-14 ( GIRLS) distt, Judo Tournament 2024-25.
[09-Sep-2024] Change of date and venue in r/o U-14 ( GIRLS) distt, Judo Tournament 2024-25.
[09-Sep-2024] Press Note regarding filling of JBT posts form Sports Quota.
[07-Sep-2024] Office order regarding training of master trainers on continuous and comprehensive Evaluation CCE to enhance students learning outcome and asessment.
[06-Sep-2024] हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी द्वारा आयोज्य विद्यालयस्तारीय संस्कृत प्रतियोगियाओं के संधर्व मे
[05-Sep-2024] office order regarding deputation of officials for district level Sports tournaments.
[05-Sep-2024] Office order regarding District Level Sports tournaments.
[05-Sep-2024] Regarding poor performance of Schools in respect of Daily reporting via SMS on ARMS under PM Poshan (Explain the reason thereof).
[05-Sep-2024] ऊर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा 5वी, 6वी एवं 7वी (समूह क ) एवं कक्षा 8वी , 9वी एवं 10वी (समूह ख) के स्कूली छात्र/ छात्राओं ह
[03-Sep-2024] Registration for the promotion of Ideas4life initiative-reg.
[03-Sep-2024] Regarding submission of fee-reimbursement cases under 25 % reservation to weaker section and disadvantage group children.
[28-Aug-2024] Regarding Court Cases.
[28-Aug-2024] Final Seniority of CHT HT up to 31.12.2017 and JBT up to 31.12.2020.
[27-Aug-2024] Regarding admission of CWSNs students specially HBE
[27-Aug-2024] Development of School Nutrition Gardens in all schools under PM Poshan Scheme in the state.
[27-Aug-2024] Office order Regarding appointments of JBT Batch Wise.
[22-Aug-2024] विभिन्न छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अंतर्गत जिलों से बार्षिक वित्तीय मांगों बारे |
[22-Aug-2024] Notification "Mukhya Mantri Bal Paushtik Aahaar Yojna".
[21-Aug-2024] Regarding Physical Verification of Poling Stations reg.
[20-Aug-2024] Regarding suppplying the service particular/Bio-data of in service TGTs whose service have been deemed regularized from the date of contrat appointment .
[19-Aug-2024] To organize activities on Chandrayan and other space related achievement in schools on National Space Day on 23rd August 2024-reg.
[16-Aug-2024] Implementation of Govt. of India Inspire Manak Scheme.
[16-Aug-2024] To adopt Safe & Nutrtious food @ school (SNF @ School) initiative by getting registation of the school through on line portal ww.snfportal.in
[16-Aug-2024] Registration of Schools serving Mid Day Meal to the students under the provision of food Safety & Standards Act 2006.
[14-Aug-2024] Regarding postponed of District level U-14 tournaments.
[14-Aug-2024] Payment of arrears on account of Honble High Court Orders
[13-Aug-2024] Regarding online registration of students under Pre-Matric Scholarship for SC Students whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation.
[09-Aug-2024] Regarding WWF India wild Wisdom Global Challenge for school students 2024 last date of registration 15Aug, 2024.
[09-Aug-2024] Regarding celebration of National Space day on 23rd Aug, -reg.
[09-Aug-2024] Payment of arrear s on account of Hon ble Court Orders-Reg.
[07-Aug-2024] Regarding inclusion of names in the TGT promotion panel amongst TET pass-in-service C&V for the promotion of TGT(Arts) per existing Rules of TGT Dated 06.06.2024.
[07-Aug-2024] office order regarding District level u-14 sports tournaments Major and Minor at GSSS Khad.
[06-Aug-2024] Celebration of "Tithi Bhojan" to school children in schools by involving community as a whole on 17th Aug, 2024 in the State reg.
[05-Aug-2024] Reschedule of District Level Tournament under-14 (Boys & Girls).
[02-Aug-2024] Regarding Observing 1st round of National de-worming day and Vitamin A on 9th August 2024.
[02-Aug-2024] Regarding application invited for Golden Peacock Awards 2024.
[01-Aug-2024] Regarding Implementation of Tobacco Free Educational Institution guideline across all educational Institutions and become tobacco free.
[01-Aug-2024] Regarding Implementation of Tobacco Free Educational Institution guideline across all educational Institutions and become tobacco free.
[01-Aug-2024] Join the International Spell Bee Competition 2024.
[01-Aug-2024] Program update of Himachal Pradesh 2023-24.
[01-Aug-2024] दिनांक 17.05.2024 को प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा निदेशालय मे प्रारम्भिक पाठशाला क्रीडा संघ की कार्यकारिणी की वार्षिक बाथक बैठक की कार्यवाही ब
[01-Aug-2024] Conduct of JNVST-2025-26 for class VI-reg.
[31-Jul-2024] Appointment order of LT WEXM.
[31-Jul-2024] Office order regarding rescheduled district level U-14 Girls Tournament.
[30-Jul-2024] Regarding Write ups for State level Science Seminar 2024.
[30-Jul-2024] Corrigendum Appointment DM dated 29.07.2024.
[29-Jul-2024] Office order Regarding appointment of LT (WFF quota).
[29-Jul-2024] Office order Regarding appointment of DM (ExSM quota).
[26-Jul-2024] Office order regarding duties of Officials in Zonal Level sports tournament in Una distt.
[26-Jul-2024] Non cooperation form incharges of Anganwadi Centers in complying the directions of the state Government.
[25-Jul-2024] Regarding WhatsApp Group Heads of Schools Upper Primary .
[24-Jul-2024] Regarding Compliance in Court Cases.
[24-Jul-2024] WWF India s Wild Wisdom Global Challenge for School Students 2024 reg.
[24-Jul-2024] Office order regarding TGT appointments.
[23-Jul-2024] Guideline to improve Quality of Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
[23-Jul-2024] Regarding celebration of 25th Anniversary of "Kargil Vijay Diwas" on 26.07.2024.
[23-Jul-2024] Regarding supply of ACRs of TGTs for the PGTs promotion in different Subject.
[20-Jul-2024] दिनांक 19.06.2024 को हुई प्रारम्भिक पाठशाला क्रीडा संघ ऊना की बैठक की कार्यवाही बारे
[18-Jul-2024] वर्ष 2024 के शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिए लेख एवं अभिलेख प्रेषित करने बारे |
[16-Jul-2024] Press Note Regarding appoitment of JBT under WEXM quota.
[06-Jul-2024] Bye Elections to Assemly constituencies Grant of paid Holiday to Employees on day of Poll Reg.
[05-Jul-2024] Regardig oganizig summer camps in schools under the aegis of Eco Clubs for mission life.
[29-Jun-2024] Regarding constitution of cluster Committees and 1st meeting thereof under the programme "Quality Education through Convergence and Resource sharing".
[29-Jun-2024] National Teacher Awards-2024 Guideline Thereof.
[29-Jun-2024] Regarding Bye Election 10th July Paid Holiday .
[29-Jun-2024] Cooking competion for cook cum helpers engaged in schools under PM Poshan scheme.
[29-Jun-2024] National Teacher Awards-2024 Guideline thereof.
[27-Jun-2024] Regarding stop Diarrhoea Campaign.
[27-Jun-2024] Office Memorandum
[26-Jun-2024] Office order regarding regularization of C and V category.
[26-Jun-2024] Implementation of Plastic Waste Buy Back Policy through Eco-Club Schools in Himachal Pradesh.
[25-Jun-2024] Implementation of Plastic Waste Buy Back Policy through Eco-Club Schools in Himachal Pradesh.
[24-Jun-2024] Regarding training of Master Trainers at Diet Solan from 27.06.2024 to 29.06.2024.
[15-Jun-2024] Meeting to review the status of Preparendness for South West Mansoon, 2024.
[15-Jun-2024] Recommendations for Padma Awards, 2025.
[15-Jun-2024] Regarding observing 1st round of intensified Diarrhea Control Fortnight from 15th June to 30th June 2024.
[13-Jun-2024] U-14 (Boys & Girls) खंड स्तरीय व जिला स्तरीय खेलकूद प्रतियोगिताओं के आयोजन तथा DESSA के चुनाव हेतु बैठक बारे|
[13-Jun-2024] Conduct of 8th Edition of state level Mock Exercise on Flash Flood, Landslide.
[12-Jun-2024] Conduct of 8th Edition of state level Mock Exercise on Flash Flood, Landslide.
[10-Jun-2024] Office Order regarding Local Holiday on 18th June, 2024.
[07-Jun-2024] Regarding non implementation of transfer Proposals.
[07-Jun-2024] Regarding to enhance teaching days up to 221 days as per NCERT norms.
[07-Jun-2024] Office order regarding State level yoga olympiad to be held at GSSS Nadaun from 8th to 9th June, 2024.
[06-Jun-2024] Strengthening of ECO Club Activities by Undertaking innovatice Evironment projects in ECO CLUB Schools/ Colleges of HP.
[03-Jun-2024] Strengthening of ECO Club Activities by Undertaking innovatice Evironment projects in ECO CLUB Schools/ Colleges of HP.
[03-Jun-2024] Guideline on "Trithi Bhojan" to school students under PM POshan Scheme.
[31-May-2024] दिनांक 31.05.2024 को मतदान केंद्रों को खुला रखने के सम्बन्ध में |
[29-May-2024] Recommendation to prevent illegal transportation of children reg.
[27-May-2024] Implementation of national plan for drug demande Reduction scheme and Nasha Mukt Bharat Abhiyan. M
[27-May-2024] Proceeding of the Meeting held under the chairmanship of shri. Prabodh Sexena for Lok Sabha Election 2024 at HP Secretariat Shimla.
[25-May-2024] Office Order regarding Under 14 Boys and Girls Distt. Level Yoga Olympiad for the session 2024-25 at GSSS Thathal..
[25-May-2024] Under 14 Boys and Girls Distt. Level Yoga Olympiad for the session 2024-25.
[24-May-2024] No discrimination with school children on the basis of religion caste, creed and gender in Schools under PM Poshan Scheme Programme in the state.
[24-May-2024] Order regarding Holiday on dated 24th and 25th of June,
[24-May-2024] Regarding Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar.
[24-May-2024] Pradhan Mantri Rashtriya Bal Puraskar 2025 nominations reg.
[24-May-2024] Recommendations for Padma Award 2025.
[24-May-2024] वर्ष 2024 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरस्कार बारे |
[21-May-2024] Corrigendum Election rehearsal.
[20-May-2024] Order regarding closing of Primary and Pre Primary School due to heatwave.
[20-May-2024] Effective & Efficient implementation and monitoring of PM Poshan (Mid Day Meal) Scheme in schools in the state.
[20-May-2024] Use of double fortified salt and edible oils under Mid Day Meal Scheme in schools.
[20-May-2024] Regarding use of fresh green leafy vegitables in PM POshan Scheme.
[19-May-2024] Regarding change in schedule of 2nd Rehearsal of Women Polling Personnel.
[19-May-2024] OFFICE ORDER- hand on training on BU, CU, VVP for the female officers/officials as Presiding Officers/Assistant Presiding Officers/Polling Officers for the Women managed Polling Stations in 44-Una Assembly Constituenc
[18-May-2024] Regarding permission for teaching practice of B.ed Trainees of Session 2021-23.
[17-May-2024] Daily SMS Based Automated Reporting and Management System( AMS) under PM Poshan Yojna.
[17-May-2024] One day Online virtual training to Cook Cum Helpers engaged in Schools under PM POshan (MDM) Schools.
[14-May-2024] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act/2005.
[14-May-2024] Regarding filling up statements of 16th Finance Commission.
[14-May-2024] Regarding filling up statements of 16th Finance Commission.
[14-May-2024] Information on Sports Specialization of PETs for all GSSS/GHS/GMS.
[13-May-2024] Regarding change in schools timings w.e.f 13 May, 2024.
[13-May-2024] Celebration of World Environment Day 5th June, 2024 ( Theme: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience")
[13-May-2024] Two days compulsary training programme for the Primary Teachers for their upskiling/ capacity building to teach in English Medium especially to the students of class I &II.3
[13-May-2024] Two days compulsary training programme for the Primary Teachers for their upskiling/ capacity building to teach in English Medium especially to the students of class I &II.3
[13-May-2024] Two days compulsary training programme for the Primary Teachers for their upskiling/ capacity building to teach in English Medium especially to the students of class I &II.3
[13-May-2024] Two days compulsary training programme for the Primary Teachers for their upskiling/ capacity building to teach in English Medium especially to the students of class I &II.3
[09-May-2024] About United School Organization National TEst.
[09-May-2024] Constitutions of Energy clubs in Education Institutes Viz. Schools/ Collages under Lifestyle for the Environment .
[09-May-2024] Two days compulsary training programme for the Primary Teachers for their upskiling/ capacity building to teach in English Medium especially to the students of class I &II.3
[09-May-2024] Two days compulsary training programme for the Primary Teachers for their upskiling/ capacity building to teach in English Medium especially to the students of class I &II.
[06-May-2024] Regarding supply the latest Establishment Return of C&V category.
[04-May-2024] International Cyber Olympiad 2024- Cyber security awareness.
[04-May-2024] Regarding policy to regulate the service of Part Time workers in financial year 2024-25 Instructions thereof.
[01-May-2024] Regarding to provide detail of vacant/ unutilized buildings of Govt. Department/Board/Corporation especially not in use thoughout State.
[29-Apr-2024] Regarding supply the Bio data of in service TGTs(PTA GIA Teachers)
[29-Apr-2024] Proposal received from SPIC MACAY regarding establishment of Heritage Clubs in Schools across India-reg.
[29-Apr-2024] Introducing Sanskrit subject in Primary Schools in Himachal Pradesh reg.
[26-Apr-2024] Developmet of School Nutritio Gardens (SNGs) in all schools under PM Poshan(Mid Day Meal) Scheme in the State.
[26-Apr-2024] Regarding permission to perform show paper cutting art work.
[25-Apr-2024] Reg. CWP No. 3807 of 2022 titled as Namita Mankotia vs State of HP and ors (regarding 25% admission of weaker section students in Private adided school and un-aided school under RTE Act.)
[24-Apr-2024] General election to Lok Sabha-2024 Bye elections to Legislative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh, 2024 Grant of Paid Holiday to Employees on day of poll-reg.
[24-Apr-2024] Constituency wise data as on 31.03.2024.
[24-Apr-2024] Regarding Consititution of Cluster Committees.
[10-Apr-2024] Voter Awareness Forum - regarding.
[08-Apr-2024] Reminder-I Implementation of Automated Reporting and Monitoring System (ARMS) for reporting daily Mid Day Meal information Form Schools.
[04-Apr-2024] Implementation of Automated Reporting & Monitoring System (AMS) for reporting daily Mid Day Meal information from schools.
[02-Apr-2024] Regarding Supply the latest Establishment Return of C&V category.
[02-Apr-2024] Conducting State Level Ecacuation Drill/ IEC Activities on Disaster Awareness Day Marking the Anniversary of the Kangra Earthquake of 1905.
[02-Apr-2024] Conducting State Level Ecacuation Drill/ IEC Activities on Disaster Awareness Day Marking the Anniversary of the Kangra Earthquake of 1905.
[02-Apr-2024] Regarding upload School Disaster Management Plan on the School Safety Mobile App.
[01-Apr-2024] General Election to Lock Sabha-2024 and Bye-Election to ACs of various States- PHASE WISE PAID HOLIDAYS-regarding.
[23-Mar-2024] Information under RTI Act
[21-Mar-2024] बच्चों कि सड़क सुरक्षा के लिए सड़क अवरोधक लगाने बारे
[21-Mar-2024] Notification
[12-Mar-2024] No Discrimination with school children on the basis of religion, caste, creed and gender in schools under PM Poshan Programme in the state.
[12-Mar-2024] Regarding celebration of POSHAN Pakhwada form 09th March, 2024 tp 23rd March, 2024.
[12-Mar-2024] Regarding Regularization of C&V teachers appointed on Contract Basis.
[11-Mar-2024] Awareness Campaign for Lok Sabha Election-2024 use of logo and tagline regarding.
[11-Mar-2024] Conference of SVEEP NOdal officer for Lock Sabha Elections-2024
[11-Mar-2024] Regarding Ependiture on U-12 & U-14 vees for the session 2023-24.
[07-Mar-2024] Regarding Ependiture on U-12 & U-14 vees for the session 2023-24.
[07-Mar-2024] Regarding Guideline for conducting Adolescent Friendly Club Meeting s in Peer Educator Block.
[04-Mar-2024] Regarding Examiner duty of Matric and Plus two exams.
[04-Mar-2024] Press note - regarding private school renewal and recoginition session 2023-24.
[04-Mar-2024] Regularization of contract appointees in the Government Departments instructions thereof. (TGTs)
[29-Feb-2024] Regarding amendment of age of admission for 1st grade according to NEP,2020
[27-Feb-2024] Report Format Disaster management Mock Drill.
[26-Feb-2024] Information regarding examination center to conduct of HP Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Examination 2024 on dated 03.03.2024.
[26-Feb-2024] Instruction regarding cleaningof the office clutter of unserviceable articles/ E-waste/junk/weeding out of obsolete record by 15th march 2024.
[26-Feb-2024] R&P Rules for Language Teachers.
[26-Feb-2024] Press note regarding Postponed the Councelling of Shastri WExM on dated 28.02.2024.
[26-Feb-2024] Regarding Event for Goverment School Children on 15th march, 2024 Mimansa-2 Childrens Literature Festical-2024.
[22-Feb-2024] Enviroment Education Programme logo design Competition Invitation for Entries-reg.
[20-Feb-2024] Conducting State level Evacuation Drill/ IEC Activities on Disaster Awareness Day.
[20-Feb-2024] Regarding Guideline to improve Quality of Education through Convergence and Resource Sharing.
[20-Feb-2024] Application for the M.Sc course
[20-Feb-2024] Information of TGTs working on regular basis upto December 2023 for updation of Roster Register
[19-Feb-2024] Office order Poling Officials for Panchayati Raj Election.
[19-Feb-2024] Office order Poling Officials for Panchayati Raj Election.
[19-Feb-2024] Instruction regarding maintenance of record under PM Poshan (Mid Day Meal Scheme in shools in the state.
[19-Feb-2024] Maternity Leave benefits to women Cook Cum Helper engaged under PM Poshan Scheme in Schools under Maternity Benefits Act, 1961.
[17-Feb-2024] Press note regarding Councelling of Shastri and LT from WFF Quota on dated 28.02.2024.
[16-Feb-2024] Press note regarding recognition/renewal of private schools session 2024-25.
[14-Feb-2024] List of activities to be performed daily in your school under National Science Day
[13-Feb-2024] Ragarding implementation of Honble Court judgment passed in favour of various petitioner Para Teachers
[13-Feb-2024] Office Order (PTA)
[12-Feb-2024] Regarding Latest Establishment of TGTs category
[12-Feb-2024] Regarding Celebbration of Activities under National Science Day-2024.
[12-Feb-2024] Regarding providing information under RTI Act, 2005.
[12-Feb-2024] Regarding Exposure/ International visit for Teachers and Head Teachers.
[09-Feb-2024] Regarding Exposure/ International visit for Teachers and Head Teachers.
[08-Feb-2024] Regarding Extenssion in date to apply as Paper setter.
[08-Feb-2024] Upload school disaster Management plans on the school safety Mobile App.
[07-Feb-2024] Schedule & Machenism for Free Text Book Distribution (Classes 1-10 winter & summer closing school) for the Academic Session 2024-25
[03-Feb-2024] Employees who were appointed against vacancy which advertised on or before 14-5-2003
[03-Feb-2024] Regarding providing the information under RTI Act, 2005.
[01-Feb-2024] Regarding report of the activities conducted under EK Bharat shreshtha Bharat campaign during October-2023 in schools.
[29-Jan-2024] Regarding Veer Bal Diwas 2023-reg.
[27-Jan-2024] Meeting with all the managing Director/Principal of Pvt. Schools.
[23-Jan-2024] Regarding Constitution of Energy CLubs in educational institutes "VIZ" Schools/Collages under lifestyle for the Environment (LIFE).
[23-Jan-2024] Campaign on Wetland COnservation from 15.01.2024 to 25.01.2024.
[19-Jan-2024] Decision regarding allowing the school to choose their own uniform.
[18-Jan-2024] Regarding identification of schools fr recruitment of PTMTW.
[18-Jan-2024] Regarding Development of Annual School Health Calendar of all health related activities.
[18-Jan-2024] Batchwise counselling for the post of JBT under WEXM, SC-BPL, ST-BPL & SC-WFF category
[11-Jan-2024] Regarding Updation of UDISE plus for the year 2023-24 thereof.
[10-Jan-2024] Application to join he 2nd cohrt of Satat shikshak Samudaya ( State wide community of Sustainability Educators)2024.
[08-Jan-2024] Establishment return of TGTs as on 01-01-2024
[05-Jan-2024] Press note regarding Counselling of LT WEXM Quota on dated 11.01.2024.
[05-Jan-2024] जवाहर नवोदय सिलेक्शन टेस्ट कक्षा छठी की परीक्षा के सम्बन्ध मे मीटिंग।
[05-Jan-2024] Regarding Digital Ignition contest for the students of the state.
[05-Jan-2024] Regarding option/bio-data for promotion to the post of Lecturer (SN) by in service TGTs for the Year 2024
[04-Jan-2024] Office order regarding National Level Kabaddi Tournaments (Girls) at Kaddpa.
[04-Jan-2024] Office order regarding National Level Kabaddi Tournaments (Boys) at Rachi.
[04-Jan-2024] Office order regarding National Level Football Tournaments (Boys) at Rachi.
[04-Jan-2024] Revisied order regarding Change in school Timing.
[04-Jan-2024] Regarding implementation of Honble Court judgement passed in favour of various petitioner Para Teachers on analogy of order/Judgement passed by the High COurt in CWP no 4954/2012
[04-Jan-2024] Office order regarding Change in school timing in All Govt. and Middle Schools w.e.f 05.01.2023.
[03-Jan-2024] Regarding filling up of the post of Shastri on batch-wise basis on contract basis.
[02-Jan-2024] Academic activities to be followed in the classroom/school for 1st to 5th and 6th to th after SA-II exams & till the declaration of result.
[02-Jan-2024] विज्ञापन प्रकाशन हेतु
[26-Dec-2023] Notification for Paper Setter by HP Board of School Education Dharmshala.
[26-Dec-2023] Regarding organization of 3rd Phase of School shiksha Samwad in all the schools on 30th December, 2023.
[26-Dec-2023] Submission of Category wise enrollment data (Private School).
[24-Dec-2023] Regarding Pariksha pe charcha 2023.
[23-Dec-2023] Regarding Office Order C and V
[23-Dec-2023] बच्चों की सड़क सुरक्षा के लिए सड़क अवरोधक लगाने बारे |
[22-Dec-2023] बच्चों की सड़क सुरक्षा के लिए सड़क अवरोधक लगाने बारे |
[22-Dec-2023] Regarding Bio-Metric Authentication of INOs and HOIs.
[21-Dec-2023] Regarding List of Students for National Level Basketball coaching Camp at GSSS Bilaspur Distt. Bilaspur.
[21-Dec-2023] Regarding Submission of Question Paper Demand for Board Exam in Summer Closing schools.
[21-Dec-2023] Notification regarding fee Criteria mmfor board Exams.
[21-Dec-2023] Regarding Exposure/ International Visit for Teachers and Head Teachers.
[21-Dec-2023] Regarding submission of Category wise enrolment Data.
[16-Dec-2023] Office Order
[14-Dec-2023] Proposal to organize a Half Marathon on 21January 2024.
[12-Dec-2023] In the matter of CWP No. 2171/2023 titled as Hem Raj alongwith connected matter V/s State of HP and others.
[11-Dec-2023] Guideline to improve quality of Education through Convergece and Resource Sharing.
[11-Dec-2023] Guideline to improve quality of Education through Convergece and Resource Sharing.
[08-Dec-2023] Regarding Arrear in r/o CWP No. 342/2021 titled as Yashwant Singh.
[07-Dec-2023] हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी द्वारा आयोजित राज्य स्तरीय, विद्यालयीय संस्कृत प्रतियोगिता के संदर्व मे |
[07-Dec-2023] Information regarding Electricity in all the Stand Alone GMS IN r/o Distt. Una (HP).
[06-Dec-2023] Information regarding Electricity in all the Stand Alone GMS IN r/o Distt. Una (HP).
[04-Dec-2023] Office order Regarding National Leval Boys/Girls Hockey Game at Gwaliar(Madhya Pradesh).i.
[04-Dec-2023] Office order Regarding National Leval Boys Boxing Game at Akola (Maharashtra).
[04-Dec-2023] Office order Regarding National Leval Boys/Girls Hadball Game at Dehli.
[04-Dec-2023] Office order regarding National level Boys/Girls Athletic Meet at Lucknow.
[04-Dec-2023] Regarding coverage under Central civil Service Pension Rules in place of National Pernsion System.
[02-Dec-2023] Regarding coverage under Central civil Service Pension Rules in place of National Pernsion System.
[30-Nov-2023] Regarding Setting up of Question Paper for class 1st to 12th.
[29-Nov-2023] Supply of Sanitary Napkins to Adolescent Girls.
[29-Nov-2023] Regarding school based adolescent health survey in the state of HP
[28-Nov-2023] Data Entry of Polling Personnel for Lok Sabha General Election 2024
[24-Nov-2023] Regarding Observance of " Constitution Day" 2023.
[24-Nov-2023] Regarding online training for school safety Management Plan on the School sagety Mobile App.
[24-Nov-2023] Provide the information to Applicants Under RTI Act-2005.
[23-Nov-2023] Provide the information to Applicants Under RTI Act-2005.
[22-Nov-2023] Registration of schools serving Mid Day Meal to the students under the provision of Food Safety & Standard Act-2006.
[22-Nov-2023] विभिन्न छात्रवृति योजनाओ के अंतर्गत अध्यापकों, अभिव्यवकों को जागरूक करने बारे |
[21-Nov-2023] Regarding production/ updation of Aadhar Cards of studetns.
[20-Nov-2023] Regarding production/ updation of Aadhar Cards of studetns.
[17-Nov-2023] Press note regarding withdrawn the counceling process of shastri.
[17-Nov-2023] Regarding Conduct ofof ELC/Chunav Pathshala activities.
[17-Nov-2023] Bio Data cum option form for the counceling of JBT.
[16-Nov-2023] Regarding support in observing 2nd round of National De-worming Day and Vitatmin A on 29th November 2023.
[10-Nov-2023] List of Candidated for the councelling of JBT w.e.f 20.11.2023 to 25.11.2023.
[07-Nov-2023] LIst of the Candidates for the councelling for the of Shastri (Batchwise) to be held on dated 17.11.2023 and 18.11.2023.
[07-Nov-2023] Regarding revised HP Board examination Fee.
[07-Nov-2023] National Scholarship Portal open for online application submission for Matric Scholarship for SC students ( Component-II) (Unclean Occupation) AY 2023-24.
[07-Nov-2023] Regarding conduct of video Conferencing with all the Deputy Directors of elementary Education in HP in connection with Development of Annual School Health Calender.
[06-Nov-2023] Regarding option/bio-data for promotion to the post of Lect. by in service TGTs for the year 2024
[06-Nov-2023] National Scholarship Portal open for online application submission for Matric Scholarship for SC Students Unclean Occupation AY 2023-24
[03-Nov-2023] Press Note Regarding Election.
[03-Nov-2023] Regarding o 7086/2023 as Manoj Kumar, CWP No. 6659/2023, dated 31.10.2023 as Vivek Sharma, 7663/2023 as Sarita Kumari & others V/s State of HP.
[03-Nov-2023] Budget Assurance of the Honble Chief Minister for the year 2023-24 regarding enhancement of honorarium of water Carriers.
[03-Nov-2023] Office order regarding State level cultural Tournaments Boys and Girls w.e.f 05.11.2023 to 8.11.2023 at GSSS Rampur Bushahar.
[02-Nov-2023] Regarding Organisation of 31st District level Children Science Congress-2023.
[02-Nov-2023] Reg. Conduct of SEAS 2023- Parakh on 3rd November 2023 for grade 316 and 5th.
[02-Nov-2023] Regarding reschedule of date for state level Culture Tournament Boys and Girls u-14 2023-24.
[02-Nov-2023] To enhance the maximum limit of remuneration of all categories of teachers under SMC by Rs. 2000 per month as per announcement of Hon’ble Chief Minister for the year 2023-24.
[01-Nov-2023] Reminder regarding submission of Confurmation cases of TGTs.
[01-Nov-2023] Office order regarding CWP 342/2021 Titled as Yashwant Singh and others.
[31-Oct-2023] Office order regarding CWP 342/2021 Titled as Yashwant Singh and others.
[31-Oct-2023] Honble Supreme Court direction on Diwali.
[31-Oct-2023] Regrding Adustment of Teacher on the occasion of Karwa Chouth.
[30-Oct-2023] Office order regarding 31st CSC district level at GBSSS Una.
[30-Oct-2023] Revised Bio Data form for Councelling of TGT Arts TGT Non Med TGT Med to be held on dated 07.11.2023 and 08.11.2023
[26-Oct-2023] Notification regarding local holiday.
[25-Oct-2023] Office order regading Coaching Camp for State level Athletics chess judo and Yoga For boys and girls at GSSS Behar Jaswan w.e.f 26.10.2023 to 29.10.2023.
[25-Oct-2023] List of Candidated for Councelling of TGT Arts TGT Non Med TGT Med to be held on dated 07.11.2023 and 08.11.2023
[21-Oct-2023] Qualifying examination for admission of studets to the Rashtriya Indian Military college, Dehradun for the July, 2024.
[21-Oct-2023] Regarding Open District Gymastics Championship 2023.
[21-Oct-2023] Regarding celebration of BHARTIYA BHASHA UTSAV.
[20-Oct-2023] Office order regarding special summery revision of Photo electoral Roll Una Constituency.
[20-Oct-2023] Office order regarding Special summery revision of photo Electral Rolls 01.01.2024. Haroli Constituency
[17-Oct-2023] Regarding submission of confermation cases.
[13-Oct-2023] Office order regardin Athletic Meet at GSSS Behar Jaswan and Camp order At GSSS Dhamandari U-14 girls tournaments.
[12-Oct-2023] Press note regarding filling up of 22 post of shastri in Elementary Education Department Una.
[12-Oct-2023] Press note regarding filling up the vacat post of JBT in department of Elementary Education district Una.
[11-Oct-2023] ऊर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा 5 6 7 8 9 ओर 10 के छात्र/छात्राओ हेतू पेंटिंग परियोगिता का आयोजन
[10-Oct-2023] Regarding Mera Desh Meri Matti.
[09-Oct-2023] Office order regarding deputation of officials for Coaching camp at GSSS Raipur Sahoran and GSSS Dhamandari , Atheletica Tournaments at GSSS Behar Jaswan and Wrestling and Judo at Indira stadium Una.
[09-Oct-2023] Quiz on occasion of Intenational day of Sign Language (IDSL)-reg.
[06-Oct-2023] List of Staff - Regarding Special Summery Revision of PER-2024
[06-Oct-2023] Office order Regarding Organization of 31st Sub Division Level Children Science Congress-2023
[06-Oct-2023] Regarding taking extra classes to cover the study loss due to monsoon disaster.
[05-Oct-2023] Office order regarding Deputation of Officials in 31st CSC 2023 in Sub Division Amb.
[05-Oct-2023] Office order regarding Deputation of Officials in 31st CSC 2023 in Sub Division Haroli.
[05-Oct-2023] Office order regarding Deputation of Officials in 31st CSC 2023 in Sub Division Bangana.
[05-Oct-2023] Parliament matter-Abuse against LGBTQ Commutity.
[04-Oct-2023] Regarding Coaching Camp Boys Minor Games U-14 at GHS Raipur Sahoran.
[04-Oct-2023] Office order Regarding Regularization of DM.
[04-Oct-2023] Office order Regarding Regularization of Punjabi Teacher.
[04-Oct-2023] Office order Regarding Regularization of LT.
[04-Oct-2023] Office order regarding regularization of Shastri.
[04-Oct-2023] Notification regarding development of Kitchen Garden in Schools.
[04-Oct-2023] Engagement of Cook Cum Helper under PM POshan Scheme in school in the State.
[04-Oct-2023] Office order regarding deputation of Officials for state level Tournaments (Major Girls) at GMSSS Saloh.
[04-Oct-2023] Press note regarding Change in timing of Batch wise councelling of JBT on dated 05.10.2023.
[03-Oct-2023] office order regarding deputation of teachers for State level tournaments(Major Games)
[03-Oct-2023] Information Regarding regular inspection of Schools Thereof.
[03-Oct-2023] Regarding Second Phase of (MMMD) " Meri Mati Mera Desh" Campaign.
[02-Oct-2023] Regarding deputation of staff in different Committees for the State Level Tournament (Major Girls U-14) at GMSSS Saloh.
[30-Sep-2023] Regarding Celebation of International Da for Disaster Risk Reduction and "Samarth2023" from 1st October to 15th October 2023.
[29-Sep-2023] Office order regarding deputation of official in 31st CSC 2023 in Sub Division Gagret.
[29-Sep-2023] Office order regarding deputation of Judge Experts and Quiz Master in Una Sub Division.
[28-Sep-2023] बच्चों की सड़क सुरक्षा के लिए सड़क अवरोधक लगाने बारे |
[27-Sep-2023] Invitation of nominations under HP Environment Leadership Award 2020-21 regarding.
[26-Sep-2023] Office order regaridng duties under State level Sports tournaments ( Major Girls) at GSSS Saloh.
[26-Sep-2023] Office order regarding Coaching Camp State Tournament At GSSS Saloh w.e.f 29.09.2023 to 03.10.2023.
[26-Sep-2023] Reg. Fire Mock Drill in Schools once in a week.
[25-Sep-2023] Corrigendum regarding 31st CSC 2023.
[23-Sep-2023] Corrigendum regarding 31st CSC 2023.
[22-Sep-2023] Counselling of JBT Under Physically Handicapped quota (OH) on contract basis
[22-Sep-2023] Regarding state level slogan and Essay Writting Commpetition on occasion of Wildlige week 2023 regarding participation of students.
[21-Sep-2023] Regarding organization of 31th sub-Division/ District level children Science Congress-2023.
[21-Sep-2023] Office order regardig deputation of officials for District level sports tournaments in GSSS Dhamandari and GSSS Gondpur banehra.
[21-Sep-2023] Notification regarding National/ State Awardee teachers.
[20-Sep-2023] 15 सितंबर के 2 अक्तूबर 2023 से " स्वच्छता की सेवा" पखवाड़ा के आयोजन के सम्बन्ध मे |
[20-Sep-2023] Office order regarding deputation of officials for District level sports tournament (Girls) At GSSS Dhamandari.
[20-Sep-2023] Office order regarding deputation of officials for district level sports tournament at GSSS Gondpur Banehra.
[20-Sep-2023] आगामी सत्र 2024-25 क कक्षा नवमी व ग्यारहवी मे प्रवेश हेतु अनलाइन आवेदन हेतु सूचना।
[19-Sep-2023] Meeting regarding state sports tournaments to be held in BBNBGSSS Saloh, Distt. Una H.P.
[19-Sep-2023] Office order regarding deputation of official for sports duties (U-14 Girls) at GSSS Dhamandari.
[16-Sep-2023] ऊर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा पाँचवी छठी एव् सातवी आठवी नोवी दसवी के सकूलों हेतु पेंटिंग प्रीतियोगिता का आयो
[16-Sep-2023] Regarding resheduled date and venue Distt.and State Boys & Girls under 14
[16-Sep-2023] Counselling for TGT(Med/Non-Med) under Ward of Ex servicemen category on dated 29-09-2023
[16-Sep-2023] Performa A for regularization from contract for c and v category
[15-Sep-2023] Notification.
[13-Sep-2023] Regarding regularization of C&V teachers appointed on contract Basis.
[13-Sep-2023] Regarding regularization of contract appointees in the Govt. Department instructions thereof. (TGTs)
[12-Sep-2023] Seniority list to be maintained /regarding submission of documents for preparing the seniority list of TGTs for the year 2020 and 2021.
[11-Sep-2023] Regarding Mentor Teacher Training Programme of all Govt./ Private Schools of Sub-Division Amb.
[11-Sep-2023] Office order regarding deputation of officials for Zonal Level Tournaments.
[08-Sep-2023] Regarding regularization from back date ie w.e.f. 01-04-2018 in r/o PTA Teacher
[08-Sep-2023] Office Order regarding Deputation of Officials For zonal level Tournamets.
[05-Sep-2023] International Yea of Millets, Calendar of activities requested-reg.
[31-Aug-2023] Information under RTI
[30-Aug-2023] Date:-ESM/WESM Employed with State Government.
[30-Aug-2023] Regarding postponing the date of the 2nd stage of state level Swaran Jayanti Middle Merit Scholarship Examination( SJMMSE) 2022-23.
[28-Aug-2023] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय प्रवेश परीक्षा 2024 बारे
[26-Aug-2023] Transfer order of C&V.
[26-Aug-2023] Transfer order of C&V.
[25-Aug-2023] शिक्षा विभाग मे कार्यरत मिड डे मील कर्मचारियों की लंबित मांगों के समाधान बारे
[23-Aug-2023] Regarding implementation of Honble High Courts Judgement passed in favour of various petitioner Para Teachers on the analogy of order
[22-Aug-2023] Online registration for admission to class VI JNVST 2024 Extension of last Date- regarding.
[18-Aug-2023] Regarding Biometric Authentication of Applicants under Pre- Matric Scholarship for Minority for theAcademic Session 2022-23 and Sbsequent re-verification of Scholarship aplication of concerned students.
[17-Aug-2023] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act/2005.
[17-Aug-2023] SSR-2022 Physical verification of Polling stations -regarding.
[17-Aug-2023] In the CWP No 3851/2020 in OA 330/2018 titled as Rita Pathak & Ors Vs State of HP.
[17-Aug-2023] Important information regarding Zonal/District/ State level sports tournamet.
[14-Aug-2023] Corrigendum regarding change the date for Zonal/ State level U-14 tournament 2023
[11-Aug-2023] Different Courses in Hospitality offered by the Institute of Hotal Management Kufri Shimla ( HP) reg.
[10-Aug-2023] Office Order Regarding deputation of officials for Zonal Level Tournaments for Amb and Haroli Zone.
[10-Aug-2023] Information regardig shifting of Pre Matric Scholarship for the students of Minority Community form the Depratment or Elementary Education to the Department of Hingher Education.
[10-Aug-2023] Information regardig shifting of Pre Matric Scholarship for the students with disability for the Depratment or Elementary Education to the Department of Hingher Education.
[08-Aug-2023] Office order regarding Zonal Leval Tournamets in district Una,
[07-Aug-2023] आँखों मैं संक्रमण सम्बन्धी दिशा निर्देश
[05-Aug-2023] Regarding mentor Teacher Training.
[04-Aug-2023] Corrigendum regarding change the date and Venue for Z0nal/ Distt./ State level U-14 ( B&G) tournament-2023.
[04-Aug-2023] Guideline for implementation of House system in schools of the State.
[04-Aug-2023] Regarding submission of fee reimbursement cases under 25% reservation to weaker section and Disadvantages groups Childrens in all the Educational Institutions Including privately managed Schools and Public Schools under section -12 RTE Act, 2009
[03-Aug-2023] Regarding issuance of a circular ensuring health of Children with type 1 diabetes.
[03-Aug-2023] Regarding Capacity building of the State Resource Person/ Master trainers for in service teachers training at Secodary Level for class 9th and 10th inthe subject Science at DIET Kangra w e f 7th Aug to 11th Aug, 2023.
[02-Aug-2023] प्रदेश मे भारी वर्षा के कारण पाठशाला भवनों मे हुए नुकसान बारे |
[02-Aug-2023] जेएनवीएसटी-2024 के संबंध मे
[02-Aug-2023] Regarding providing the information under RTI Act,2005.
[02-Aug-2023] Regading Providing the information under RTI act, 2005.
[02-Aug-2023] Corrigendum JBT Appointment.
[01-Aug-2023] Regading Providing the information under RTI act, 2005.
[01-Aug-2023] "एक पेड़ मेरे स्कूल के नाम " plantation Campaign through Eco-Club schools 11th August to 19th August 2023.
[01-Aug-2023] विभिन्न छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अंतर्गत जिलों से वार्षिक वित्तीय मांगों बारे |
[01-Aug-2023] Regarding submission of fee reimbursement cases under 25% reservation to weaker section and Disadvantages groups Childrens in all the Educational Institutions Including privately managed Schools and Public Schools under section -12 RTE Act, 2009
[31-Jul-2023] Regarding Dhai Akhar Hand written letter writing Campaign on the theme Digital India for New India for the FY 2023-24.
[28-Jul-2023] वर्ष 2023 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरुस्कार बारे
[28-Jul-2023] Provision ofaccommodations for students with benchmarked Disabilities.
[27-Jul-2023] हिमाचल संस्कृत अकादमी द्वारा आयोज्य विद्यालयस्तारिय संस्कृत प्रतियोगिताओं के संदर्व मे |
[27-Jul-2023] Corrigendum regarding chang ethe Date and venue for state level U-14 (Boys and girls) tournament-2023.
[25-Jul-2023] Information Under RTI Act, 2005.
[22-Jul-2023] Performa for State Award to Teachers for the year of 2023
[21-Jul-2023] Participation in Mission LIFE focused Yuva Mathan Model G20 in association with Y 20 India through Eco Clubs.
[20-Jul-2023] Online Orientation Programme on new NCERT textbooks of Class 1&2 Reg.
[14-Jul-2023] प्रदेश मे भारी वर्षा के कारण पाठशाला मे भवनों के नुकसान बारे
[14-Jul-2023] Request for making Board Duties mandatory for all teachers of Govt. Schools.
[14-Jul-2023] Regarding Implementation of School Health & Wellness Programme.
[14-Jul-2023] Regarding Implementation of School Health & Wellness Programme.
[14-Jul-2023] Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav-regarding.
[13-Jul-2023] Lonking & Uploading of Educational Certificates, Income Certificates, Caste Certificate and Bonafied/ Domicile Certificate with Aadhar Number of the Students and Maintaining of Data in the Digiloker, reg
[12-Jul-2023] Press note regarding canceleation of councelling of JBT on dated 15.07.2023.
[12-Jul-2023] Press note regarding canceleation of councelling of JBT on dated 15.07.2023.
[11-Jul-2023] Regarding Online Registration for 31st HP Children Science Congress-2023
[10-Jul-2023] विभिन्न छात्रवृत्ति योजनाओं के अंतर्गत जिलों से वार्षिक वित्तीय मांगों बारे
[07-Jul-2023] Social Audit of Centrally Sponsored PM Poshan Scheme- reg.
[06-Jul-2023] Social Audit of Centrally Sponsored PM Poshan Scheme- reg.
[05-Jul-2023] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act 2005.
[03-Jul-2023] वर्ष 2023 नके शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिए लेख एवं आलेख प्रेषित करने बारे
[03-Jul-2023] वर्ष 2023 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरस्कार बारे |
[03-Jul-2023] Regarding Moto of Leaving NO One Behind & WHole of Government and Whole of Society Approach.
[01-Jul-2023] Press Note regarding Conselling of JBT on dated 15.07.2023.
[01-Jul-2023] jnv कक्षा छठी के online फार्म भरने के संबंध मे
[01-Jul-2023] Regarding scrutiny & Selection of one best sectoral proposal for recommending the same for award under HP State Innovation Award scheme for the year 2021-22
[28-Jun-2023] Regarding invitation for school registration in Green Olympiad 2023.
[28-Jun-2023] Regarding NAT Guideline.
[28-Jun-2023] Strengthening of ECO club Activities by undertaking innovative environment projects in ECO Club Schools/Collages.
[26-Jun-2023] Regarding NAT Guideline.
[23-Jun-2023] Regarding providing the information under RTI Act/2005.
[23-Jun-2023] Development of school Nutrition Garden( SNGs) in all schools under PM Poshan ( Mid Day Meal Scheme) in the state.
[21-Jun-2023] Implementation of Automated Reporting & Monitoring System (AMS) for reporting daily Mid Day Meal information from schools.
[19-Jun-2023] Regarding online nomination for the National Award for e-Governance 2023.
[19-Jun-2023] Counselling for 2 posts of JBT Reserved under sports Quota purely on Contract basis on dated 05.07.2023.
[17-Jun-2023] Press note regarding counselling of Shastri and LT Reserved for Physically Handicapped Quota on dated 03.07.2023.
[17-Jun-2023] Regarding supply of ACRs of TGT for PGT promotion
[15-Jun-2023] Regarding Schedule of Zonal and District level tournament 2023-24.
[13-Jun-2023] Guideline for engaging of Cook Cum Helpers under PM Poshan Scheme.
[12-Jun-2023] Final Seniority list of JBT Teachers as it stood on 31.12.2020.
[09-Jun-2023] विभिन्न छात्रवृति योजनाओ के अंतर्गत जिलों से वार्षिक वित्तीय मांगों बारे |
[09-Jun-2023] Regarding Participation in DESSA/ HPESSA School Games.
[08-Jun-2023] Regarding appointment of JBT (Batchwise).
[06-Jun-2023] Conduct of State level Mock Excercise on Flash Flood, Landslide.
[05-Jun-2023] Appointment order of LT (Batchwise).
[05-Jun-2023] Appointment order of Shastri (Batchwise).
[05-Jun-2023] Regarding National Awads to Children for Bravery.
[05-Jun-2023] Regarding recommedation for Padma Awards 2024.
[05-Jun-2023] Regarding COnducting Survey on Non Literates and VTs under New Idia Literacy programme for the year 2023-24.
[03-Jun-2023] Corrigendum- regarding MDM Menu for district Una under PM Poshan Scheme.
[03-Jun-2023] Regarding COnducting Survey on Non Literates and VTs under New Idia Literacy programme for the year 2023-24.
[30-May-2023] Office order regarding MDM Menu for district Una under PM Poshan Scheme.
[29-May-2023] Appointment order of JBT Batchwise (Waiting list-V).
[29-May-2023] Under(14) Boys and Girls Distt. Level Yoga Olympiad on 03.06.2023 at GSSS Haroli.
[25-May-2023] Instruction regarding Hire of buses for Picnic / Tour.
[25-May-2023] Regarding implementation of Road safety Guidelie in Educational Institutions.
[25-May-2023] Reminder 1 Regarding submission of Establishment Return of C&V teachers.
[24-May-2023] Regarding Admission of students age group 6-14 year.
[23-May-2023] Press Note regarding Submission of Documents for the Post of Shastri and LT (PHH)
[23-May-2023] Bio Data form of the Recruitment of JBT (Sports Quota).
[20-May-2023] Celebration of World Environment Day 5th June 2023.
[19-May-2023] Regarding support toobsere ational De-warming day and Vitamin A on 25 May,2023 in Himachal Pradesh.
[19-May-2023] Regarding Implementation of Automated Reporting & Monitoring System ( ARMS ) for reporting daily Mid day Meal information from Schools.
[18-May-2023] Regarding filling up the post of JBT under Sports Quota.
[18-May-2023] Regarding Implementation of Automated Reporting & Monitoring System ( ARMS ) for reporting daily Mid day Meal information from Schools.
[17-May-2023] विज्ञापन प्रकाशन हेतु |
[17-May-2023] R&P Rules of C&V.
[17-May-2023] Regularization order of Punjabi Teacher.
[17-May-2023] Regularization order of PET.
[17-May-2023] Regularization order of Shastri.
[17-May-2023] Observation of 9th International Day of Yoga i.eIDy-2023-reg.
[11-May-2023] दिनांक 18.04.2023 की बैठक की कार्यवाही बारे |
[11-May-2023] खंड स्तरीय व जिला स्तरीय खेलकूद प्रतियोगिताओं के आयोजन हेतु बैठक बारे |
[11-May-2023] स्कूलों मे औचक /नियमित निरीक्षण के दौरान पाई गई कमियों बारे दिशा निर्देश|
[11-May-2023] List of schools for inspection by ispection cell una for the month of May, 2023.
[10-May-2023] पाठशाला मे प्रवेश पर आवश्यक दस्तावेज प्राप्त करने बारे दिशा निर्देश।
[09-May-2023] Regarding provide the present place of posting of Employees
[09-May-2023] Corrigendum rerding sports meeting going to be held on 11 may,2023.
[06-May-2023] SPORTS-MEETING-DESSA-U-14-ON-11-05-2023
[02-May-2023] Regarding support to observe National De-worming day and Vitamin-A on 21st November 2022 in Himachal Pradesh.
[02-May-2023] Regarding latest establishment return of C&V category.
[01-May-2023] Notification Regarding Public Holiday for Panchayati Raj Elections.
[01-May-2023] Regularization of JBT teachers appointed on contract basis.
[01-May-2023] Regularization of C&V teachers appointed on Contract Basis.
[29-Apr-2023] Filling up posts of Block Resource Coordinator (BRCC) working under Samagra Shiksha.
[28-Apr-2023] जनवरी 2023 माह का वेतन जारी करने बारे|
[25-Apr-2023] Information under RTI 2005.
[20-Apr-2023] Orientation Programme of JNVST on 25.04.2023.
[20-Apr-2023] Regarding provide the present place of posting of employees.
[20-Apr-2023] Regarding provide the present place of posting of emploees.
[19-Apr-2023] Regarding updation of UDISE Plus for the year 2022-23 therefore.
[12-Apr-2023] आर0 टी0 ई0 ऐक्ट 2009 के के तहत पहली कक्ष मे दाखिले के लिए 25% संख्या को आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर वर्ग केबच्चों के लिए आरक्षित रखने की सूचना स
[11-Apr-2023] Meeting Regarding CWP No. 3807/2022 titled as Namita Maniktala Vs State that 25% admission of weaker Section students in Private aided and unaided schools under RTE act.
[10-Apr-2023] Meeting Regarding CWP No. 3807/2022 titled as Namita Maniktala Vs State that 25% admission of weaker Section students in Private aided and unaided schools under RTE act.
[06-Apr-2023] Regarding regularization of contract appointeed in the Govt. department instructions thereof. TGTs
[06-Apr-2023] Proceeding of metting held on 22.03.2023 wih all the Representatives of Private Schools Associations of H.P. Under the chairmanship of Sh. Ghanshyam CHand Director elementary Education regarding 25% admissionof children blonging to weaker and disadv.
[05-Apr-2023] Press note regarding counselling for the post of PET.
[05-Apr-2023] Proceeding of metting held on 22.03.2023 wih all the Representatives of Private Schools Associations of H.P. Under the chairmanship of Sh. Ghanshyam CHand Director elementary Education regarding 25% admissionof children blonging to weaker and disadv.
[05-Apr-2023] निजी स्कूलों द्वारा शैक्षणिक सत्र 2023-24 मे लिए जाने बाले फीस ओ फंड का विवरण नोटिस बोर्ड पर दर्शने बारे
[03-Apr-2023] Implementation of Automated Monitoring System (AMS) for reporting of daily Mid Day Meal Scheme information from schools.
[03-Apr-2023] Press Note regarding Counselling of PET (Batchwise and Backlog).
[01-Apr-2023] Meeting regarding CWP No.3807/2022 titled as Namita Maniktala vs State that 25% admission of weaker section students in Private aided and unaided schools under RTE act.
[31-Mar-2023] Office Order of JBTs
[31-Mar-2023] Provide the Information to applicant under RTI Act 2005.
[27-Mar-2023] Encourage students to participat ein varous activities as part of the G-20 presidency.
[25-Mar-2023] Transfer/Adjustment order of C&V.
[21-Mar-2023] Regarding 25% reservation under 12 of RTE Act 2009 in reference of CWP No. 355 of 2013.
[21-Mar-2023] Regarding Inclusion the names of TGT panel amongst TET Pass in serivice Cand V teachers for the promotion of TGT (Arts) as per existing R and P Rules of TGT dated 31.05.2012.
[18-Mar-2023] Regarding celebration of Pariksha Parv 5.0.
[16-Mar-2023] Regarding nomenclature of B.ed qualified and TET Passed Shastri and LT as TGT Hindi respectively in their own pay scale structure.
[16-Mar-2023] Tentative Senority list of JBT as it stood on 31.12.2020.
[16-Mar-2023] Regarding Admission in Vijay Memorial Senior Secendary School Dharampur for the session year 2023-24.
[15-Mar-2023] Regarding Admission in Vijay Memorial Senior Secendary School Dharampur for the session year 2023-24.
[15-Mar-2023] Regarding updation of UDISE Plus for the year 2022-23 thereof.
[14-Mar-2023] Regarding Appointment Order of DM under Sports Quota dated 14.03.2023
[13-Mar-2023] Office Order regarding Appointment of JBT (Waiting LIst).
[13-Mar-2023] Office order regarding transfer of C and V Category Dated 13.03.2023.
[06-Mar-2023] Regarding creation of post of Special Educator (TGTs) in compliance of judgement dated 28.10.2021.
[06-Mar-2023] Revised list of Candidates for the Batchwise Counselling of LT & Shastri to be held on dated 09.03.2023.
[06-Mar-2023] LIst of Candidated For batchwise councelling of TGT Arts NM and Medical.
[03-Mar-2023] राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 ke पैरा 4.40 एवं बजट घोषणा (पैरा 72) 2021-22 का कार्यान्वयन -शैक्षणिक सत्र 2022-23 के कक्षा तीसरी पाँचवी व आठवी के विद्या
[02-Mar-2023] Regarding Counselling of TGT Arts/Non Medical/Medical (Batchwise) on dated 10.03.2023.
[02-Mar-2023] Regarding Counselling of LT & Shastri. (Revised Bio Data Form)
[02-Mar-2023] Revised performa for the reqruitment for 12 post of JBT.
[01-Mar-2023] Regarding inclusion of Names in the TGT promotion pannel amongst TET pass in service JBTs fro the promotion of TGT and in service C and Vs for the promotion of TGt Arts as per existing R and P Rules of TGT dated 31.05.2012.
[23-Feb-2023] Press Note regarding filling up the 12 post of JBT.
[20-Feb-2023] Appointment order of JBT Batchwise (Waiting List - 3).
[17-Feb-2023] Office order Regarding transfer of DM.
[17-Feb-2023] Office Order Regarding transfer of DM.
[16-Feb-2023] मार्च , 2023 मे संचालित की जाने वाली मैट्रिक/जमा दो की नियमित टर्म-2/हपसोस बोर्ड परीक्षा से संबंधित उतरपुस्तिकाओं के स्थल मूल्यांकन
[15-Feb-2023] Datesheet of Govt. Summer Closing Schools of HP
[13-Feb-2023] एम0 एस0 सी0 कोर्स हेतु आवेदन पत्रों के अग्रेषण बारे |
[10-Feb-2023] Regarding Extension in dates to filling up the forms of JNV for class IV.
[08-Feb-2023] Regarding submission of documents fro preparing of seniority list of C&V teachers fro the Year 2021 and 2022.
[08-Feb-2023] Regarding TGT to PGT Pannel 2023
[07-Feb-2023] Schedule for live streaming for Pariksha Parv 5.0.
[06-Feb-2023] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act 2005.
[06-Feb-2023] Regarding Guidelines of Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[06-Feb-2023] Regarding Online Recognition/Renewal of Private /Play Schools.
[03-Feb-2023] Extension of VIth class Class JNVST FORMS 2023-regarding.
[02-Feb-2023] Office order Regarding appointment of JBT (2nd Waiting List).
[01-Feb-2023] राजकीय माध्यमिक व राजकीय प्राथमिक पाठशालाओं मे उचित सफाई तथा मुख्य द्वार के सम्बन्ध मे |
[31-Jan-2023] Regarding option/Bio-data for the promotion to the post of Lecturer(School New)by in-service TGTs for the Year 2023
[31-Jan-2023] Office order regarding transfer of PET.
[30-Jan-2023] Regarding 25% admission for weaker section students in Private aided and Unaidded schools.
[30-Jan-2023] Regarding Providing information under RTI Act,2005.
[28-Jan-2023] Regarding Providing information under RTI Act,2005.
[28-Jan-2023] Regarding Information under RTI Act/2005.
[27-Jan-2023] पाठशालाओं मे बच्चों के मध्याहन भोजन तैयार करने हेतु उपयोग किए जाने भले पानी तथा इससे संबंधित अन्य सुरक्षा एवं स्वच्छता उपाय बा
[23-Jan-2023] Regarding celebrating Pariksha Parv 5.0.
[19-Jan-2023] Invitation for participation in KALANTRA 2022.
[18-Jan-2023] Invitation for participation in KALANTRA 2022.
[17-Jan-2023] Regarding Celebration of 18th foundation of National Commission for Prgotection of Child Rights ( NCPCR) .
[16-Jan-2023] Appointment order of JBT (Waiting list).
[16-Jan-2023] Revision of the Pre matric Scholarship Scheme for scheduled Caste & others-reg.
[13-Jan-2023] Revision of the Pre matric Scholarship Scheme for scheduled Caste & others-reg.
[12-Jan-2023] Regarding conduct of JNVST-2023 and registration of candidates reg.
[11-Jan-2023] Regarding conduct of JNVST-2023 and registration of candidates reg.
[06-Jan-2023] office order regarding change in school timing.
[06-Jan-2023] office order regarding change in school timing.
[02-Jan-2023] Regarding submission of Demand of Question Paper for 3rd 5th 8th 9th and 11th class.
[30-Dec-2022] Regarding submission of Demand of Question Paper for 3rd 5th 8th 9th and 11th class.
[28-Dec-2022] Organisation of 30th State level Himachal Pradesh Children Science Congress -2022 at IIT Kamand Mandi w.e.f 31st Dec, 2022 to 03.01.2023.
[24-Dec-2022] Office order regarding change in school timing.
[22-Dec-2022] Regarding participation of Students in know Our Constitution Quiz 2022 on DIKSHA.
[21-Dec-2022] Regarding UDISE Data Entry for the year 2022-23.
[17-Dec-2022] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act 2005.
[17-Dec-2022] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act 2005.
[14-Dec-2022] List of escort for state level CSC 2022 w.e.f. 21st December 2022 to 24th December 2022 at IIT Mandi.
[07-Dec-2022] Regularization the service of contract appointees on dated 29-09-17 and joined after 02-10-17
[07-Dec-2022] Regarding Request to support Establishment of Social Health Club in School.
[06-Dec-2022] Regarding Request to support Establishment of Social Health Club in School.
[06-Dec-2022] Implementation of Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme during 2022-23 Verificationof applications regarding.
[05-Dec-2022] Implementation of Pre Matric Scholarship Scheme during 2022-23 Verificationof applications regarding.
[05-Dec-2022] Regarding permission of joining to the newly appointed JBTs.
[05-Dec-2022] Regarding joining and relieving in r/o transfer orders issued before 14.10.2022.
[05-Dec-2022] दिव्यंग छात्रवृति हेतु प्रस्ताव भेजने बारे |
[05-Dec-2022] Office order Liaison officer for Election 2022.
[03-Dec-2022] Regarding Sanction of Leave Vidhan Sabha Election 2022.
[29-Nov-2022] Participation of students and teachers in eRaksha Competition 2022 Promoting safer, Responsible and Peasceful Cuber Space.
[25-Nov-2022] office order .
[22-Nov-2022] Special Campaign under "Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhan Yojna" (MMBSY) for Änemia Mukt Himachal".
[22-Nov-2022] Office order regarding deputation of Officials for state level Athletics tournament at GSSS Dharamashala ( Boys and Girls).
[22-Nov-2022] Office order regarding duties for district level Children Science congress at GSSS Samoor Kalan in dated 24 to 26 Nov,2022.
[19-Nov-2022] Regarding Athletic Coaching Camp.
[18-Nov-2022] Office order regarding deputation of officials for State Level Culture Meet At GSSS CHamba ( Boy & Girls).
[17-Nov-2022] Office order regarding deputation of officials for State Level Culture Meet At GSSS CHamba ( Boy & Girls).
[17-Nov-2022] Regarding verification of application forms of students/beneficiaries on National scholarship portal(NSP) for the session 2022-23.
[16-Nov-2022] Regarding verification of application forms of students/beneficiaries on National scholarship portal(NSP) for the session 2022-23.
[14-Nov-2022] Regarding Re- Schedule of U-14 State level Tournaments ( Boys & Girls).
[14-Nov-2022] Corrigendum regarding 30th CSC 2022 in resepect of Sub Division Bangana, Amb and Una.
[10-Nov-2022] General Election to the Legistative Assembly of Himachal Pradesh, 2022 Restriction on presence of political functionaries in a constituency after the campaign period is over. REgarding.
[10-Nov-2022] Office order regarding deputation of officials as Judge/ Expert/ Masters for Sub Division Amb, Bangana and Una in CSC, 2022.
[10-Nov-2022] Office order regarding deputation of officials for coordination committee for CSC, 2022 for sub Division and District Level.
[10-Nov-2022] Regarding COmpulsory Student attendance recorded on e-samwad Application.
[09-Nov-2022] Regarding COmpulsory Student attendance recorded on e-samwad Application.
[09-Nov-2022] 12 November As public Holiday .
[04-Nov-2022] Poling Parties order Una.
[04-Nov-2022] Pling Parties order Gagret.
[04-Nov-2022] Poling Parties Order Haroli.
[04-Nov-2022] Poling Parties order Bangana.
[04-Nov-2022] Poling Parties order Amb.
[04-Nov-2022] Office order regarding change in rehearsal date for woman managed polling stations.
[02-Nov-2022] Office order regarding change in rehearsal date for woman managed polling stations.
[02-Nov-2022] Office Order Regarding Election.
[01-Nov-2022] Office Order Regarding Election.
[31-Oct-2022] office order regarding conformation of Cand V category.
[29-Oct-2022] office order regarding conformation of Cand V category.
[28-Oct-2022] Regarding Organisation of 30th District/ Sub Division Level Children Science Congress-2022.
[27-Oct-2022] Regarding registration of Schools serving Mid Day Meal to the students under the provision of Food Safety & Standard Act, 2006.
[27-Oct-2022] Regarding submissiono of ACRs for confirmation inrespect of TGTs.
[26-Oct-2022] Regarding submissiono of ACRs for confirmation inrespect of TGTs.
[26-Oct-2022] Regarding arrangements at Polling stations on P-2 day to polling day.
[25-Oct-2022] Regarding arrangements at Polling stations on P-2 day to polling day.
[20-Oct-2022] Special Campaign under "Mukhya mantri Bal Suposhan Yojna" (MMBSY) for "Anemia Mukt HImachal".
[20-Oct-2022] Organising Painting Competition 2022.
[19-Oct-2022] Regarding Verification of application forms of students/beneficiaries on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for the session 2022-23.
[19-Oct-2022] Regarding Cancellation of Local Holiday on Dated 25.10.2022.
[18-Oct-2022] Office order Regarding Deputation of Officials for district level Sports Tournament at GHS Raipur Sahoran.
[17-Oct-2022] Compain Regarding Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhan Yojna and Instructions thereof.
[17-Oct-2022] Compain Regarding Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhan Yojna and Instructions thereof.
[17-Oct-2022] Office order regarding deputation of Officials For District Level Tournament at GHS Raipur Sahoran.
[17-Oct-2022] Corrigendum regarding change in Name of Official and schools for the 30th CSC-2022.
[15-Oct-2022] Corrigendum regarding duties of coordination committee Officials and correction in school names of officials for 30th CSC-2022.
[15-Oct-2022] Office order regarding deputation of Officials for State level tournamets at GDC Nagrota Bagwan with students from 16.10.2022 to 20.10.2022.
[15-Oct-2022] ऊर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्ष 5 6 एवं 7 श्रेणी अ एवं कक्षा 8 9 एवं 10 श्रेणी ब के स्कूली छात्र /छात्राओं हेतु पेंटिंग प
[15-Oct-2022] Regarding deputation of Officials for state level Tournaments at GDC Nagrota Bagwan Kangra.
[14-Oct-2022] Regarding deputation of Officials for state level Tournaments at GDC Nagrota Bagwan Kangra.
[14-Oct-2022] Regarding deputation of Officials for the State level tournamets GDC Nagrota Bagwan Kangra.
[14-Oct-2022] Regarding Duties of Cordination Committee 30th CSC-2022
[14-Oct-2022] Office order regarding Deputation of officials for smooth conduct of 30th CSC-2022 in Haroli and Gagret Sub Divisions.
[14-Oct-2022] Corrigendum Regarding Change in Date of CSC-2022 in Amb Bangana and una.
[14-Oct-2022] Office order regarding Deputation of officials for smooth conduct of 30th CSC-2022 in Haroli and Gagret Sub Divisions.
[13-Oct-2022] Corrigendum (JBT)
[13-Oct-2022] Appointment order of JBT (Batchwise).
[12-Oct-2022] [12-Oct-2022] Office order regarding deputation of Officials for Coaching Camp at GHS Raipur sahoran w.e.f 16.10.2022 to 21.10.2022.
[12-Oct-2022] Provision of mid day meal to Pre-Primary (Nursery)/ Bal vatika students enrolled in Government Schools.
[12-Oct-2022] Regarding Change in Nomenclature of B.Ed qualified TET passed shstri and LT teachers as TGT Sanskrit and TGT Hindi.
[12-Oct-2022] Corrigendum regarding change in venue of U14 Athletics, Culture, Chess, Yoga Touranment.
[12-Oct-2022] Office order regarding deputation of Officials for Coaching Camp at GPS Basal Lower w.e.f 11.10.2022 to 13.10.2022.
[12-Oct-2022] COrrigendum regarding change in dates of CSC -2022.
[10-Oct-2022] Office order regarding transfer of PET.
[10-Oct-2022] Office order regarding transfer of PET.
[07-Oct-2022] Regarding deputation of officials for U 14 State level tournaments at GSSS Saloh.
[07-Oct-2022] Office order regarding cancellation of orders of C and V Category.
[07-Oct-2022] Regarding deputation of officails for U14 tournaments at GSSS Saloh.
[07-Oct-2022] Regarding verification of application forms of students/beneficiaries belongs to minority Community on National scholarship portal ( NSP) for the session 2022-23.
[07-Oct-2022] Regarding Appointment of PET teacher on Contract Basis.
[07-Oct-2022] Regarding Appointment of LT Teacher on Contract Basis 01.10.2022.
[07-Oct-2022] Regarding Appointment of Punjabi Teacher 01.10.2022.
[06-Oct-2022] Office order regarding deputation of officials for U 14 State level Major Games at GSSS Saloh.
[01-Oct-2022] Regarding training of PFMS and Expenditure thereof.
[01-Oct-2022] Office order regarding deputation of Officials for under 12 District Level Sports Tournament in DAV SSS Una.
[30-Sep-2022] Implementation of "Mukhya Mantri Bal Suposhan Yojna" (MMBSY) for "Anemia Mukt Himachal".
[30-Sep-2022] User mannual for the app Anemia Mukt Bharat.
[30-Sep-2022] Office order regarding transfer of C and V Category dated 29.09.2022.
[30-Sep-2022] Appointment order of Shastri through HPSSC Hamirpur Post Code 813.
[27-Sep-2022] Restoration oof Recognition of HIndustan Scouts and Guides- Regarding
[27-Sep-2022] Regarding Modification in office order C and V category appointed on dated 24.09.2022
[26-Sep-2022] Office order regarding appointment of JBT Through Commission Post code 721.
[26-Sep-2022] Regarding appointment of DM from Ex Serviceman Quota.
[26-Sep-2022] Regarding Appointment of DM ( Batchwise) .
[24-Sep-2022] Regarding Deputation of Officials for State level Under 14 Tournaments.
[24-Sep-2022] Regarding promotion of PETs to the Post of DPEs.
[23-Sep-2022] Office order regarding transfer of C&V category.
[23-Sep-2022] Notice regarding Meering of Children Science Congress 2022 in the BRCC Una Meeting Hall at 3:00 PM.
[22-Sep-2022] State level , slogan and Essay Writing Contest on occassion of Wildlife Week 2022-regarding participation of Students.
[22-Sep-2022] Regarding Appointment of DM (Batch Wise).
[22-Sep-2022] Verification of documents for the appointment of JBT recommended by HPSSC
[21-Sep-2022] Office Order regarding transfer of Tarun Kumar Shastri.
[21-Sep-2022] Regarding proceeding of meeting Primary sports association Una.
[19-Sep-2022] Regularization of contract Appointee in the Govt. Departments Instructions thereof. (TGTs)
[19-Sep-2022] Regarding drawl of wages/Honorarium of newly appointed PTMTW in GPS/ GMS under Elementatry Education Department.
[19-Sep-2022] Google form link "एक पेड़ मेरे स्कूल के नाम " - plantation Campaign through Eco-Club Schools of the District for the month of August 2022.
[16-Sep-2022] Regarding Transfer of C&V category dated 16.09.2022.
[16-Sep-2022] Regarding Transfer of C&V category dated 16.09.2022.
[16-Sep-2022] COrrigendum regarding U-14 Distt. Level sports tournament girls and boys.
[15-Sep-2022] Guideline for admission and reimbursement claim of children for weaker sections and Disadvantaged Group in all the Educational Institutions including privately managed Schools and Public Schools children under Section 12 RTE Act.
[15-Sep-2022] Regarding providing the information under RTI Act/2005.
[14-Sep-2022] Corrigendum Regarding District level U-14 ( Boys & Girls) Wrestling and Judo tournament at Indiara stadium on dated 18-09.2022.
[14-Sep-2022] Regarding transfer of Anoop Kumar PET Under 5% Quota.
[14-Sep-2022] Press note regarding filling up of one post of JBT from Handicaped Qupta.
[13-Sep-2022] Officer order regarding transfer of C&V categories.
[13-Sep-2022] Transfer order Sanjeev kumar PET.
[08-Sep-2022] Office order regarding tansfer of C&V teachers.
[08-Sep-2022] Regarding deputation of Official for district level Girls Major and Minor Games at GSSS Dhamandari.
[08-Sep-2022] Transfer Order PET and DM from C and V category.
[08-Sep-2022] Regarding deputation of Officials for GIrls Major and Minor Games at GSSS Dhamandari.
[07-Sep-2022] Regarding deputation of Officials for GIrls Major and Minor Games at GSSS Dhamandari.
[07-Sep-2022] Regularization of C and V teachers appointed on contract basis.
[07-Sep-2022] Regarding deputation of Officials in Girls Major and Minor games at GSSS Dhamandari.
[07-Sep-2022] Corrigendum regarding change in dated of sports tournaments minor and major Girls.
[05-Sep-2022] Conducting Young India Fund -Raiser (YIF) Business Aptitude Test in Schools.
[03-Sep-2022] Office order regardomg appointment of DM (waiting list 5).
[02-Sep-2022] Office order regardomg appointment of DM (waiting list 5).
[02-Sep-2022] Regarding deputation of official for District Level Touranamets Boys Major and Monor.
[01-Sep-2022] Regarding Transfer/ Adjustment of Santosh Kumari JBT promoted as LT.
[01-Sep-2022] Regarding display of Childline Logo (1098) in Every School & on every vehicle of School ( Private or Govt.).
[01-Sep-2022] Regarding National Awards for Empowerment of Persons with disabilities.
[31-Aug-2022] Regarding Implementation of Transfer order.
[31-Aug-2022] Regarding D.O Letter from JS( A, IC& GW),. Dowr,RD & GR Regarding launch & Participation reg.
[30-Aug-2022] Regarding Providing the information under RTI Act/ 2005.
[30-Aug-2022] Regarding supplying the information in r/o Shastri/ Language teachers who have passed B.Ed Degree and TET Exam.
[27-Aug-2022] Regarding Online workshop on Scientific Project Report.
[27-Aug-2022] Indian Oil Corporation is organizing Jigyasa " The Heritage Quiz"
[26-Aug-2022] Corrigendum Regarding Change in dates of District Level Under-14 Tournament.
[26-Aug-2022] Regarding Transfer of Dinesh Kumar OT.
[26-Aug-2022] Regarding transfer of Minakshi Sharma PET.
[26-Aug-2022] Office order regarding transfer of Mukesh Kumar DM.
[25-Aug-2022] Office Order
[25-Aug-2022] Office order regarding transfer of Mukesh Kumar DM.
[25-Aug-2022] Revised schedule for State Level Under-14 tournaments.
[24-Aug-2022] Revised schedule for State Level Under-14 tournaments.
[22-Aug-2022] Transfer Order of C&V.
[22-Aug-2022] Regarding extension date of registration for 30th HP Children Science Congress.
[18-Aug-2022] जरूरी सूचना एवं चेतावनी.
[17-Aug-2022] Regarding Censes/ Photo Electoral Roll of INtensive Nature-2022 .
[17-Aug-2022] Corrigendum regarding Change in Venue and Date of U-14 Girls District Tournaments.
[16-Aug-2022] Corrigendum ( Distt. Level U-14 Boys & Girls)
[16-Aug-2022] Transfer order of C&V
[16-Aug-2022] Assured Minimum Facilities (AMFs) at Polling Station- reg.
[12-Aug-2022] Meeting regarding children safety in the school buses.
[12-Aug-2022] Deputation of officials for special assembly revision of photo Electoral Roll of INtensive Natre-2022 w.r,t 01-10-2022 as the qualifying date.
[10-Aug-2022] Regarding appointment of DM (Batch Wise).
[10-Aug-2022] Duties of Special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral Rolls.
[08-Aug-2022] Office order regarding zonal level tournaments Under-14.
[08-Aug-2022] Office order regarding zonal level tournaments Under-14.
[05-Aug-2022] Under -14 स्कूल खेल प्रतियोगिता के आयोजन के दौरान कोविड नियमों का पालन करने बारे |
[05-Aug-2022] Corrigendum ( Regarding District Level U(14) (Boys & Girls) Wrestling & Judo tournament.
[05-Aug-2022] Regarding State/ UT/Community-wise physical allocation of scholarships and Timeline activities under the three scholarship scheme for Minority Communities for the year 2022-23.
[02-Aug-2022] Regarding prevention of COVID-19 in School.
[02-Aug-2022] Office order Regarding trasfer of Monmohan SIngh PET.
[02-Aug-2022] Regarding Har Ghar Tiranga.
[02-Aug-2022] Transfer order of Smt. Lalita Devi Language Teacher.
[02-Aug-2022] Regarding State Level Tournament for the year 2022-23.
[30-Jul-2022] Regarding State Level Tournament for the year 2022-23.
[29-Jul-2022] Implementation of Automated Monitoring System ( AMS) for daily reporting fo Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[29-Jul-2022] Under-14( Boys & Girl) खंड स्तरीय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिताओं मे मिडल /हाई /सिनीऑर सेकेंडोरी स्कूल के खिलाड़ियों के भाग लेने बारे |
[28-Jul-2022] Under-14( Boys & Girl) खंड स्तरीय खेलकुद प्रतियोगिताओं मे मिडल /हाई /सिनीऑर सेकेंडोरी स्कूल के खिलाड़ियों के भाग लेने बारे |
[27-Jul-2022] Regarding Change in school Timing after summer vacations.
[26-Jul-2022] "एक पेड़ मेरे स्कूल के नाम" Plantation Campaign through Eco-Club Schools of the District 4th August to 15th August 2022.
[18-Jul-2022] Regarding Demand under Cantrally sponsored scholarship to the children of those engaged in unclean occupation.
[18-Jul-2022] Regarding Deputation of PET at GSSS Talaihal for refreshers camp.
[18-Jul-2022] Regarding Schorship for the session of 2022-23.
[18-Jul-2022] Regarding Online Registration for 30th HP Children Science Congress 2022 w.e.f. 18th July to 20th August 2022
[16-Jul-2022] Regarding TGT establishment
[13-Jul-2022] Regarding Appointment order of DM (Waiting list)
[11-Jul-2022] विभिन्न छात्रवृति योजनाओं क अन्तर्गन जिलों से वार्षिक वित्तीय मांगों बारे|
[08-Jul-2022] प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा विभाग ki गतिविधियों की संविक्षा पर माननीय विकास समिति के 12 वे मूल प्रतिवेदन(तहरवी विधान सभा) पर आगामी कार्यवाई
[07-Jul-2022] प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा विभाग ki गतिविधियों की संविक्षा पर माननीय विकास समिति के 12 वे मूल प्रतिवेदन(तहरवी विधान सभा) पर आगामी कार्यवाई
[04-Jul-2022] Data: ESM/Employed with state Government
[04-Jul-2022] Regarding OA No. 4489/2018 Harnam Singh Banshtu Vs state of HP & Others Decided on 01-08-2018
[01-Jul-2022] Office order regarding duty in police exam as invigilator.
[01-Jul-2022] Invitation of nominations for award under HP State innovation Award Scheme for the year 2021-22.
[30-Jun-2022] Disseminating information regarding Jigyasa- The Heritage quiz under the AKAM.
[28-Jun-2022] Submission Establishment return of TGTs
[27-Jun-2022] Regarding Launching of letter writing campaign" Dhai Akhar".
[27-Jun-2022] Performa of Rice Demand Schools to Depot under PM Poshan (MDM Scheme).
[24-Jun-2022] Regarding conducting of block level workshop under WDC-PMKSY-2.0 from 27th June 30th June2022.
[23-Jun-2022] Regarding conducting of block level workshop under WDC-PMKSY-2.0 from 27th June 30th June2022.
[20-Jun-2022] YOGA-DAY-21-06-2022
[20-Jun-2022] OFFFICE-ORDER-DM
[18-Jun-2022] Appointment order of DM. (Waiting List)
[13-Jun-2022] Regarding transfer of SH. Keshav kumar DM.
[10-Jun-2022] वर्ष 2022 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरुस्कार बारे |
[09-Jun-2022] Implementation of "Mukhya Mantry Bal SUposhan Yojna " MMBSY For "Anemia Mukt Himachal".
[09-Jun-2022] Campus to cover pending Mandatory Biometric updates and left out children in 1-2 months.
[09-Jun-2022] Campus to cover pending Mandatory Biometric updates and left out children in 1-2 months.
[09-Jun-2022] Regarding Appointment of DM ( Batchwise).
[09-Jun-2022] Following of Covid Protocol in Education institution.
[06-Jun-2022] Following of Covid Protocol in Education institution.
[03-Jun-2022] To ensure proper monitoring of implementation of PM Poshan (MDM) Scheme.
[01-Jun-2022] Regarding request for Participation in Ganga Quest-2022.
[28-May-2022] Regarding "Save SOil Movement"
[28-May-2022] U-14 (Boys and Girls) खंड सतरिया व जिला सतरिया खेलकुद प्रतियोगिताओं के आयोजन हेतु बैठक बारे |
[28-May-2022] U-14 (Boys and Girls) खंड सतरिया व जिला सतरिया खेलकुद प्रतियोगिताओं के आयोजन हेतु बैठक बारे |
[26-May-2022] Regarding verification of documents of candidates at the time of joining as TGT
[25-May-2022] Regarding latest Establishment Return of C&V Category.
[25-May-2022] Regarding Submission Establishment Return of TGT Category.
[25-May-2022] Under(14) boys and girls distt. Level Yoga COmpetition on 06.06.2022.
[25-May-2022] Regarding support to observe National De warming day and Vitamin A on 26th May 2022 in Himachal Pradesh.
[25-May-2022] Appointment order of DM.
[23-May-2022] Regarding constituting of school road safety committee.
[20-May-2022] Regarding submission of Confirmation cases of C&V category.
[19-May-2022] Strengthening of Eco-club activities by undertaking Innovative Environmental projects in the Eco Club Schools/Colleges of HP
[19-May-2022] Celebration of State level World Environment Day (W.E.D.) 5th of June 2022.
[17-May-2022] Tentative panel of TET pass-in-servive C&V &JBT considered for promotion to the post of TGT (Arts) Non Medical & Medical.
[17-May-2022] Celebration of World Environment Day-5th June, 2022.
[09-May-2022] Regarding displaying of carrying and regular inspection of school buses.
[07-May-2022] Instruction regarding unauthorized absence from duty
[05-May-2022] National Yoga Olympiad from 18th June, To 20th June,2022 in NCERT-reg.
[02-May-2022] Regarding Change in school timing
[30-Apr-2022] Corrigendum of DM.
[29-Apr-2022] Regarding Transfer order of C&V Category dated 29.04.2022.
[29-Apr-2022] Regarding Appointment of DM on dated 29.04.2022.
[29-Apr-2022] Appointment order of DM
[27-Apr-2022] Regarding submission of correct active account numbers of the students under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[27-Apr-2022] विज्ञापन प्रकाशन हेतु ( PTMTW)|
[27-Apr-2022] Regarding transfer of Kamlesh Shastri.
[25-Apr-2022] Regarding implemtntation of Tobacco Free Education Institution Guidelines by the Education Department.
[22-Apr-2022] Implementation of Automated Monitoring System(AMS) for daily reporting of Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[20-Apr-2022] To organize Environment Quiz Competition - regarding.
[20-Apr-2022] Transfer order of C&V
[20-Apr-2022] Suggestive Activities Calendar for Fit India Movement (March 0200-Feb.2023) reg.
[20-Apr-2022] Instruction regarding selection Parameters of Admission to sports Hostel (under control of Higher Education HP)
[19-Apr-2022] Appointment order of Drawing Master (PWDs)
[19-Apr-2022] Conducting Mock Drill in schools in 500 Cities selected under Atal Mission for Tejuvenation and Urban Transformation ( AMRUT).
[19-Apr-2022] Instructions regarding Grant-In-Aid to PTA Teachers.
[18-Apr-2022] Regarding submission confirmation cases of TGT
[18-Apr-2022] Helpline Number (7827170170) for women in distress setup by National commission for women reg.
[16-Apr-2022] Regarding celebration of Earth Day - 22nd April, 2022
[13-Apr-2022] Regarding regularization of LT dated 13.04.2022.
[13-Apr-2022] GIA नियमों के अंतर्गत नियुक्त किए गए SMC अध्यापकों एवं उर्दू एवं पजाबी अध्यापकों के वेतन बिलों को जनरेट करने करने बारे
[13-Apr-2022] GIA नियमों के अंतर्गत नियुक्त किए गए SMC अध्यापकों एवं उर्दू एवं पजाबी अध्यापकों के वेतन बिलों को जनरेट करने करने बारे
[12-Apr-2022] Press note regarding filling up the post of PTMTW(GPS/GMS)
[11-Apr-2022] Regarding submission of documents for preparing of seniority list of TGTs 2020 & 2021
[11-Apr-2022] Regarding submission of documents for preparing of seniority list of TGTs 2020 & 2021
[08-Apr-2022] Regarding serving the hot cooked meal to the students under PM Poshan Shakti Nirman in the schools.
[06-Apr-2022] Regarding issuance of Minority Certificate of Members of Minorities Communities.
[06-Apr-2022] मानरेगा के कार्यान्वयन बारे |
[05-Apr-2022] Regarding Azadi ka Amrut mahotsav" Man ki Bat.
[05-Apr-2022] Provision of Did Day Meal to the Pre-Primary Students enrolled in Government Schools.
[04-Apr-2022] Regarding Appointment order of LT (Batchwise) .
[02-Apr-2022] Resuming of regular hot cooked meal to all the eligible schools students under Pradhan Mantri Poshan SHakti Nirman (PM Poshan ) earlier known as Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[01-Apr-2022] Regarding regularization of LT dated 01.04.2022.
[01-Apr-2022] Regarding regularization of Shastri Teacher dated 01.04.2022.
[01-Apr-2022] Regarding regularization of Punjabi Teacher dated 01.04.2022.
[01-Apr-2022] Regarding submission of Correct Active account numbers of the students under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[31-Mar-2022] Regarding Pariksha Pe Charcha- Interactive 5th edition of Program of Honble Prime Minister.
[31-Mar-2022] Office order regarding Transfer/ Adjusment of C&V teacher.
[29-Mar-2022] Regarding PM CARES For Childrens.
[28-Mar-2022] Office order Regarding Transfer of DM Dated 28.03.2022.
[28-Mar-2022] Regarding Information Under Rti Act-2005.
[28-Mar-2022] Engagement of Cook Cum Helperunder mid day meal scheme in schools ( Amedments).
[28-Mar-2022] Engagement of Cook Cum Helperunder mid day meal scheme in schools ( Amedments).
[26-Mar-2022] Office order Regarding Examination duty as Invigilator on 27.03.2022 at KC Group Pandoga.
[25-Mar-2022] 28 मार्च, 2022 की हड़ताल के विषय मे नोटिस .
[25-Mar-2022] Participatiion of Government Servants in Demonstaration. Gherao, Stick/ Bycott of work Etc- Instructions thereof.
[25-Mar-2022] Press note regarding counsling Dates for the post of DM Handicaped Quota on Dated 06.04.2022.
[25-Mar-2022] भारत निर्वाचन आयोग द्वारा आयोजित मतदाता जागरूकता प्रतियोगिता "मेरा वोट मेरा भविष्य है ताकत एक वोट की"
[24-Mar-2022] भारत निर्वाचन आयोग द्वारा आयोजित मतदाता जागरूकता प्रतियोगिता "मेरा वोट मेरा भविष्य है ताकत एक वोट की
[24-Mar-2022] भारत निर्वाचन आयोग द्वारा आयोजित मतदाता जागरूकता प्रतियोगिता "मेरा वोट मेरा भविष्य है ताकत एक वोट की"
[22-Mar-2022] Regarding regularization of contract appointees in the Govt. Department instructions thereof. ( TGTs)
[21-Mar-2022] Regularization of JBT teachers appointed on contract basis.
[19-Mar-2022] [19-Mar-2022] Celebration of National Science Day-2021 at GSSS Thanakalan on 22.03.2022 at 9:00 AM
[19-Mar-2022] Office Order
[17-Mar-2022] Regularization of C&V teachers appointed on contract basis
[14-Mar-2022] एम. एस. सी. कोर्स हेतु आवेदन पत्रों के अग्रेषण बारे ।
[11-Mar-2022] CWP NO.3341/2019 titled as Madan Lal Sharma (Shastri) Vs State of Hp & others. Regarding grant pay scale of 1640-2925 and futher 5480-8925
[11-Mar-2022] मार्च -अप्रैल,2022 मे संचालित की जाने वाली मेट्रीक /जमा दो की नियमित टर्म-ई बोर्ड परीक्षा ओ hpsos की परीक्षाओं ले संबंधित उत्तरपुस्तिक
[10-Mar-2022] CWP No. 2341/2021 Titled as Naresh Kumar Sharma v/s state of HP ando others
[08-Mar-2022] Press note Regarding Filling up 3 posts of LT (Batchwise).
[08-Mar-2022] Write Petition(Civil) No. 597/2021.
[07-Mar-2022] डा0 विजय मेमोरियल वरिष्ट माध्यमिक विद्यालय धरमपुर जिला मंडी हिमाचल प्रदेश मे कक्षा 9 मे शैक्षणिक सत्र 2022-23 मे दाखिले के लिए प्रव
[07-Mar-2022] राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 ke पर 4.40 एवं बजट घोषणा ( पैरा 72) 2021-22 का कार्यान्वयन-शैक्षणिक सत्र 2021-22 से कक्ष तीसरी, पाँचवी व आठवी के विधयार्थ
[07-Mar-2022] National Mathematics Day-2020 At GSSS Dhusara on 09.03.2022 at 9;00 AM.
[07-Mar-2022] Registration under Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-Dhan Scheme.
[05-Mar-2022] Regarding 25% reservation to weaker Section and Disadvataged Group in all the Educational Institutions including privately Managed Schools and Public Schools.
[05-Mar-2022] Regarding assigning the seniority to left out C and V Teachers ( OT/PET/ DM/LT) appointed /regularized up to 31.12.2017.
[05-Mar-2022] Circulation of Final Seniority list of C and V Category (OT/PET/DM/LT) regularized during the period 01.01.2018 to 31.012.2020.
[05-Mar-2022] corrigendum DM Senority Letter No, EDN-U(E-V) Seniority /2018-854-855 dated 26.02.2018.
[03-Mar-2022] Regarding Providing the documents along with Bio data Form for the post of DM ( Reserved for PWDs) for its scrutiny.
[03-Mar-2022] Press Note regarding filleing up posts of DM from Handicaped Quota.
[02-Mar-2022] Celebration Of national Science day-2022 at GSSS Dhamandari on 04.03.2022 at 9AM.
[02-Mar-2022] Registration of PE Teachers fro Foudational Level training programme introduce by SAI LNCPE-reg.
[28-Feb-2022] Resuming of regular hot cooked meal to all the eligible school students under Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman( Pm Poshan) earlier known as Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[28-Feb-2022] Observance of Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign 27 feb,2022 in District Una .
[26-Feb-2022] Regarding 100% attendance of Mid Day Meal Workers in Schools.
[25-Feb-2022] Observance of Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Campaign 27 feb,2022 in District Una .
[23-Feb-2022] Resuming of regular hot cooked t all the eligible school students under Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman (PM Poshan) earlier known as Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[23-Feb-2022] Regarding Prize Distribution Function for State Level HPSCS-2021
[23-Feb-2022] Regarding intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Programme.
[22-Feb-2022] Conduct of State level Swaran Jyanti MIddle Merit Scholarship Examination 2021-22.
[22-Feb-2022] Regarding download of admit cards for NMMSS examination 2021-22 to be held on 06.03.2022.
[21-Feb-2022] District level program on National Mathematics Day-2021 at GHS Raipur Sahoran on 25.02.2022 at 9 A.M.
[19-Feb-2022] Regarding Date Sheet for classes 3rd, 5th and 8th Class from HP Board of School Education.
[18-Feb-2022] Regarding Trail for sports hoste.
[14-Feb-2022] Conduct of Terminal Assessment (SA-II) of students in all Govt./ Private Summer Closing Schools in March, 2022.
[10-Feb-2022] Office order regarding appointmen of Candidates sponsored by HPSSC hamirpur. ( Left Out).
[09-Feb-2022] Regarding providing the information in r/o LT & Shastri teachers working in Distt. Una who have passed TET of TGT
[09-Feb-2022] Tentative seniority list of C&V (OT/PET/DM/LT)Teachers regularized during the period 01.01.2018 to 31.12.2020
[09-Feb-2022] Submitting Weekly Action Report of the activities conducted under 3rd Fit India school week.
[08-Feb-2022] Submitting Weekly Action Report of the activities conducted under 3rd Fit India school week.
[08-Feb-2022] Regarding reopening of schools (clarification)
[07-Feb-2022] Regarding reopening of schools (clarification)
[07-Feb-2022] Regarding reopening of Schools in H.P.( clarification)
[04-Feb-2022] Regarding providing the information in r/o LT & Shastri teachers working in District Una.
[04-Feb-2022] office order regarding cancelation of covid Duties.
[03-Feb-2022] CWP No, 3341/2019 Titled as Madan Lal Sharma (Shastri) V/s State of HP & others (Regarding Grant of pay Scale of Rupees1640-2925 and further 5480-8925.
[03-Feb-2022] मार्च 2022 मे आयोजित की जाने वाली तीसरी पाँचवी व आठवी कक्षाओं के ग्रीष्मकालीन विद्यालयों की वार्षिक परीक्षाओं के लिए प्रश्न पत्र
[02-Feb-2022] मार्च 2022 मे आयोजित की जाने वाली तीसरी पाँचवी व आठवी कक्षाओं के ग्रीष्मकालीन विद्यालयों की वार्षिक परीक्षाओं के लिए प्रश्न पत्र
[01-Feb-2022] Office order Regarding Transfer of C&V Category.
[31-Jan-2022] WORLD WETLAND DAY - 2nd FEB 2022
[31-Jan-2022] Office order Regarding Transfer of C&V Category.
[28-Jan-2022] Regarding Regularization of PET.
[18-Jan-2022] Regarding implementation of Trancefer order of Sh. Abhishek Kumar Shastri GHS Suhin U/c GSSS Bharwain Distt. Una (H.P)
[17-Jan-2022] Regarding implementation of Trancefer order of Sh. Abhishek Kumar Shastri GHS Suhin U/c GSSS Bharwain Distt. Una (H.P)
[14-Jan-2022] Extension of date for online applying and verifying data of academic year (AY) 2021-22.
[13-Jan-2022] Regarding opening of Zero Balance SNA Child accounts.
[12-Jan-2022] Office order Regarding Regularization of Punjabi Teachers.
[12-Jan-2022] Regularization of JBT
[12-Jan-2022] Office order Regarding Regularization of LT.
[12-Jan-2022] Office order regarding Regularization of PET.
[12-Jan-2022] Office Order regarding Regularization of Shastri.
[12-Jan-2022] Office order Regarding Regularization of DM.
[11-Jan-2022] Regarding Submission of Recognition/ Renwal for the session 2022-23.
[10-Jan-2022] Regarding Submission of Recognition/ Renwal for the session 2022-23.
[07-Jan-2022] CWP No 1773/2020 a/w CWP No 3132,3597 & 4420 of 2019.(Regarding appointment of Shastri).
[06-Jan-2022] स्वच्छ सर्वेक्षण ग्रामीण 2021 का ग्राम पंचायतों मे मूल्यांकन करने बारे |
[05-Jan-2022] Offering the Online Course in Teaching of science for Teachers of Upper Primary Stage.
[03-Jan-2022] Instruction for medical examination of teachers
[31-Dec-2021] Regarding regularization of TGTs appointed on contract basis
[31-Dec-2021] Regularization of JBT Teachers appointed on contract basis
[31-Dec-2021] Regularization of C&V teachers appointed on contract basis
[28-Dec-2021] Regarding issuance of Photo Identity Card to the Government Employees.
[22-Dec-2021] 29th Himachal Pradesh Science Congress w.e.f. 28th to 31st December 2021.
[22-Dec-2021] Regarding training of Self defense awareness among the girls of 6th to 12th Classes of Govt. Schools under Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan(SSA).
[18-Dec-2021] Procedure for payment to beneficiaries.
[17-Dec-2021] One Day Teacher Training Programme on National Mathematics Day 2021 ( 22nd Dec. 2021) Block Una.
[15-Dec-2021] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय प्रवेश परीक्षा 2022 के लिए ऊना मे केंद्र निर्धारण के बारे में
[14-Dec-2021] Appointment of LTs recommended by HPSSC
[08-Dec-2021] Regarding supply of schools wise demand of desk/green board/sackcloth(Taat Patti)
[07-Dec-2021] Reliving order of the officials who engaged for the Vaccination in CHC.
[07-Dec-2021] To Collect the Cheque from the students under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[07-Dec-2021] To Collect the Cheque from the students under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[06-Dec-2021] Regarding option /Biodata for promotion to the post of Lecturer by in service TGTs for year 2022.
[06-Dec-2021] Possibilities to introduce Millets under Pradhan Mantri Poshan Shakti Nirman Scheme.
[06-Dec-2021] Regarding Names of the Cadidates for the Post of LT.
[06-Dec-2021] 29th District level CSC Duties from 13th to 15th December, 2021.
[04-Dec-2021] 29th District level CSC Duties from 13th to 15th December, 2021.
[04-Dec-2021] Regarding Inter District transfer under 5% Quota Ram Kumar Shastri GMS Chaplah.
[03-Dec-2021] Regarding registration on e-Shram Portal.
[01-Dec-2021] Proforma for inter Distt. Transfer of C&V Teachers under 5% Quota.
[30-Nov-2021] Regarding councling for the post of DM.
[30-Nov-2021] Regarding postcard campaign in connection with "Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav".
[29-Nov-2021] Regarding verification of application forms of students/beneficiaries on National scholarship portal (NSP) for the session 2021-22.
[26-Nov-2021] R&P Rules of JBT
[25-Nov-2021] Regardng celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
[24-Nov-2021] Regardng celebration of Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
[24-Nov-2021] Press Note
[22-Nov-2021] स्कूली बच्चों के लिए ऑन द स्पॉट राज्य सत्रीय चित्रकला प्रतियोगिता हेतु
[18-Nov-2021] Regarding verification of application forms of students/beneficiaries on National scholarship portal (NSP) for the session 2021-22.
[18-Nov-2021] Regarding demand of Centrally sponsored scheme of Pre-Matric scholarship to the children of those engaged in occupation involving cleaning and prone to health hazard.
[16-Nov-2021] Press note regarding updation of Voter Cards.
[16-Nov-2021] Regarding District Level Committee Meeting for the " Jal Shakti Abhiyan- Catch the Rain"Campaign and progress of activities thereof.
[16-Nov-2021] Prime Minister Shram Award Scheme (PMSA).
[16-Nov-2021] Prime Minister Shram Award Scheme (PMSA).
[15-Nov-2021] Clarification regarding accumulation of earned leaves from the date and regularization of services retrospectively per court order etc.
[12-Nov-2021] Press note regarding updation of Voter Cards.
[10-Nov-2021] Regarding Regisration and Carrying capacity and regular inspection of school buses.
[10-Nov-2021] Regarding registration on e-SHRAM Portal Reminder 1.
[09-Nov-2021] Regarding reopening of scools in Himachal Pradesh.
[09-Nov-2021] Innovation of nomination for award under HP State Innovation Award Scheme fro the year 2020-21.
[09-Nov-2021] Innovation of nomination for award under HP State Innovation Award Scheme fro the year 2020-21.
[02-Nov-2021] Office order (Amendment)
[02-Nov-2021] Energy Conservation and Environment Protection Education Programme in Eco Club Schools.
[02-Nov-2021] Revised Requisition to fill up 37 posts of DM on Contract Basis (Batchwise)
[01-Nov-2021] State/UT/Community-wise physical alloction ofscholarship and timeline activities under the three scholarship scheme for Minority communities for the year 2021-22.
[30-Oct-2021] Office order regarding COVID-19.
[29-Oct-2021] covid-19 Holidays 01.11.2021 to 7.11.2021.
[27-Oct-2021] Registration of schools serving mid day meal to the students under the provision of food Safety & Standard Act,2006,
[27-Oct-2021] Regarding demand of Centrally sponsored scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship to the children of those engaged in occupation involving cleaning and prone to health hazard.
[25-Oct-2021] Regarding Submission of Budget Demand of GIA to SMC Teachers from November, 2021 to March, 2022.
[23-Oct-2021] Corrigendum Regarding CSC Duties .
[23-Oct-2021] State level painting, slogan and Eassy Writting Contest on occasion of wildlife week 2021 reading participation of students.
[23-Oct-2021] State level painting, slogan and Eassy Writting Contest on occasion of wildlife week 2021 reading participation of students.
[23-Oct-2021] Provision of Financial assistance to those working in different capacities and in case of their death due to Covid-19.
[22-Oct-2021] जेएनवीएसटी -2022 के संबंध मे |
[22-Oct-2021] Corrigendum Regarding CSC Duties .
[22-Oct-2021] Corrigendum Regarding CSC Duties .
[22-Oct-2021] जेएनवीएसटी -2022 के संबंध मे |
[22-Oct-2021] Conduct of Vidyarthi Vigyan Manthan-2021.
[21-Oct-2021] Regarding duties of co-ordination committee/ Judges/experts duties in 29th Online CSC-2021.
[16-Oct-2021] Press Note
[14-Oct-2021] ADDENDUM in CSC-2021
[12-Oct-2021] Office order for registration of vaccination and sampling .
[12-Oct-2021] 29th HP Children Science Congress-2021 reg.
[12-Oct-2021] Regarding meeting of Coordination Committee Childred Science Congress 2021.
[11-Oct-2021] To Collect the Cheque from the students under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[08-Oct-2021] Regarding Press Note & R&P Rules of DM
[07-Oct-2021] Regarding registration on e-SHRAM Portal
[05-Oct-2021] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय प्रवेश परीक्षा-2022 के बारे मे
[05-Oct-2021] Office order Regarding Regularization C and V as on 30.09.2020.
[05-Oct-2021] Regarding organizing "Waste to Wealth (WoW) " competition as part of Swaran Jyanti Celebrations.
[04-Oct-2021] Celebration of Iconic Week during 4th to 10th October,2021 under Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav.
[04-Oct-2021] Office order regarding Transfer/adjustment of C And V Category.
[01-Oct-2021] Regularization order of Shastri category
[01-Oct-2021] Regularization order of LT category
[01-Oct-2021] Regularization order in r/o DM Category
[30-Sep-2021] Transfer/Adjustment of JBT
[30-Sep-2021] DPC for conersion of Part Time water carrier to Daily wager (Peon)
[30-Sep-2021] DPC for regualrization of Part Time water carrier/water carrier cum peon on daily wager as Peon(class IV)
[28-Sep-2021] Regarding inclusion of the names in TGT promotion panel amongst TET pass in-service C&V teachers possessing B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. (NM/Med.) & B.Ed. degree as per existing R&P Rules for promotion as TGT(A) in the year 2021.
[25-Sep-2021] Regarding Fit India Quiz for Schools under FIT India Movement.
[23-Sep-2021] Registration/updation of Eco Club Data through Online Process.
[22-Sep-2021] आई0आर0डी0पी0 छात्रवृत्ती योजना के अंतर्गत पात्रता बारे
[22-Sep-2021] Appointment order JBT ST WxMen.
[22-Sep-2021] Modified Procedure for release of funds under Cantraly Sponsored (SNA Details) Mid Day Meal Scheme and Monitoring utilization of the funds released Complition of Preparation Activities thereof.
[21-Sep-2021] Modified Procedure for release of funds under Cantraly Sponsored Mid Day Meal Scheme and Monitoring utilization of the funds released Complition of Preparation Activities thereof.
[21-Sep-2021] Office order of shastri
[20-Sep-2021] Regarding Fit India Quiz for schools under FIT India Movement.
[20-Sep-2021] Vaccination Status of teaching and Non teaching Staff of Private Schools in District Una.
[18-Sep-2021] State level painting,slogan and essay writing context on occasion of Wild Week 2021.
[18-Sep-2021] Regarding allotment of budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2021-22
[17-Sep-2021] स्कूल प्रवंधन समिति द्वारा कार्यरत विभिन्न श्रेणियों के अध्यापकों के वेतन बारे |
[16-Sep-2021] Office order regarding transfer of Rama Devi and Raj Kumar Shastri from CandV category.
[15-Sep-2021] Regarding regularization of contract appointees(C&V, JBTs)
[14-Sep-2021] Regarding Celebration of Ozone Day on 16th September 2021
[14-Sep-2021] Regularization of C&V teachers appointed on Contract Basis.
[14-Sep-2021] Transfer/Adjustment order C&V.
[14-Sep-2021] Regularization of contract appointees in Edu Department (TGTs)
[14-Sep-2021] Regarding Appointment order of Shastri (Visual Impaired)
[13-Sep-2021] 29th Children Science Congress 2021
[13-Sep-2021] Modification
[10-Sep-2021] Office Order
[10-Sep-2021] Press note regarding JBT (ST-WEXM)
[10-Sep-2021] Regarding FIT INdia Freedom Run 2.0 to commemorate "Azdi ka Amrit Mahotsav".
[10-Sep-2021] Appointment order of LT (Ward of Ex.Smen)
[09-Sep-2021] Regarding opening of zero balance Accounts for the Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[09-Sep-2021] Appointment order of LT (Batchwise)
[08-Sep-2021] Office order JBT
[07-Sep-2021] Regarding Celebration September as Rashtriya POSHAN MAAH under POSHAN Abhiyan.
[07-Sep-2021] Regarding submission of APR in r/o IRDP scholarship for the year 2019-20.
[06-Sep-2021] Information of TGTs appointed till 2007
[06-Sep-2021] Regarding Fit India Quiz for schools under FIT India Movement.
[04-Sep-2021] Regrding celebration of teachers day on 5th September, 2021 through webinar.
[04-Sep-2021] Awareness Campaign of Single Use Plastic 2021.
[04-Sep-2021] Regrding Online registration for 29th H.P Children Science Congress-2021 from 4th September to 20th September-2021.
[03-Sep-2021] Transfer/adjustment (C&V)
[01-Sep-2021] Office order
[01-Sep-2021] Observation of Swachhta Pakhwara during the a period from 1st to 15th September, 2021.
[27-Aug-2021] To faliciatate teaching /non teaching staff.
[26-Aug-2021] To faliciatate teaching /non teaching staff.
[25-Aug-2021] Regarding teachers duty of Evaluation of Essay, painting & slogan writing competition.
[25-Aug-2021] To falicitate teachers for their valuable contribution in COVID-19.
[25-Aug-2021] Forwarding order passed by the Hon ble Supreme court of India in the matter of Covid 19 Virus in Children Protection Home reg
[25-Aug-2021] Awareness Campaign of Single Use Plastic 2021.
[25-Aug-2021] Forwarding order passed by the Hon ble Suprime court of India in the matter No 4/2020 in Re Contagion of Covid 19 Virus in Children Protection Home reg.
[25-Aug-2021] Himachal Pradesh Government Co-contribution to Atal Pension Youjna Subscribers.
[24-Aug-2021] Covid duty for inter state barrier
[24-Aug-2021] Covid duty
[24-Aug-2021] Regarding Covid duty on barriers
[17-Aug-2021] Press note Counseling for the post of Shastri on contract basis under Sports Quota.
[17-Aug-2021] Press note Counseling for the post of LT on contract basis under Sports Quota.
[17-Aug-2021] Press note Counseling for the post of DM on contract basis under Sports Quota.
[16-Aug-2021] Regarding submission of Handicaped Scholorship for the year 2021-22.
[16-Aug-2021] Establishment return of C and V category
[16-Aug-2021] Establishment return of TGT
[13-Aug-2021] Covid duty for inter state barriers..
[13-Aug-2021] Vaccination registration orders for 14.08.2021
[13-Aug-2021] Organization of Sawach Himachal Abhiyan 2021 w.e.f. 9th August to 15th August 2021.
[12-Aug-2021] Deployment of teachers in barriers
[12-Aug-2021] Vaccination registration ordera
[12-Aug-2021] Press note regarding filling up the posts of Shastri from Wexm Quota.
[11-Aug-2021] Office order Nodal Officer (Revised)
[11-Aug-2021] Vaccination registration order
[11-Aug-2021] Awareness campaign of single use plastic
[10-Aug-2021] Office order Nodal Officer
[10-Aug-2021] Office order (teacher duty Vaccination registration)
[09-Aug-2021] office order
[09-Aug-2021] office order covid duties
[09-Aug-2021] officer order regarding duties under covid-19 different barrier of Distt. Una
[08-Aug-2021] office order regarding check post/nakkas duties (Gagret)
[07-Aug-2021] Regarding Duties under Covid -19 at mehatpur Barrier
[07-Aug-2021] Transfer order
[07-Aug-2021] राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 के कक्षा तीसरी पाँचवी व आठवी के बिद्यार्थियों की परीक्षा के लिए एक उपयुक्त प्राधिकरण अधिसूचित करने बा
[06-Aug-2021] Regarding appointment of DM Under ward of WExM quota.
[06-Aug-2021] Regarding appointment of Shastri Under ward of WExM quota.
[06-Aug-2021] Regarding Increase in honorarium of SMC Teachers as per Budget Assurance fro the year 2021-22.
[04-Aug-2021] Orgarnisation of स्वच्छ हिमाचल अभियान 2021.
[04-Aug-2021] Regarding implementation of Garbage Management as Extra Curricular activity in schools.
[03-Aug-2021] Transfer order of Vidya Devi Shastri GMS Jeetpur Baheri to GMS Bhanjal Distt, Una.
[02-Aug-2021] Plantation Campaign through Eco Club Schools of the District from 4th August to 7th August, 2021.
[02-Aug-2021] Meeting regarding JNV Exam 2021-22
[30-Jul-2021] आर्थिक सहायता हेतु आवेदन |
[30-Jul-2021] "एक पेड़ मेरे स्कूल के नाम" - Plantation Campaign through Eco-Club schools of the State for 4th August to 7th August 2021
[30-Jul-2021] Building Planning Permission prior to construction work.
[30-Jul-2021] Regarding vaccination to the MDM Workers.
[29-Jul-2021] Regarding vaccination to the MDM Workers.
[26-Jul-2021] Regarding Transfer order of sukhjinder singh Punjabi Teacher sukhinder singh DM and Sunita kumari Dm C and V Category
[24-Jul-2021] Nationwide campaign about Tokyo Olympics-reg.
[23-Jul-2021] FIxation of JNVST Examination Centers in district Una reg.
[22-Jul-2021] Counselling for the post of TGT(Arts) under WEXM on 02.08.2021
[22-Jul-2021] Clarification in respect of Part Time MDM WOrkers engaged under MDM Scheme in schools for beings chosen and for being chosen and for being an office bearer of a Panchayat.
[22-Jul-2021] Regarding Transfer order of Seema Devi and Yashwant Singh C&V category.
[20-Jul-2021] Transfer/ Adjustment order of C&V
[19-Jul-2021] Regarding National Programme of Mid Day Meal in schools (Mid Day Meal Scheme).
[17-Jul-2021] Regarding Display of Childline no.1098 with logo.
[17-Jul-2021] Office order of Punjabi Teacher
[16-Jul-2021] Counselling of JBT under Physically Handicapped (SC)
[16-Jul-2021] Counselling for the post of JBT under Physically handicapped
[16-Jul-2021] Regarding Renewal of Recognition of private schools.
[16-Jul-2021] Capacity Building Orientation Workshop on Science and Maths under National Science Day and ECO Club at BRCC Office Una, on dated 28th - 29th July , 2021
[16-Jul-2021] batchwise appointments of Shasrtri
[15-Jul-2021] Regarding Renewal of Recognition of private schools.
[15-Jul-2021] Office order
[15-Jul-2021] Rgarding Recommendations For Padma Award 2022
[14-Jul-2021] Promotion from JBT to LT
[14-Jul-2021] Office order 3%
[14-Jul-2021] Regarding Renewal of Recognition of private schools.
[13-Jul-2021] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय शैक्षणिक सत्र 2021-22 की कक्षा 6 की चयन की परीक्षा के संबंध मे|
[13-Jul-2021] Regarding promotion of PETs to the post of DPEs
[09-Jul-2021] Office order regarding Transfer of C and V category/
[07-Jul-2021] Office order for covid 19
[07-Jul-2021] Office order for covid duty
[07-Jul-2021] Regarding Press Note of counselling LT DM & Shashtri (Wexm)
[07-Jul-2021] Regarding Summer Vacation ans monsoon Break in the Goverment Schools tin the state.
[07-Jul-2021] Office order
[06-Jul-2021] Regarding Summer Vacation ans monsoon Break in the Goverment Schools tin the state.
[06-Jul-2021] Press note regarding filling up the posts of Shastri from Handicaped Quota.
[06-Jul-2021] Press note regarding filling up the posts of Shastri from Handicaped Quota.
[30-Jun-2021] Renewal of Recognition Certificate 2021-22
[29-Jun-2021] Office order
[29-Jun-2021] Regarding duties of Vaccination Registrations
[26-Jun-2021] शिक्षक/गैर शिक्षक व छात्रों को वैक्सीन की पहली खुराक लगवाने बारे I
[22-Jun-2021] Popular Science Lecture Series
[21-Jun-2021] Office Order COVID-19 duties
[21-Jun-2021] Month wise calender of activities for fit india movement and monthly action taken reprot
[21-Jun-2021] National Awards to Teachers 2021-Last date of self nomination revised to 30.06.21
[18-Jun-2021] Regarding collection of UDISE data online as on 30.09.2020
[17-Jun-2021] Regarding Renewal of Recognition of private schools falls under the Jol and Bangana Block,
[16-Jun-2021] Office Order COVID-19 duties
[15-Jun-2021] Office Order Covid-19
[14-Jun-2021] Regarding pay fixation proforma under ACPS
[14-Jun-2021] Office Order for interstate barrier to monitor the registration in covid -19
[14-Jun-2021] Regarding Revised Guideline for selection of Teachers for National Awards.
[11-Jun-2021] Performa for the State Award 2021..
[09-Jun-2021] वर्ष 2021 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरुस्कार बारे
[08-Jun-2021] Regarding submission of budget of GIA to SMC teachers for the Academic session 2021-22.
[03-Jun-2021] Regarding verification of ba/b.com/bsc and b.ed degree of those tgt whoos servoces have been regularized after 3 years.
[03-Jun-2021] शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों मे समुदाय आशारित सेवाएं और प्राथमिक स्तर के स्वास्थ्य बुनियादी ढांचे के संबंध मे |
[02-Jun-2021] Regarding Panchayat Level COVID Management Task Force.
[31-May-2021] World Environment Day 2021 theme-"Eco system restoration" celebration through digital means.
[24-May-2021] Office order
[12-May-2021] Office Orders for interstate barriers.
[12-May-2021] Office order regarding covid duty
[07-May-2021] Office order
[07-May-2021] Office order for covid duty
[06-May-2021] Implementation of Annual Mock Drill Calendar for the year 2021-22
[06-May-2021] Office order for covid duty
[06-May-2021] office order regarding covid duties at Healthe centre under BMO Basdehra.
[06-May-2021] Ensuring complete vaccination of Sanitation Workers for Covid-19 Regarding.
[05-May-2021] Office order
[05-May-2021] Regarding Press Note of counselling LT , DM & Shashtri
[04-May-2021] Regarding teachers who are deployed in COVID-19 Duty.
[03-May-2021] Regarding duties of COVID -19 Samples & Vaccination
[03-May-2021] Office order
[29-Apr-2021] Order ( COVID-19 )
[28-Apr-2021] Regarding Heat wave bulletine Dated 03.03.2021
[28-Apr-2021] Office order regarding Covid duties on Different Barriors.
[28-Apr-2021] Regarding deployment of teachers in COVID-19
[28-Apr-2021] Office order regarding Covid duties on Different Barriors.
[27-Apr-2021] Office order regarding Covid duties on Different Barriors.
[26-Apr-2021] Office order.
[26-Apr-2021] Office Order
[26-Apr-2021] Instructions in view of COVID 19.
[22-Apr-2021] Office order
[20-Apr-2021] Strengthning of Eco-club activities by undertaking innovative Envornmental Project in the Eco Club schools/ colleges of H.P.
[20-Apr-2021] Transfer/adjustment (C&V)
[19-Apr-2021] Regarding shifting of Urdu Teachers Vacant post.
[16-Apr-2021] Press note to fill up the Batchwise posts to LT OT and DM from ward of EX Service Men Quota.
[16-Apr-2021] Instructions in view of COVID 19.
[12-Apr-2021] Instructions in view of COVID 19.
[09-Apr-2021] Reg. inviting Nominations for a Webinar on Safe Schools Safe Students Policies Interventions and Way Forward scheduled on 9th April 2021 from 11:30 A.M. to 1 P.M.
[06-Apr-2021] Office order Regarding Regularization DM.
[06-Apr-2021] Office order Regarding Regularization C and V as on 30.09.2020.
[06-Apr-2021] Office order Regarding Regularization C and V.
[06-Apr-2021] Office order Regarding Regularization LT.
[05-Apr-2021] Commemoration of 75 years of Indias Independence Bharat ka Amrut Mahotsav regarding.
[01-Apr-2021] Office order
[01-Apr-2021] Office order
[01-Apr-2021] Office order regarding Trancefer of JBT Sohan Lal and Tarsaim Chand.
[31-Mar-2021] Office order regarding Trancefer of JBT Sohan Lal and Tarsaim Chand.
[31-Mar-2021] Regarding examination instruction during Covid Period.
[27-Mar-2021] Regarding guidelines Covid-19
[26-Mar-2021] राज्य आपदा प्रवंधन प्राधिकरण द्वारा कोविड 19 के संधार्व मे दिशा निर्देश |
[26-Mar-2021] Information regarding actual students strength 6th to 8th. willing to study Punjabi subject
[26-Mar-2021] Rigarding writing names in BOth Language HIndi and English in SLCs.
[25-Mar-2021] जिला उना के स्कूलो मे करोना महामारी के मामलों को नियंत्रण करने हेतु
[23-Mar-2021] Office order
[22-Mar-2021] Instruction regarding conduct of screening tests for various posts in Government/Private educational institutiions of the state.
[22-Mar-2021] Commemoration of 75 years of India s Independence Bharat ka Amrut Mahotsav regrding.
[22-Mar-2021] प्राइवेट शिक्षा सस्थानों मे शिक्षा का अधिनियम 2009 की अनुपालना बारे I
[22-Mar-2021] प्राइवेट शिक्षा सस्थानों मे शिक्षा का अधिनियम 2009 की अनुपालना बारे I
[22-Mar-2021] Regarding Celebration of World Water Day on 22nd March 2021.
[19-Mar-2021] Regarding Extension in engagement of SMC Teachers already engaged under SMC policy in Elementary and Higher Education Department for the session 2021-22.
[19-Mar-2021] Regarding publication in MyGov, Himachal Magazine.
[19-Mar-2021] Strengthening of Eco Club activities by undertaking innovative Environmental projects in the Eco Club Schools/colleges of HP
[19-Mar-2021] Office order
[19-Mar-2021] Regarding issued the Certificate of Completion of Elementary Education.
[18-Mar-2021] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय चयन परीक्षा 2021 22 की तिथि परिवर्तन बारे I
[18-Mar-2021] Regularization of contract C&V teachers
[18-Mar-2021] एस0 एम0 सी0 अध्यापकों को जून, 2020 कोविड महामारी के दौरान व जनवरी, 2021 का वेतन न मिलने बारे .
[17-Mar-2021] Regarding regularization of contract appointment in the Govt Department instructions thereof.
[17-Mar-2021] ग्राम स्तरीय निर्देशिका (Village Level Directory)
[17-Mar-2021] Regarding to conduct Annual Examination of 5th and 8th classes March April 2021.
[10-Mar-2021] Office Order
[09-Mar-2021] Regarding Mobile Application.
[08-Mar-2021] Regarding non co-operationo from the Princiapl Headmasters of private schools for collection of Covid 19 sample Request to direst to give them sample.
[05-Mar-2021] CBSE notification for new session in 2021 from April 1st.
[04-Mar-2021] Regarding updation of seniority list of C&V ccategory
[03-Mar-2021] Conduct of Terminal Assessment SA-II of student in Govt. Schools winter and summer closing March 2021
[03-Mar-2021] Guidelines for engaging Cook cum Helpers under MId Day Meal Scheme.
[03-Mar-2021] No discrimination with school students on the basis of religion caste creed and gender in the schools under Mid Day Meal Programme.
[02-Mar-2021] Regarding recruitment of various posts of Class IV on daily wages basis.
[01-Mar-2021] Regarding Transfer adjustment of JBT Teachers On dated 01.03.2021.
[01-Mar-2021] Regarding provide the documents along-with bio-data form for the post of LT(VI) for its serutiny
[26-Feb-2021] Celebration of International Womens Day on 08.03.2021 Reg.
[25-Feb-2021] Office order
[23-Feb-2021] confirmation orders.
[23-Feb-2021] office order for the sampling of covid 19 for all teaching and non teaching staff of private school in district una.
[19-Feb-2021] JBT Counselling 22.02.2021 & 23.02.2021 in Una Distt.
[17-Feb-2021] FIxation of JNVST Examination Centers in district Una reg.
[17-Feb-2021] Regarding quarterly establishment return of PTWC /Daily wages
[16-Feb-2021] Regarding Webinar on Indigenous Sports of India- Desh Ki Mitti, Desh ke Khel.
[16-Feb-2021] Regarding Submission of Budget Demand of SMC Teachers from November, 2020 to March, 2020.
[15-Feb-2021] Regarding FA IV exam in r/o classes of 1st to 8th.
[15-Feb-2021] Regarding conduct of FA-IV.
[11-Feb-2021] Regarding Submission of proposal for the construction of class rooms/ Additional class room in GMSs in distt. Una under SCSP thereof.
[08-Feb-2021] Newly Creation/sanction post of Punjabi Teacher in GHS/GSSS Distt. Una
[08-Feb-2021] Regarding application for MSc course
[06-Feb-2021] Press note regarding Filling up of posts of LT,OT and DM Under sports Quota.
[04-Feb-2021] Regarding counselling of JBT for batchwise appointment
[03-Feb-2021] Regularization of GVU(EGS)
[03-Feb-2021] Regarding provide the documents along-with bio-data form for the post of shastri (VI) for its serutiny
[02-Feb-2021] Regarding reopening of educational Institution thereof.
[02-Feb-2021] Re-verification of application under Minority Scholarship Scheme for the year 2020-21.
[02-Feb-2021] Regarding list of batchwise counselling for shastri teachers
[02-Feb-2021] Office order regarding Covid Testing in schools.
[29-Jan-2021] Regarding testing of cooked meal served under Mid Day Meal Scheme in the state.
[29-Jan-2021] Demand of Question Papers 5th & 8th Class
[29-Jan-2021] Appointment of PET(Ex-man)
[28-Jan-2021] Re-opening of Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh.
[28-Jan-2021] Celebration of world wet lands Day 2nd February 2021
[28-Jan-2021] Repersentation regarding additional fee demanded by Private schools.
[27-Jan-2021] Regarding inviting nominations for State Level Awards State Civil Services Award/ Prerna Srot Samman/ Himachal Gurav Puruskar-2021.
[27-Jan-2021] Timely utilization of Budget/Funds Under MId- Day -Meal Scheme.
[23-Jan-2021] Regarding provide the documents along-with bio-data form for the post of JBT(PH)
[22-Jan-2021] हिमाचल प्रदेश मे शैक्षणिक संस्थानों को पुनः खोलने बारे
[20-Jan-2021] National Voter Day 25th January 2021 -reg.
[20-Jan-2021] Schedule of State level CSC 2020 w.e.f. 28th to 30th January 2021
[19-Jan-2021] Office order regarding counting Duties in Panchayati Raj Elections 2020-21.
[14-Jan-2021] Sow Cause Notice (Panchyat Election)
[14-Jan-2021] Implementation of preventive measures by state/UTs for the 3 scholarship schemes meant for minority students during FY 2020-21
[11-Jan-2021] Regarding Panchayati Raj Elections.
[07-Jan-2021] Regarding continuous Learning Programme- Har Ghar Pathshala.
[06-Jan-2021] Office order for Panchayat Raj Election as presiding officer
[06-Jan-2021] Office order for Panchayati Raj Election as polling officer
[05-Jan-2021] Regarding Establishment return of TGT
[05-Jan-2021] पंचायती राज संस्थाओं के सामान्य निर्वाचन को सम्पन्न करवाने हेतु विभिन्न स्कूल मे घोषित जहां पर मतदान केंद्र स्थापित किए गए है
[05-Jan-2021] All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination 2021-22 Session.
[05-Jan-2021] Regarding verification of application form of Pre-Metric scholarship for Minority students for the year 2020-21 at institute level.
[01-Jan-2021] Relaxation in the eligibility criteria of 50% marks for fresh cases for FY 2020-21
[30-Dec-2020] Paticulars of center superintendents- reg.
[29-Dec-2020] निजी स्कूलों की मान्यता व नवीनीकरण बारे
[24-Dec-2020] Regarding Providing the information of C and V Category as it stood on 31.12.2020.
[22-Dec-2020] Extension of date of JNVST 2020 21 and latest Entry class IX reg.
[21-Dec-2020] Regarding submission of proposal for Repair and Maintenance Construction of rooms in stand alone GMSs in Distt Una Under SCSP for the year 2020 21
[21-Dec-2020] Connection with strengthening the disbursement of Scholarships implemented through the National Scholarship Portal.
[17-Dec-2020] All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination 2020-21 Session.
[17-Dec-2020] All India Sainik Schools Entrance Examination 2020-21 Session.
[17-Dec-2020] Dissemination of Behavior change message on COVID-19
[17-Dec-2020] Reopening of Educational Institutions in Himachal Pradesh...
[15-Dec-2020] transfer ordre C and V category Ajit Kumar PET
[15-Dec-2020] Judges Pannel for the district level CSC-2020
[15-Dec-2020] Coordination committee for district level CSC-2020
[15-Dec-2020] Regarding entrance test 2021 for admission in class VI and IX in JNV.
[15-Dec-2020] Regarding Licencing/Registration under Food safety and standards Act,2006.
[15-Dec-2020] Transfer order C and V Category.
[14-Dec-2020] Appointment orders of JBT ward of ExMen.
[09-Dec-2020] Regarding fee collection of Fee by Pvt School during covid 19 lockdowm
[07-Dec-2020] Regarding General Meeting of Private Schools.
[07-Dec-2020] Regarding Fit India Awareness Program
[04-Dec-2020] Regarding filling up the vacant post of DM & PET in GHS and GSSS
[04-Dec-2020] Regarding filling up the vacant post of DM & PET in GHS and GSSS
[01-Dec-2020] Regarding garbage collections fees/charges payable to SEHB Society of Municipal Corporation shimla inrespect Govt. Department. entities/ Hospital etc. of State Govt. situated within the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation Shimla.
[28-Nov-2020] Regarding relaxation in provision of mandatorily entering marks by the applicants in case of renewal applications for the Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship on NSP for the financial year 2020-21.
[26-Nov-2020] Regarding Khelo India Fitness App and Fit India Awarness Programe .
[25-Nov-2020] Reopening of Educational Institutions in HP
[23-Nov-2020] Information regarding National Awardee from Himachal Pradesh.
[19-Nov-2020] Press Note
[17-Nov-2020] Regarding date sheet for FA-III and providing On line question papers.
[17-Nov-2020] Regarding implementation of the Judgement delivered by the Honble Administrative Tribunal of H.P in the cases filed by various applicants to grant benefits on the analogy of orders passed by the Honble High court.
[17-Nov-2020] Requirement of Eco club Account Numbers.
[16-Nov-2020] Summary revision of E-roll 2021
[11-Nov-2020] Office order regarding transfer of teachers c and V category.
[11-Nov-2020] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय चयन परीक्षा 2021-22 के संबंध मे
[11-Nov-2020] Regarding fee reimbursement cases under 25 reservation.
[07-Nov-2020] Press note regarding filling up of one post of shastri OBC (BPL) batch wise.
[07-Nov-2020] Corrigendum-II Regarding CSC-2020 duties.
[07-Nov-2020] Regarding extension in engagement of SMC teachers already engaged under SMC teacher policy in elementary and Higher education department for the academic session 2020-21.
[06-Nov-2020] प्रशिक्षित स्नातक अध्यापकों की वर्ष 2019-20 की गोपनीय रिपोर्ट तथा प्रमाण पत्र भेजने बारे |
[05-Nov-2020] Proceeding of the meeting held on 06.08.2020 under the chairmanship of secretary (Education) to the Govt. of HP regarding review of "Har Ghar Pathshala" program.
[30-Oct-2020] Corrigendum Regarding CSC-2020 duties.
[30-Oct-2020] List of candidates for JBT Counselling under WEXM category to be held on 10.11.2020
[30-Oct-2020] REgarding promotion of students to the next class on the basis of Summative Assessment -I.
[29-Oct-2020] Guideline for appointment of CCH and their duties.
[28-Oct-2020] Regarding allotment of budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2020-21.
[26-Oct-2020] Regarding Office Order of co-ordination committee/ Judges duties in Online CSC-2020.
[23-Oct-2020] Regarding verification of application form of Pre-Metric scholarship for Minority students for the year 2020-21 at institute level.
[22-Oct-2020] Aadhar enrolment and updation of Activities.
[20-Oct-2020] Regarding guidelines for Re-opening of schools and coaching institutions after 15 oct,2020 in a graded manner.
[20-Oct-2020] Regarding submission of left out confirmation cases of C&V category
[20-Oct-2020] Office Order regarding CSC-2020
[19-Oct-2020] Exemption of recourse persons involved in Har Ghar Pathshala.
[15-Oct-2020] Extension in date for registering of students under children science congress-2020 till 17th Oct, 2020.
[14-Oct-2020] हिमाचल प्रदेश विषाण सभा के सामान्य निर्वाचन- दिनांक 01-01-2021 के अर्हता तिथि के आधार पर मतदाता सूचियों का विशेष संक्षिप्त पुनरीक्षण,
[13-Oct-2020] Regarding inclusion of names inTGT (Arts) TGT(NM) TGT(MED) promotion panel amongst the recently / left out TET pass in service C&V teacher possessing the essential education qualification as per existing R&P Rules of TGT dated 31.05.2012.
[13-Oct-2020] Regarding Handicapped scholarship for the year 2020-21.
[13-Oct-2020] Regarding Handicapped scholarship for the year 2020-21.
[13-Oct-2020] On line three days tranning programme on "Child Centric Disaster Risk Reduction " from 12th to 14th oct,2020.
[12-Oct-2020] Celebration of "Samarth -2020" on the occasion of International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction.
[08-Oct-2020] Regarding implementation of the Judgement delivered by the Honble Administrative Tribunal of H.P in the cases filed by various applicants to grant benefits on the analogy of orders passed by the Honble High court.
[05-Oct-2020] Extension of date for registration of students under children Science Congress-2020 till 10th October,2020.
[01-Oct-2020] List of candidates for the counselling of LT to be held on 12.10.2020 for batchwise appointment.
[01-Oct-2020] माननीय प्रधानमंत्री महोदय के भाषण के सीधे प्रसारण बारे|
[01-Oct-2020] Office order regarding Regularization of Shastri C&V category.
[01-Oct-2020] Office order regarding Regularization of LT C&V category.
[01-Oct-2020] Office order regarding Regularization of DM C&V category.
[01-Oct-2020] Office order regarding Regularization of PET C&V category .
[30-Sep-2020] Extension of date for registration of students under children Science Congress-2020 till 3rd October,2020.
[30-Sep-2020] Regarding counselling of TGTs
[29-Sep-2020] Additional list of TGT Counselling held on 5-10-20/06-10-20/07-10-20
[28-Sep-2020] Instructions of conducting Summative Assessment (SA-I) for Elementary Classes through online or any other mode.
[28-Sep-2020] Regarding Panel for Promotion of DPEs amongst eligible in service PETs.
[28-Sep-2020] Bio data form & Annexure A-B WEXM format for TGTs Counselling held on 5-10-20, 06-10-20, 07-10-20
[28-Sep-2020] Regarding Panel for Promotion of DPEs amongst eligible in service PETs.
[26-Sep-2020] Guidelines Children Sccience Congress.
[25-Sep-2020] Submission of Budget Estimates for the year 2021-22 and revised budget estimates for the year 2020-21
[25-Sep-2020] "State Level Painting, Slogan and Essay Writing Contest on occasion regarding Participants of students
[24-Sep-2020] Clarification Regarding Re-opening of school for students of 9th to 12th classes on voluntary basis during Unlock 4 period outside the containment zone
[23-Sep-2020] Extension in date for registering of students under children science congress-2020 till 30th September, 2020
[22-Sep-2020] Regarding re-opening of schools for classes 9th to 12th on voluntary basis during Unlock 4 Period outside the cantonment Zone
[22-Sep-2020] Regarding Demand of Grant in AID for PTA Teachers.
[22-Sep-2020] covid-19 वैशविक महामारी के दृष्टिगत सचूली पाठ्यक्रम मे कटोती करने हेतु आयोजित बैठक
[22-Sep-2020] regarding Strict compliance of the Provision Contained in the "Flag Code of India,2020 and the Prevention of India to National Honour Act,1971.
[19-Sep-2020] Regarding Counselling of TGT Arts/NM/Medical (All Category)
[19-Sep-2020] Preventive measure of COVID -19
[18-Sep-2020] Regarding submission of documents for preparing of seniority list of TGTs.
[17-Sep-2020] प्रशिक्षित स्नातक अध्यापकों की वर्ष 2019-20 की गोपनीय रिपोर्ट तथा प्रमाण पत्र भेजने बारे
[16-Sep-2020] Quarantine Office order
[11-Sep-2020] Regarding duties in quarantine centre.
[11-Sep-2020] Regularization of contract appointees in the Govt. Department instruction thereof.
[10-Sep-2020] Regarding Press note of PET LT & Shashtri from the category of Disable person
[05-Sep-2020] Regarding displaying carrying capacity on school buses and vans
[05-Sep-2020] State Level Painting ,slogan and Essay writing contest on occasion regarding participation of students.
[05-Sep-2020] Regarding online registration of students for the Children Science Congress-2020.
[03-Sep-2020] Regularization of Contract appointee
[03-Sep-2020] Regarding dutie in Qurantine Centre
[02-Sep-2020] Office order Ex service Man as PET
[02-Sep-2020] Regarding Timeline and other activities under the Pre-Matric Scholarship scheme for Ministry communication for the year 2020-21.
[31-Aug-2020] Regarding curriculum for online school education during the COVID-19 Period
[29-Aug-2020] Tentative panel of TET pass in services C&V to be considered for the promotion to the post of TGT(A)
[26-Aug-2020] Regarding Celebration of 50th year of full Statehood.
[26-Aug-2020] Regarding extension of vacations .- Arrangements for online digital and distance learning of students from 01.08.2020 onward.
[25-Aug-2020] Office order in QC.
[24-Aug-2020] Regarding details of scholarship (Midle Merit).
[22-Aug-2020] Regarding detail of Scholarship IRDP
[22-Aug-2020] Regarding implementation of Pre-matric Scholarship for Minority through National Scholarship Portal 2020-21
[21-Aug-2020] Regarding inspections of schools.
[20-Aug-2020] Office order
[20-Aug-2020] कक्षा प्रथम से जमा दो तक कोई भी पाठ्य पुस्तकों के पढ़ाए जाने बारे |
[19-Aug-2020] Regularization order of OT
[18-Aug-2020] Office order Regarding Regularization PTA Contract.
[18-Aug-2020] Office order Regarding Regularization PTA GIA.
[17-Aug-2020] Regularization order of PAT
[17-Aug-2020] Regarding information of abolished posts of PTWC in stand alone GMS and where the post of part time water carrier not sanctioned yet
[17-Aug-2020] Information of TGTs appointed till 2007
[11-Aug-2020] Office order in quarantine centres.
[11-Aug-2020] Regularization of C&V teachers(PTA Contract/PTA to GIA)
[11-Aug-2020] सामान्य दिशा निर्देश |
[10-Aug-2020] Regarding regularization of PTA contract/PTA (GIA)TGTs who have been engaged with effect from 29.06.2006 to 03.01.2008.
[10-Aug-2020] Regarding allotment of budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2020-21
[06-Aug-2020] Regarding information of abolished posts of PTWC in GPS and where the post of part time water carrier not sanctioned yet.
[06-Aug-2020] Regarding information of abolished posts of PTWC in stand alone GMS and where the post of part time water carrier not sanctioned yet.
[06-Aug-2020] Licensing / Registration Under Food Safety and standards Act,2020
[31-Jul-2020] Regarding payments of IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[31-Jul-2020] Regarding payments of IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[30-Jul-2020] Regarding information of abolished posts of PTWC in GPS and where the post of part time water carrier not sanctioned yet
[30-Jul-2020] Regarding information of abolished posts of PTWC in stand alone GMS and where the post of part time water carrier not sanctioned yet
[28-Jul-2020] Clarification regarding accumulation of earned leave from date of regularization of services retrospectively as per court orders etc.
[24-Jul-2020] office order
[24-Jul-2020] Regarding extension of vacations arrangements for online digital and distance learning of students w.e.f 13.07.2020
[24-Jul-2020] Regarding extension of vacations arrangements for online digital and distance learning of students w.e.f 13.07.2020
[24-Jul-2020] Regarding Recommendations for Padma Awards 2021.
[24-Jul-2020] Regarding Recommendations for Padma Awards 2021.
[23-Jul-2020] Regarding UNEP Tide turner Plastic Challenge.
[18-Jul-2020] Regarding vacancy position of PTWCs/Daily Wagers as on 30/06/2020 (working in GMS Only).
[17-Jul-2020] Regarding Details of scholarship.
[16-Jul-2020] Regarding creation of Punjabi Teacher Post in school
[15-Jul-2020] सरकारी समारोह में उपहार स्वरूप फूल - गुलदस्ता शाल व् टोपी भेंट किए जाने बारे
[15-Jul-2020] Ensuring safety and protection of children from various online threats during COVID-19
[13-Jul-2020] Regarding Demand of Pre-matric scholarship scheme to the children whose parents are engaged in unclean coccupation helth hazards for the year 2020-21.
[10-Jul-2020] वीफस की दबाई जमा करवाने बारे
[06-Jul-2020] Office Order
[06-Jul-2020] Regarding vacancy positon of PTWC/Daily Wagers as on 30/06/2020 working in GMS only
[06-Jul-2020] Regarding Implementation and Progress of school Disaster Management Plan.
[04-Jul-2020] Regarding distribution of budget under Middle merit scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20
[04-Jul-2020] Regarding submissio of Enrollment of students for middle merit scholarship for the year 2020-21.
[03-Jul-2020] Regarding submission of proposal for the construction of class rooms/additional room in GMS in district una under SCSP thereof.
[03-Jul-2020] Installation of rain water harvesting system in the government buildings and submit the compliance report thereof.
[02-Jul-2020] Regarding proforma for State Award 2020
[02-Jul-2020] office order
[02-Jul-2020] State Award for the year of 2020
[01-Jul-2020] Office Order
[01-Jul-2020] निजी स्कूलों में बच्चों को 25 प्रतिशत आरक्षण दिलवाने बारे में|
[01-Jul-2020] निशुल्क और अनिवार्य शिक्षा का अधिकार अधिनियम २००९ की धारा 12 के अंतर्गत मान्यता प्राप्त निजी विद्यालयों में आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर
[24-Jun-2020] Regarding National Award for the year of 2020
[22-Jun-2020] Regarding Precaution to be taken in light of Noval Coronavirus COVID-19
[20-Jun-2020] DPC for regularization of PTWC on daily as peon class IV
[19-Jun-2020] Regarding implementation of transfer/adjustment order in r/o JBT/HT/CHT/PAT Teachers/TGT/ C&V .
[19-Jun-2020] Regarding option/ bio-data for promotion to the post of Lecturer(school-new)by in service TGTs appointed on 21.02.2012 having less than 50% marks in the master degree and B.Ed, degree
[11-Jun-2020] Regarding extension of Vacations upto 30th June,2020
[11-Jun-2020] Press Note
[11-Jun-2020] Promotion order of C&V
[10-Jun-2020] Regarding inclusion the names in TGT Panel amongest TGT pass in service C&V Teachers Possessing BA/BCom/BSc(Arts/NM/Med) & B.Ed. degree as per R&P Rulesfor the promotion as TGT in the Year 2020
[08-Jun-2020] Regarding - Review the Status of Preparedness for South-West Mansoon-2020
[08-Jun-2020] Regarding distribution of budget under Middle Merit (Medhavi chhatervariti yojna) Scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20
[08-Jun-2020] Preparation of District Good Governance Indicators (DGGI) and supply of information thereof.
[06-Jun-2020] Regarding collection of fee by Private Schools during COVID - 19 lockdown
[06-Jun-2020] Category wise enrollment
[02-Jun-2020] Regarding Census of India-2021 instructions thereof.
[02-Jun-2020] regarding awareness about Coronavirus disease.
[01-Jun-2020] Regarding registration of all schools for fit India movement.
[27-May-2020] Regarding Distribution of MDM rice and cooking cost in summer Vacations.
[27-May-2020] Regarding Distribution of MDM rice and cooking cost in summer Vacations.
[18-May-2020] Celebration of " International Day for Biological Diversity" on 22nd May,2020 reg.
[15-May-2020] Distribution of raw food grains (rice) & payment of prescribed amount of per child per day cooking cost to the school children of primary & upper primary classes under Mid Day Meal Scheme for the closure period of schools due to recent Novel Corona V
[14-May-2020] Regarding deputation of Teachers for 10 months Language Training- reg.
[12-May-2020] Regarding Enhancements in the emoluments of CCH W.e.f 01.04.2020
[12-May-2020] Regarding Revision of cooking cost @10.99% W.e.f 01.04.2020 during 2020-21 Under National Programme fo Mid Day Meal in Schools (NP-MDMS)-Regarding.
[12-May-2020] Regarding admission for the academic Session 2020-21
[12-May-2020] Regarding Distribution of MDM Rice and and DIET Money to Children Under MDM Scheme Due to clousers of schools under Covid-19
[11-May-2020] Regarding admission for the academic session 2020-21
[05-May-2020] Regularization order of LT,DM and PET
[28-Apr-2020] Regarding regularization of Contract appointees
[27-Apr-2020] Regarding regularization of contract appointees in the Govt. Department instructions thereof.
[18-Apr-2020] Corrigendum
[17-Apr-2020] Regarding guidlines for distribution of Mid Day Meal and free books
[17-Apr-2020] Regarding curfew pass
[09-Apr-2020] "Har ghar bne pathashala" campaign to facilitate home based studies during the lock down period deu to covid-19
[08-Apr-2020] corrigendum
[08-Apr-2020] office order regarding class 1 to 9 and 11 in 2019-20 academic session be promoted to the next class
[27-Mar-2020] Distibution of raw foodgrains and cooking cost to the school children
[26-Mar-2020] Regarding distribution of Dry Ration to students under MDM scheme
[21-Mar-2020] Remenbering 04th April 1905 Kangra Earthquake
[21-Mar-2020] Office order regarding COVID-19
[21-Mar-2020] Regarding postponement of answer sheet evaluation
[20-Mar-2020] Advisory regarding Noval Corona Vorus.
[19-Mar-2020] Regularization of C&V contract employees
[18-Mar-2020] पहली से आठवी कक्षा तक चल रहे निजी शिक्षण संस्थानों में बोर्ड द्वारा निर्धारित पाठ्यपुस्तकों को पढ़ाने के स्न्दर्व में |
[18-Mar-2020] Regarding the annual examination of 5th standard.
[15-Mar-2020] Instructions in view of COVID-19
[13-Mar-2020] Advisory regarding Noval Corona Virus.
[13-Mar-2020] Regarding exam of 8th class in summer closing schools on dated 14.03.2020.
[11-Mar-2020] Show Cause Notice under Mid Day Meal Scheme
[11-Mar-2020] Show cause notice Regarding not participating in the Block/ District Level Tournaments U-14 Boys and Girls in the year 2019-20.
[07-Mar-2020] Memorandum Regarding Bio Metric attendance.
[07-Mar-2020] Regarding Entry of Sr.NO of gas cylinder in the stock Register.
[05-Mar-2020] Regarding review of compliance of action points laid out in the meeting of Committee of Secretaries held on 02.11.2019 regarding celebration of "Constitution day" on 26.11.2019 and Subsequent activities culminating in "Dr. Ambedkar Jyanti"
[02-Mar-2020] भारत में स्कूली शिक्षा पर जल्द माहवारी होने का प्रभाव |
[28-Feb-2020] Regarding Automated Monitoring System (AMS) for reporting of Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[28-Feb-2020] Regarding Pasting of BBBP stickers in govt and Private schools.
[26-Feb-2020] मार्च 2020 की वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए केन्द्र अधीक्षक ब उपाधीक्षक की नियुक्ति हेतु अध्यापकों व् प्राध्यापकों की सूचि प्रेषित करन
[26-Feb-2020] Regarding conducting 5th and 8th class Annual Examination March 2020.
[26-Feb-2020] Establishment of TGT category
[25-Feb-2020] Regarding Installation of Complaint Boxes in every school & collage in Himachal Pradesh.
[25-Feb-2020] पाठशालाओं में बच्चों के मध्याहन भोजन तैयार करने हेतु उपयोग किये जाने बाले पानी तथा इससे सम्बंधित अन्य सुरक्षा एवं स्वच्छता उप
[22-Feb-2020] Regarding celebration of annual Functions/Program in the Government schools of the State.
[22-Feb-2020] Regarding Generation of payee ID of Beneficiaries of middle merit scholarship for the year 2018-19.
[19-Feb-2020] Regarding Deposit of interest Amount in state Treasury under Mid Day Meal scheme.
[19-Feb-2020] Regading National de-Warming Day (NDD)
[18-Feb-2020] Regarding MSc course
[18-Feb-2020] Suo-moto action on the news item published in Punjab Kesari Hindi newspaper dated 04.12.2019 titled as घर से स्कूल भेजे बच्चे जंगलों में कर रहे मटरगश्ती
[18-Feb-2020] Regarding Meeting in office chamber Shimla on drug Addition & its solution.
[18-Feb-2020] "विद्यालये संस्कृतम्" विषय पर एकदिवसीय विचार गोष्ठी एवं परिचर्चा के संदर्भ में !
[15-Feb-2020] Regarding online generation of UDISE Code in UD Portal for opening of new schools
[15-Feb-2020] Regarding Display of children helpline number 1098 at various prominent places in the school.
[14-Feb-2020] Strict compliance of the provisions contained in the flag Code of India 2002 and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971
[13-Feb-2020] Information regarding Punjabi Teachers & Urdu Teachers
[10-Feb-2020] Regarding celebrating Pariksha Parv 2.0.
[10-Feb-2020] Regarding TGT Establishment as on 31.12.2019
[10-Feb-2020] Regarding Contractual teacher for accepting NCC ANOs assignment
[07-Feb-2020] Questionaire for Cluster Resource Coordinator (CRC).
[06-Feb-2020] Regarding maternity leave to woman employees working on period basis through School Management Committee
[05-Feb-2020] Regarding change of entry level from VI to class VIII in sainik school
[04-Feb-2020] Regarding inclusion the names in TGT(NM/Med.) promotion panel amongst pass in-service JBTs possessing B.Sc.(NM/Med.) & B.Ed. degree as per existing R & P Rules for the Promotion as TGT( NM/Med. ) for the year 2020.
[04-Feb-2020] Regarding inclusion the names in TGT(Arts) promotion panel amongst pass in-service JBTs possessing B.A/B.Com. & B.Ed. degree as per existing R & P Rules for the Promotion as TGT( Arts) for the year 2020.
[04-Feb-2020] Instructions regarding un-authorized salaries of employees by the DDOs in the Deptt.
[04-Feb-2020] Regarding 5th and 8th class result sheet formats.
[04-Feb-2020] Information regarding regular inspection of schools : Una Distt.
[03-Feb-2020] Regarding One day Training Program for social and Financial education at DIET Dharamshala.
[03-Feb-2020] Regarding Promotion from JBT to LT.
[31-Jan-2020] Instructions to stop holding functions in schools.
[31-Jan-2020] Message from DDEE Una for Annual Magazines.
[29-Jan-2020] Regarding providing the information of LT Teachers promoted from JBT
[29-Jan-2020] Ten days SLDP (School Leadership Development program) fir capacity building of school heads.
[29-Jan-2020] Regarding conducting of 5th and 8th class Annual Examination March 2020
[28-Jan-2020] Corrigendum regarding date sheet for formative assessment (FA-IV)
[24-Jan-2020] Regarding to organize Swachahata Campaign under Swachhata action plan 2019-20
[23-Jan-2020] मार्च 2020 की वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए केन्द्र अधीक्षक ब उपाधीक्षक की नियुक्ति हेतु अध्यापकों व् प्राध्यापकों की सूचि प्रेषित करन
[23-Jan-2020] Date sheet for Formative Assessment (FA-IV) and Guidelines thereof.
[21-Jan-2020] Regarding National Voters Day (25 Jan) 2020 Reg.
[21-Jan-2020] Regarding Registration/Enrollment under Himachal helth care scheme-HIMCARE
[18-Jan-2020] Regarding AADHAR updation.
[18-Jan-2020] Regarding grant of Two special Increments after completion of 20 years of regular services in R/o C&V Teachers.
[16-Jan-2020] Regarding duties of one day Distt. level Maths Olympiad on dated 22.01.2020 at GHS Loharli
[16-Jan-2020] Celebration of National mathematics Day (NMD) and National Science Day (NSD)
[15-Jan-2020] Regarding Submission of Recognition Renewal files for the session 2020-21.
[09-Jan-2020] Regarding creation of posts of Punjabi Teachers in the school falling under Haroli Assembly constituency
[08-Jan-2020] Regarding conducting 5th and 8th class Annual Examination March 2020.
[04-Jan-2020] Regarding Automated Reporting and Management System Under Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[03-Jan-2020] मार्च 2020 में आयोजित की जाने वाली पांचवी व् आठवी कक्षाओं को ग्रीष्मकालीन वार्षिक परीक्षाओं से सम्बंधित प्रशन पत्रों की मांग बार
[03-Jan-2020] Action taken to achieve the target of providing 100% barrier free infrastructure in Elementary schools by March 2020
[03-Jan-2020] मार्च 2020 में आयोजित की जाने वाली पांचवी व् आठवी कक्षाओं को ग्रीष्मकालीन वार्षिक परीक्षाओं से सम्बंधित प्रशन पत्रों की मांग बार
[02-Jan-2020] Regarding Strice Notice For 8th Jan 2020 Mid Day Meal Workers Union.
[30-Dec-2019] Regarding HIV Prevention Campaign on occasion of world AIDS Day Campaign 1st December 2019 onwards.
[30-Dec-2019] Establishment of C&V category
[30-Dec-2019] Regarding Establishment return of TGT Category
[30-Dec-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of Schools Una Distt.
[27-Dec-2019] Office order
[27-Dec-2019] Regarding option/ bio-data for promotion to the post of Lecturer(School-New)by in-service TGTs for Year 2020
[23-Dec-2019] Regarding National Essay Competitions on monthly basis
[20-Dec-2019] Instruction regarding proceeding on Leave/Tour
[19-Dec-2019] निजी विद्यालयों को सत्र 2020-21 में पुस्तकों व् अन्य पाठ्य सामग्री के सम्बन्ध में महत्त्वपूर्ण दिशा निर्देश
[19-Dec-2019] Reminder I Regarding demand of Question papers
[18-Dec-2019] Regarding convene Meeting with Parent Teacher Association and the Village Education Committee.
[17-Dec-2019] Regarding inviting nominations for Himachal Gaurav Purskar/Prerna Srot Samman/Civil Service Award-2020
[17-Dec-2019] Regarding Suo Moto Writ Petition No.1/2019-Child Helpline NO.1098
[17-Dec-2019] Regarding National award on e-Governance 2019-20 to be given during the National Conferance on e-Governance 2020
[16-Dec-2019] Organization of school shiksha samwad on 24.12.2019
[12-Dec-2019] मार्च 2020 में आयोजित की जाने वाली पांचवी व् आठवी कक्षाओं को ग्रीष्मकालीन वार्षिक परीक्षाओं से सम्बंधित प्रशन पत्रों की मांग बार
[12-Dec-2019] Regarding Flag Day in HImachal Pradesh
[12-Dec-2019] Press Note Regarding filling up of one post of JBT form the category of JBT OBC(PHC).
[11-Dec-2019] Regarding appointment of officials as designated Officers for special summary of photo Electrol Roll of Intensive Nature.
[10-Dec-2019] Fit India Movement - Fit India School
[09-Dec-2019] स्वामी विवेकानंद जन्मोत्सव समारोह के संदर्भ मे!
[09-Dec-2019] निजी सकूलों द्वारा शैक्षणिक सत्र 2020-21 में लिए जाने बाले फ़ीस ब फण्ड का विवरण देने बारे
[07-Dec-2019] Regarding Elementary Teacher Training Nishtha-2019
[06-Dec-2019] गीता जयंती समारोह में निर्णायक/प्रवन्धक के रूप में दायित्व के संधर्भ में
[05-Dec-2019] Regarding payment of stitching charges for school uniforms to the students of classes 1st to 10th under Atal School vardi Yojna
[30-Nov-2019] Corrigendum
[30-Nov-2019] Appointment order of LT(WEXM)
[27-Nov-2019] Regarding guidelines of Mid Day Meal Scheme
[27-Nov-2019] annual Prize Distribution functions of Schools no formalities should be made at any cost and a simple welcome be ensured
[27-Nov-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of Schools Una Distt.
[27-Nov-2019] Regarding Broadband Radiness index (BRI) for the State of Himachal Pradesh.
[22-Nov-2019] One Day training workshop under Green school Programme.
[22-Nov-2019] Regarding usage of shiksha sathi app by the state, District, Block and cluster level officers/officials.
[20-Nov-2019] Appointment order of LT(Commission)
[20-Nov-2019] Appointment order of Shastri on contract basis(WEXM)
[20-Nov-2019] Appointment order of Shastri on contract basis(batchwise)
[19-Nov-2019] Regarding Electronic cigarettes.
[18-Nov-2019] Regarding Exam of Middle Merit Scholarship for the year 2019-20.
[16-Nov-2019] Notification
[16-Nov-2019] Regarding launching of a letter writing campaign " Dhai Akhar".
[16-Nov-2019] Regarding implementation of the Global Youth Tabacco Survey (GYTS-4)
[08-Nov-2019] Corrigendum of CSC 2019
[07-Nov-2019] Regarding special drive on drug abuse & Alcoholism w.e.f 15.01.2019 to 15.12.2019
[06-Nov-2019] Office Order Regarding Deputation of officials for State level CSC 2019 AT GGSSS Bilaspur on dated 12.11.2019
[06-Nov-2019] Regarding Sardar Patel National unity Award
[05-Nov-2019] Regarding Global iodine Defieiency Disorder Preventionday on 221.10.2019.
[02-Nov-2019] Office order SDO Civil Bangana unsafe buildings
[02-Nov-2019] संस्कृत प्रतियोगिताओं के संदर्भ में
[02-Nov-2019] Regarding the supply of dustbins to 250 Eco-clubs of Una Distt. una.
[01-Nov-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of Schools : Una Distt.
[30-Oct-2019] Regarding registration of institute on National scholarship portal NSP 2.0 for the year 2019-20.
[25-Oct-2019] प्रदेश में समस्त राजकीय व् मान्यता प्राप्त निजी पाठशालाओं की 5 बीं व् 8 बींकक्षा की वार्षिक परीक्षा बारे
[22-Oct-2019] celebraion of "Samarth 2019" State level Mass awareness and capacity building Campaign on disaster risk reduction
[22-Oct-2019] Regarding Counseling of LT teachers on contract Basis amongest TET qualified Ward of Ex-Servicemen on dated 06.11.2019
[22-Oct-2019] Regarding Counseling of Shastri teachers on contract Basis amongest TET qualified Ward of Ex-Servicemenon dated 06.11.2019
[21-Oct-2019] Regarding supply and installation of AEBAS devices in 4474GPS and stand alone GMS of HP in 1st phase-instructions thereof.
[19-Oct-2019] Regarding Vigilance Awareness Week-2019.
[19-Oct-2019] Regarding Vigilance Awareness Week-2019.
[17-Oct-2019] Regarding Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship for the year 2019-20.
[17-Oct-2019] Corrigendum regarding deputation of officials for District level Athletics And Cultural Programme At GHS Sahoran
[15-Oct-2019] School State & National level painting competition on energy conservation 2019
[14-Oct-2019] Regarding Counselling of Batchwise Shastri
[11-Oct-2019] Corrigndum regarding duties of Judge/ Experts and Co-ordination Committee members District level CSC-2019 at GSSS Gondpur Banera
[11-Oct-2019] Regarding use of Millets under MDMS
[10-Oct-2019] Regarding observing National de-warming Day and Vitamin A round on 1st november 2019in Himachal Pradesh.
[10-Oct-2019] Regarding information of the students who got 100 marks in Science/Maths in March 2019 Matriculation examination
[10-Oct-2019] [10-Oct-2019] पाठशालाओं में मध्याहन भोअजन योजना के अंतर्गत स्वच्छता गुणवता एवं अन्य सुरक्षा बारे दिशा निर्देश|
[09-Oct-2019] Regarding verification of applications form for Pre matric scholarship for the Minority students for the year 2019-20 at institute level.
[09-Oct-2019] Regarding all India Sainik School Entrance Exam Extension
[05-Oct-2019] Regarding Permanent co-ordination Committee and Duties of JUdges/Officials for District Level CSC 2019 At GSSS Gonpur Banehra
[05-Oct-2019] Regarding Verification of Drivers/Helpers of vehicles ferrying children to school
[05-Oct-2019] celebraion of "Samarth 2019" State level Mass awareness and capacity building Campaign on disaster risk reduction
[05-Oct-2019] Regarding registration of Employees on the aadhar based BAS Portal.
[04-Oct-2019] Office order regarding deputation of DPE/PTE at GHS Sahoran for the culturarl Activity.
[03-Oct-2019] Regarding Anti Tobacco pledge to be organised in Education institutions
[02-Oct-2019] Regularization of contact Appointees in the Government Departments Institutions Thereof.
[30-Sep-2019] Regularization of contract Appointees C&V
[28-Sep-2019] Corrigendum Regarding Skit Play CSC-2019
[26-Sep-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of schools : Una Distt.
[25-Sep-2019] Regarding Supply of aadhar Enabled Biomwtric Attendance System in the GPS and GMS of the State.
[24-Sep-2019] Regarding Atal community innovation Centre (ACIC)-An Innitiative of Atal Innovation Mission
[23-Sep-2019] उर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा 4, 5 एवं 6 श्रेणी अ एवं कक्षा 7, 8 एवं 9श्रेणी वके स्कूली छात्र/ छात्राओंहेतु पेंटिंग प
[21-Sep-2019] Regarding registration of institute on national scholarship portal NSP 2.0for the year 2019-20
[21-Sep-2019] Corrigendum Regarding State Level U-14 Tournaments at GSSS saloh.
[20-Sep-2019] पांचवी व आठवी के पाठ्यक्रम में परिवर्तन बर्रे
[20-Sep-2019] Date sheet for formative Assessment (SA-I)and guideline thereof.
[18-Sep-2019] Regarding Appointment of officials At GPCS Haroli For District Level Primary sports Tournament
[18-Sep-2019] Regarding IEC Activity for Swachhta Hi Sewa Saptaah2019
[13-Sep-2019] अटल स्कूल वर्दी योजना के अंतर्गत वर्ष 2019-20 में निशुल्क स्कूल बैग की आपूर्ति एवं आबंटन बारे महत्वपूर्ण दिशा निर्देश .
[13-Sep-2019] Guideline for paper setters/Moderators for class 5th, 8th to 10+2.
[09-Sep-2019] Corrigendum-VI regarding CSC
[06-Sep-2019] Regarding Duties of Officials in CSC 2019 as Quiz Master/Judge in Sub Division Amb and Haroli.
[06-Sep-2019] Regarding Meeting for the state level Sports tournaments at GSSS Saloh on dated 22.09.2019
[06-Sep-2019] Regarding allotment of budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20
[06-Sep-2019] Corrigendum V Regarding CSC 2019 Judge/ Coordination Member
[06-Sep-2019] Implementation of "The Right of Children to free and compulsory education Act,2019". Regarding conducting 5th and 8th class examination.
[05-Sep-2019] Notification regarding chronic disease
[05-Sep-2019] Appointment order of Shahtri on contract basis
[05-Sep-2019] Regarding Taken over the services of Punjabi teacher on Purely Contract Basis.
[04-Sep-2019] Regarding Pre-Matric Scholarship scheme to the children of those engaged in unclean occupation for the year 2019-20.
[04-Sep-2019] Regarding Corrigendum-III for Duties of CSC 2019
[03-Sep-2019] Regarding Change the Venue of CSC 2019 of Sub Division Haroli GSSS Kangar to GSSS Dharampur
[02-Sep-2019] Regarding Himachal Pradesh Global Investers Meet-2019
[02-Sep-2019] Corrigendum regarding CSC 2019 co-Ordination Committee
[02-Sep-2019] Regarding celebration of "Sadbhavna Diwas " on 20th August.2019
[31-Aug-2019] Regarding Awachhata Pakhwada 2019
[31-Aug-2019] Regarding Electores Verification Programme(EVP)
[31-Aug-2019] Regarding Rationalization of TGTs category (Reminder)
[30-Aug-2019] Regarding Coaching Camp Minor Games At GSSS Dhamandari on Dated 06.09.2019 to 10.09.2019
[30-Aug-2019] Regarding Rationalization of C&V Proforma in Excel
[30-Aug-2019] Regarding Rationalization of C&V
[30-Aug-2019] Information regarding regular Inspection of Schools : Una Distt.
[29-Aug-2019] Regarding submission of Enrollment of student for Middle Marit Sscholarship for the year of 2019-20
[28-Aug-2019] Wild life week 2019- "State level Painting , Slogan, Essay writing Contest" on occasion regarding participation of students.
[28-Aug-2019] Regarding Weekly Iron Folic Acid (WiFS) programme to students in Private Schools.
[27-Aug-2019] Proceeding of DPSSA meeting at BRCC Hall Una on dated 19.08.2019.
[27-Aug-2019] Regarding Fit India movement Program on 29th August,2019.
[27-Aug-2019] Regarding Rationalization of TGTs category
[27-Aug-2019] Regarding Co-ordination committee for CSC 2019.
[27-Aug-2019] Regarding Duties of Officials in CSC 2019 as Quiz Master/Judge in Sub Division Una and Bangana .
[26-Aug-2019] Notification regarding developments of thoughts
[26-Aug-2019] Corrigendum-I Regarding Change in venue of Children Science Congress-2019
[22-Aug-2019] Awareness Creation and Community Education Activities (Jan Andolan) under " Jal Skakti andolan ".
[22-Aug-2019] Regarding Development of school Nutrition Garden under Mid Day Meal Scheme
[21-Aug-2019] Corrigendum Regarding State Level U-14 Tournaments
[21-Aug-2019] Regarding Committee of the State level Under 14 tournaments (Minor & Major)
[21-Aug-2019] Supreme court Commettee on road safety-Additional directions for impovrment of road Safety in the state.
[21-Aug-2019] Space Quiz
[21-Aug-2019] Regarding Handicapped Scholarship for the year 2019-20
[21-Aug-2019] Regarding all India Sainik School Entrance Exam
[21-Aug-2019] Regarding Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme to the children of those engaged in unclean occupation for the year 2019-20
[21-Aug-2019] CWP NO. 1728/2019 titled as Kuldeep Kumar & Others vs state of HP and others
[20-Aug-2019] Regarding activities to be conducted for commemorating 150th Birthday Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
[19-Aug-2019] Regarding allotment of budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20
[19-Aug-2019] Submission of Budget Estimates for the year 2020-21 and revised budget estimates for the year 2019-20.
[17-Aug-2019] Regarding Office Order of State Level Tournament (Major /Minor Games) of under 14 years Girls at GSSS Saloh Distt. Una
[17-Aug-2019] Regarding Meeting of Primary Sports
[16-Aug-2019] Distt Boys&Girls-Sports Duty
[14-Aug-2019] Application form Admit Card and General information regarding NMMS Examination for students studying in 8th class
[14-Aug-2019] Regarding implementation of Philately Scholarship Scheme " Deen Dayal Sparsh Yojna for the year 2019-20
[13-Aug-2019] Regarding Creation of Payee ID of Students for IRDP Scholarship for the year 2019-20
[13-Aug-2019] Duties of Officials for one Day orientation programme for CSC 2019 at GSSS Saloh on dated 14.08.2019
[13-Aug-2019] Regarding Handicapped scholarship for the year 2019-20
[09-Aug-2019] 27th Sub Division/Distt. Level Children Science Congress 2019
[09-Aug-2019] One day orientation programme for CSC 2019 at GSSS Saloh on Dated 14.08.2019
[08-Aug-2019] Regarding the rehearsal of Cultural item for Independence day celebration day 15th August 2019
[08-Aug-2019] Regarding updation of details in NSP of Nodal Officer at Institute Level
[08-Aug-2019] List of Candidates for the counselling of Shastri (ward of Ex-Serviceman) - press Note
[06-Aug-2019] Regarding District and Zonal level Chess Duties.
[05-Aug-2019] Regarding Revised Performa for allotment of budget under all type of scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20
[05-Aug-2019] Regarding revised performa for allotment of Budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20
[05-Aug-2019] Corrigendum Co-ordination Committee Children Science Congress -2019
[05-Aug-2019] Corrigendum regarding Mukhyamantri Harit vidyalya Abiyan
[03-Aug-2019] Office order
[03-Aug-2019] Office order
[01-Aug-2019] Proposal for the construction of class room/additional class room in GMS under SCSP scheme 2019-20
[01-Aug-2019] मुख्यमंत्री हरित विद्यालय अभियान अगस्त 2019 के प्रथम सप्ताह से शुभारम्भ बारे
[31-Jul-2019] Regarding constitution of Committee for the smooth inplementation of CSC 2019
[31-Jul-2019] Notification regarding Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakaram
[30-Jul-2019] नवमी व दसवीं कक्षा के छात्र छात्राओं के अंडर १४ खेलकूद प्रतियोगिताओं में खर्च बारे
[29-Jul-2019] Regarding clarification continuation of services of SMC provided teachers in Elementary /Higher education Department of HP for the academic session 2019-20
[29-Jul-2019] Regarding Training Workshop as Resource Person in BRCC hall Una on 05.08.2019 at 10:00 AM
[29-Jul-2019] Regarding allotment of budget under IRDP scholarship scheme for the year 2019-20.
[29-Jul-2019] Regarding time line activities under the Pre-matric scholarship scheme to the children of those engaged in unclean occupation for the year 2019-20.
[29-Jul-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of school : Una Distt.
[29-Jul-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of school : Una Distt.
[27-Jul-2019] Regarding sports meeting to be held at DDEE office Distt, Una on 03.08.2019 at 10.30 AM
[27-Jul-2019] Regarding implementation of "pradhan mantri shram yogi Maan-Dhan".
[27-Jul-2019] Regarding inclusion the name in TGT promotion panel in service C&V teacehrs
[26-Jul-2019] मुख्यमन्त्री कार्यालय में अनावश्यक पत्राचार बारे .
[26-Jul-2019] Regarding Promotion of sun exposure progamme in schools.
[26-Jul-2019] Registration of School for CSC-2019 Web Portal (online)
[25-Jul-2019] Regarding National scholarship portal (NSP) was launched by Honable Prime Minister on 1st July 2015 as a key initiative under digital India Program.
[25-Jul-2019] Regarding centrally sponsored scheme of Pre- Matric scholarship (PMS) to the children of those engaged in occupation involving cleaning and prone to health hazards proposals for release of due central assistance during 2019-20.
[24-Jul-2019] Regarding meeting of Committee constituted to check drug menace (03.06.2019)
[23-Jul-2019] Office order
[22-Jul-2019] पानी की टंकियों एवं शौचालयों की सफाई करने बारे
[22-Jul-2019] पानी की टंकियों एवं शौचालयों की सफाई करने बारे
[22-Jul-2019] Regarding Entrance Examinations Jawahar Nivodya Vidyalya
[20-Jul-2019] Regarding bringing on Contract basis the period base Punjabi Teaches
[19-Jul-2019] regarding sensitization of people to use digital payment
[19-Jul-2019] Regarding Furnishing of action taken report on celebration of 150th Anniversary Mahatama Gandhi
[19-Jul-2019] Saksham National Competition 2019 painting Essay Writing & Quiz for school children to promote awareness on Conservation of Petroleum Products, with attractive prizes, including trip to japan, laptop and cash prizes.
[18-Jul-2019] Regarding implementation of the Global Tobacoo Survey
[18-Jul-2019] Regarding sensitizing the school children under RTE to ensure attendance in the schools, avoid drugs and appointment of Balmitra Teachers in Govt Schools .
[18-Jul-2019] Regarding nomination of Youths with disabilities (from the category of visual, hearing, physical and intellectual/ developmental disorder) for National IT Competition in June-July 2019.
[17-Jul-2019] Regarding distribution of WIFS (weekly Iron Folic Acid).
[16-Jul-2019] Protection of children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 and Instruction thereof.
[16-Jul-2019] Press Note of LT,OT & DM (Divyang)
[16-Jul-2019] Use of Double fortified salt(Iron & Iodine)and edible oils (vitamin A&D) for Mid Day Meal in schools in the state.
[12-Jul-2019] Guideline of school nutrition garden under Mid Day Meal scheme.
[12-Jul-2019] Regarding two days seminar for District level resource person for chess instructor / trainer/ arbiter for conducting chess tournament under 14 HPESSA chess games
[12-Jul-2019] Regarding vacation schedule of Govt. Schools running in the State under department of Higher Education .
[12-Jul-2019] Transfer order of C&V
[11-Jul-2019] Regarding updation of details in NSP of Nodal officer at District and Institute level.
[11-Jul-2019] Change in date of Una zone (Zonal level) sports U(14).
[10-Jul-2019] Regarding Weekly Iron Folic Acid (WiFS) programme to students in Private Schools.
[09-Jul-2019] Recommendation for Padma Awards 2018.
[09-Jul-2019] Regarding Automated Monitoring system (AMS) reporting of Mid Day Meal scheme.
[09-Jul-2019] corrigendum[05-Jul-2019] Institutionalize a robust and holistic review and monitoring mechanism through school inspection , perdominantly focused on academic performance , at all level in the State by expanding the usage of Shiksha Saathi Application
[09-Jul-2019] R&P Rule C&V
[09-Jul-2019] खेल कूद प्रतियोगिता के सही संचालन तथा खिलाड़ी (छात्र /छात्रा) के साथ प्रतिनियुक्ति किये गये अध्यापको की जिम्मेवारी बारे
[08-Jul-2019] Regarding transfer order of Sh. Parveen Sehgal PET GHS Loharli to GSSS Badhera Rajputan
[08-Jul-2019] वर्ष 2019 के शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिए लेख एवं आलेख प्रेषित करने बारे
[08-Jul-2019] प्रदेश की पाठशालाओं में मध्याह्न भोजन योजना के अंतर्गत हरित कचरा के उपयुक्त निपटारे बारे सूचना
[06-Jul-2019] Final extension of timeline for inviting applications for National Award to teachers
[06-Jul-2019] Fwd: वर्ष २०१९ के राज्य सतरीय शिक्षक पुरुस्कार बारे !
[05-Jul-2019] Institutionalize a robust and holistic review and monitoring mechanism through school inspection , perdominantly focused on academic performance , at all level in the State by expanding the usage of Shiksha Saathi Applications
[05-Jul-2019] Submission of actual Enrollment of classes 1st , 3rd, 6th & 9th for the distribution of school bags during 2019-20 under "Atal School Vardi Yojna"
[04-Jul-2019] Institutionalize a robust and holistic review and monitoring mechanism through school inspection , perdominantly focused on academic performance , at all level in the State by expanding the usage of Shiksha Saathi Applications
[04-Jul-2019] Institutionalize a robust and holistic review and monitoring mechanism through school inspection , perdominantly focused on academic performance , at all level in the State by expanding the usage of Shiksha Saathi Applications
[03-Jul-2019] conduct of State mega mock Exercise on Earthquake Disaster involving 12 Districts in the HP
[29-Jun-2019] Regarding Write ups for State Level Science Seminar 2019
[29-Jun-2019] Online Textbook demand collection for Academic Year 2020-21
[29-Jun-2019] Transfer order of C&V
[28-Jun-2019] Regarding sharing of HP Samarth Assessment Dashboard for the Year of 2018-19 and usage of Summative Assessment 2 published online
[28-Jun-2019] Protection of Children from sexual offences (POCSO) Act, 2012 and instruction thereof.
[27-Jun-2019] Regarding assignment seniority of left out C&V teacher as on 30-12-2017
[25-Jun-2019] राष्ट्रीय स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरस्कार बारे
[25-Jun-2019] Date Sheet of Formative Assessment FA-II and Guidelines thereof.
[25-Jun-2019] दिनाकं 25.05.2019 को दैनिक समाचार पत्र अमर उजाला में प्रकाशित समाचार सिरमौर के ददाहू स्कूल में मिड डे मील में निकले कीड़े
[24-Jun-2019] Corrigendum/modification
[24-Jun-2019] Clarification regarding the joining of LT appointment in the month of June 2019
[22-Jun-2019] Completion of online UDISE data
[22-Jun-2019] Elementary Sports Meeting Proceeding Calendar 2019-20 & Performa
[21-Jun-2019] Appointment order of LT
[21-Jun-2019] पाठशालाओं में बच्चों के मध्याहन भोजन तैयार करने हेतु उपयोग किए जाने वाले पानी तथा इससे संबधित अन्य सुरक्षा एवं स्वच्छता उपाय ब
[21-Jun-2019] Tabacoo Free Zones Policy implementation thereof.
[21-Jun-2019] Transfer Order in r/o C&V category
[20-Jun-2019] Regarding Ex-Post-Facto permission to take treatment in Non-empanelled Hospital.
[20-Jun-2019] Participation of all NCC Cadets in Yoga on International Yoga Day (IDY) 21st June 2019
[19-Jun-2019] Regarding implement IDFC from 28th May to 8th June to intensify efforts towards reducing deaths to diarrhea among under-5 children
[19-Jun-2019] Appointment of JBT
[19-Jun-2019] Regarding Registration Enrollment under Himachal health care scheme HIMCARE
[18-Jun-2019] Regarding International Day of Yoga on 21st June 2019
[15-Jun-2019] Online Textbook demand collection for Academic Year 2020-21
[15-Jun-2019] Reminder Regarding collection of IRDP Scholarship Cheque.
[11-Jun-2019] Regarding Observance of 26th June 2019 as "International Day against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking"
[10-Jun-2019] जिला कल्याण समिति बल बालिका सुरखा योजना के अंतर्गत सरकारी पाठशालाओं में भ्रमण बारे
[04-Jun-2019] Request Regarding to issue instructions of orders issued by Govt. of India in respect of Minority Community Certificate not Mandatory for getting the benefits of welfare schemes
[03-Jun-2019] Regarding Local holiday Declared by Worthy Deputy Commissioner.
[01-Jun-2019] Information regarding regular inspection of school : Una Distt.
[31-May-2019] Press Note regarding LT counselling
[31-May-2019] Appointment of JBT
[31-May-2019] Regarding collection of IRDP Scholarship Cheque 2018-19
[30-May-2019] Regarding application for grant of permission to demonstrate paper art work in all the Govt. as well as private Schools of District Una free of cost.
[29-May-2019] Regarding meeting of Pvt. schools managers with worthy Deputy Commissioner Una regarding children safety.
[28-May-2019] Office Order
[27-May-2019] Reschedule of School timing all the Govt. & Private Schools w.e.f. 28th May 2019 to 30th June 2019
[24-May-2019] Submission of Eco-club U/C with complete Expenditure statement Upto date
[23-May-2019] Regarding issuing of immunization certificate at the time of first admission in school.
[23-May-2019] Regarding issuing of immunization certificate at the time of first admission in school.
[21-May-2019] Suggestion Regarding displaying of Govt. Schemes on notice board
[21-May-2019] Appointment of Judges on International Day of Biological Diversity Celebration on dated 22nd May 2019 at GSSS Saloh
[20-May-2019] Regarding Distt. Level Yoga Olympiad on 25.05.2019
[16-May-2019] To arrange /manage meal facility to Polling parties in the polling stations .
[15-May-2019] Regarding conduction Block convergence Committee meeting under POSHAN ABHIYAN on every 26th of month
[14-May-2019] CWP No. 1516/2017- titled as Dr. Nitin Vyas V/s State of H.P. & others
[14-May-2019] Celebration of International Day of Biological Diversity on 22nd May 2019
[13-May-2019] अधिसूचना
[10-May-2019] Regarding Quarterly Enrollment of Class 6th to 10th
[09-May-2019] Regarding e-SAMADHAN
[08-May-2019] Providing information of those C&V who resigned after joining
[06-May-2019] General house of Elementary Sports
[04-May-2019] Regarding updation of Name Gender and Date of Birth in the Aadhaar records
[03-May-2019] To arrange/ manage meal facility to polling parties in the Polling Stations, which have been established in the school permises during ensuring election.
[01-May-2019] Regarding Support to observe National De-worming day and vitamin A on 1st May 2019 in Himachal Pradesh
[27-Apr-2019] Regarding Handbook for Adolescents/Students on Cyber-Safety
[24-Apr-2019] Report of 11th Joint review Mission on Mid Day Meal Scheme remedial and corrective measures and action taken thereof.
[24-Apr-2019] Notification regarding enhanced payment in r/o PTA teachers.
[23-Apr-2019] Regarding Submission of Utilization Certificate
[23-Apr-2019] प्रदेश की पाठशालाओं में मध्याहन भोजन योजना के अंतर्गत हरित कचरा के उपयुक्त निपटारे बारे दिशा निर्देश !
[23-Apr-2019] Regarding NDD(National De-Worming Day and Vit A supplementation on dated 01.05.2019)
[22-Apr-2019] Regarding Election training/ Rehearsal
[22-Apr-2019] Regarding awareness of ill-effect of drug-abuse
[22-Apr-2019] Regarding Support to observe National De-worming day and vitamin A on 1st May 2019 in Himachal Pradesh
[22-Apr-2019] Regarding Support to observe National De-worming day and vitamin A on 1st May 2019 in Himachal Pradesh
[22-Apr-2019] Provide the TGT return
[20-Apr-2019] Regarding magic show by magician Rajesh Kumar
[20-Apr-2019] Regarding of meeting to review the road safety status in the state held under the chairmanship of chief secretary to the Govt. of HP on 08.02.2019-ATR thereof.
[20-Apr-2019] Regarding NDD(National De-Worming Day and Vit A supplementation on dated 01.05.2019)
[20-Apr-2019] Polythene Hatao Paryavarn Bachao Abhiyan-2019 w.e.f. 12th April to 20th April 2019.
[18-Apr-2019] General Elections to lok sabha-2019
[17-Apr-2019] Regarding Implementation of the national Disaster management Guidelines on the School Safety 2016
[12-Apr-2019] Regarding personal hearing in OA no. 2121/2014 titled as Bidhi Singh V/S state of HP & others
[12-Apr-2019] Lok Sabha Election 2019
[12-Apr-2019] Lok Sabha Genral Election-2019 Applying for EDC/Postal Ballot
[11-Apr-2019] प्रतिधारित मामलों के सम्बन्ध में
[10-Apr-2019] awareness among the school children by the teaching staff for prevention & Containment cited above
[10-Apr-2019] Regarding budget demand of honorarium to Punjabi & Urdu teachers for the year 2019-20
[10-Apr-2019] Regarding budget demand of GIA to SMC for the year 2019-20
[10-Apr-2019] Regarding budget demand of GIA to PTA teachers for the year 2019-20
[10-Apr-2019] Regarding Budget demand under SCSP scheme for the year 2019-20
[09-Apr-2019] Establishment return of C&V
[08-Apr-2019] Regarding duties of PETs in Distt Level ITIs sports (Boys & Girls) Tournaments w.e.f 09.04.2019 to 12.04.2019 at ITI campus Una
[06-Apr-2019] Regarding provide the monthly report of Folic Acid Tablets (WIFS).
[06-Apr-2019] CWP No. 4567/2014 titled as Rajni Sharma Vs State of H.P.
[05-Apr-2019] Deletion of all references of politicians/Ministers on the official websites/ hoardings during election period -reg.
[05-Apr-2019] Regarding Regularization of contract appointees.
[05-Apr-2019] C&V teachers as on 31.03.2019
[05-Apr-2019] TGT Regularization
[04-Apr-2019] शतरंज की जानकारी है व् शतराज में रूचि रखने वाले अध्यापकों की सूचि उपलब्ध करवाने बारे !
[04-Apr-2019] Regarding submission of Free Textbooks indents and verification certificate that FTB have reached in all Blocks for the academic year 2019-20
[03-Apr-2019] Guideline for the conduct of Government servant during elections.
[03-Apr-2019] General Election to Lok Sabha -2019
[02-Apr-2019] अंशकालीन जलवाह्कों के मानदेय/ मजदूरी में मूल्य रुपये 200 / की बढ़ोतरी करने बारे
[01-Apr-2019] Providing TGT establishment through Email
[30-Mar-2019] Proforma for supplementary textbooks demand for summer -closing schools .
[30-Mar-2019] Instruction regarding preparation of ensuing Lok Sabha Election - 2019
[28-Mar-2019] Observance of earth hour campaign on March 30th, 2019 through eco club schools.
[28-Mar-2019] Remembring 04th April 1905 kangra Earthquake Anniversary: shake out drill in Himachal Pradesh
[28-Mar-2019] format of report of mock drill on earthquake on 04th April 2019
[28-Mar-2019] Regarding grace marks for 8th & 9th sanskrit marks-2019 examinations.
[23-Mar-2019] Office Oder
[20-Mar-2019] Development of kitchen Garden under mid Day Meal Scheme in the schools
[19-Mar-2019] regarding compliance with the inherent norms for private schools
[16-Mar-2019] PRESS NOTE TGT COUNSELLING ON DATED 18.03.2019, 19.03.2019 & 20.03.2019
[16-Mar-2019] Regarding required number of rooms in the building so requisitioned be vacated and handed over to the presiding Officer
[16-Mar-2019] Verification process at school level for "Free Text Book" Delivery through MDM-ARMS Portal.
[16-Mar-2019] Providing of teachers by SMC in Education Deptt.
[16-Mar-2019] Application regarding MSc course
[14-Mar-2019] Matter regarding enhancement of honararium of Cook-cum-helpers (CCH) engaged under Mid Day Meal Scheme in the State of Himachal Pradesh for 2019-20.
[14-Mar-2019] TGT Establishment Proforma
[14-Mar-2019] Regarding establishment return of TGT category
[13-Mar-2019] Regarding Scholarship beneficiaries details for the year 2018-19 (Reminder-1)
[12-Mar-2019] Regarding TGT counselling
[11-Mar-2019] Press Note regarding LT counselling
[11-Mar-2019] Joining of Sh. Sandip Kumar ,Dy Director Elementary Education Una on dated 07th March 2019
[08-Mar-2019] Observance of Intensified pulse polio Immunization (IPPI) Campaign (NID) on 10th March 2019 in District Una
[07-Mar-2019] Regarding Batch-wise counseling of TGT
[05-Mar-2019] Regarding meeting on Anemia Mukat Bharat on 21st January 2019 at 3PM.
[02-Mar-2019] मजबूत लोकतन्त्र सबकी भागेदारी !
[01-Mar-2019] Free text book delivery through MDM-AMRS Portal
[01-Mar-2019] Batchwise counselling of LT
[28-Feb-2019] Exemption from Ongoing Exams for Children of Martyred Soldiers in Pulwama Attack.
[27-Feb-2019] Regarding panel for the post of DPEs amongest eligible in service PETs
[26-Feb-2019] Appointment order of JBT(Ge. Ward of Ex-man)
[26-Feb-2019] Regarding Hola near Baba Badbhag Singh JI
[26-Feb-2019] Regarding conduct of Lok sabha Genral election -2019 from 3-Hamirpur Parliamentary Constituency -Restriction on grant of leave/Reliving of staff on transfer/promotion
[25-Feb-2019] Appointment order of JBT
[23-Feb-2019] Regarding observance of 30th National Road Safety week 2019 from 4th to 10th feb. 2019
[23-Feb-2019] Regarding Directives for formulating strategies for implementation of National Deworming day (NDD)-2019 on 08.02.2019 and 10.08.2019
[22-Feb-2019] अखण्ड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती के योजना के दिशा निर्देशों के अनुमोदन बारे
[21-Feb-2019] Regarding corrigendum / memorendum for appointments of Sh. Daleep Kumar LT
[20-Feb-2019] Regarding Scholarship beneficiaries details for the year 2018-19
[20-Feb-2019] Regarding corrigendum / memorendum for appointments of Sh. Daleep Kumar LT
[18-Feb-2019] Seniority Number of TGT
[18-Feb-2019] Regarding inclusion the names in PGT panel amongst in-service TGTs Possessing Master Degree for promotion as PGT in the year 2019.
[18-Feb-2019] Regarding scholarship beneficiaries details for the year 2018-19
[15-Feb-2019] Regarding appointments of LT through HP staff selection commission in una distt.
[14-Feb-2019] Regarding distribution of supplementary material (PRERNA & Prayas) of class 1st to 8th in all schools.
[14-Feb-2019] Appointment order PET
[14-Feb-2019] Appointment order DM
[12-Feb-2019] Appointment order of PET
[12-Feb-2019] Re-conduct of all india sainik schools entrance examination for admission to class VI session 2019-20
[11-Feb-2019] Re-conduct of all india sainik schools entrance examination for admission to class VI session 2019-20
[11-Feb-2019] List of DM/PET & LT recommended by HPSSC Hamirpur
[08-Feb-2019] List of candidates whose name have been sponcer for JBT conselling(Ward of Ex-man) to be held on 11.02.2019
[07-Feb-2019] Office Order of PET
[06-Feb-2019] Regarding list of TGT retiring during the Year 2021/2022/2023 & 2024.
[05-Feb-2019] Enhancement in cooking cost for per child per day under Mid Day Meal Scheme By GOI w.e.f 1.4.2018
[05-Feb-2019] Teachers having Knowledge/Interest of Chess Game
[04-Feb-2019] Instruction for all the BEEOs and BRCCs regarding submit the complete report of distribution of Iron Folic Acid Tablets class 1to 5 and 6 to 8
[02-Feb-2019] JBT appointment batchwise(Ward of Ex-serviceman)
[01-Feb-2019] Appointment order of JBT
[31-Jan-2019] Regarding school timing from 01.02.2019 to 15.02.2019
[28-Jan-2019] interaction of Honble Prime Minister with students and Teachers on dated 29th Jan 2019 at talkatora stadium new dehli
[22-Jan-2019] Proposal with regard to vacant post of DM/PET in Pool in stand alone Middle schools where students strength is less than 100
[17-Jan-2019] Regarding Meeting 25% reservation to weaker sections and disadvantaged groups
[16-Jan-2019] Regarding Plan of Action for Jan Andolan Activities under "Poshan Abhiyan".
[16-Jan-2019] राष्ट्रीय मतदाता दिवस 25 जनबरी ,२०१९ के आयोजन के संधर्व में|
[16-Jan-2019] Regarding Voters Day Organization of "Young Voters Festiival" reg
[16-Jan-2019] Meeting of the Head of Govt. Schools of Una Constituency Distt. Una
[15-Jan-2019] आयरन फोलिक एसिड की दवाइयों की रिपोर्ट भेजने के संधर्ब में
[15-Jan-2019] Regarding Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Program
[14-Jan-2019] Regarding batch wise counseling of PET on dated 15 &16 January,2019 (Public Notice)
[08-Jan-2019] Appointment of JBT
[08-Jan-2019] Regarding TGT seniority up to 30.06.2015
[02-Jan-2019] Press note regarding batch wise counseling of PET on dated 15, 16 Jan,2019
[01-Jan-2019] Regarding school timing from 01.01.2019 to 31.01.2019
[01-Jan-2019] Student tour package
[24-Dec-2018] joining report
[24-Dec-2018] Regarding submission of UC of Middle merit Scholarship
[24-Dec-2018] Regarding social audit of MDM scheme
[22-Dec-2018] Regarding 55th. Report of the Commissioner for Linguistic Minorities in India covering the period from july 2017 to June 2018
[21-Dec-2018] Regarding social audit of MDM scheme
[21-Dec-2018] Regarding regularization or bringing on contract basis the period base Punjabi teachers
[20-Dec-2018] Regarding Submission of pending Utilization Certificates 2016-17 and 2017-18
[19-Dec-2018] Minority Affairs Extension of last date for State-District level verification for 09 States till 31.12.2018
[18-Dec-2018] अखण्ड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती के संधर्व में
[18-Dec-2018] Regarding new admission in schools of the children of prostitutes and others whose admission were refused on the sole ground that their father name is not known
[18-Dec-2018] Regarding Advisory on online dangerous game (Momo challenge)
[15-Dec-2018] Guidelines for Tithi bhojan under Mid Day Meal Scheme
[11-Dec-2018] Regarding 5th and 8th Classes Question Paper Demand Summer March 2019
[07-Dec-2018] Regarding National Flag Day Celebration Year 2018
[03-Dec-2018] Regarding increasing remuneration of SMC teachers @ 20% as per announcement in budget speech for the year 2018-19
[03-Dec-2018] बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढाओ के अंतर्गत डी. सी. कार्ड धारकों को प्राथमिकता देने बारे
[15-Nov-2018] Appointment order of JBT
[12-Nov-2018] Regarding Duties of Inspection teams for granting recognition for Private schools
[03-Nov-2018] Regarding Extension in date of Pre-Matric Scholarship 2018-19
[01-Nov-2018] Clarification regarding claiming of salary of PTA Contract teachers
[01-Nov-2018] Supreme court Evaluation Writ Petition (civil)618 &676 of 2013 titled as Antarrashtriya Manav Adhikar Nigrani Vs Union of India & Ors
[31-Oct-2018] CWPIL No. 157/2017 Court on its own motion v/s state of HP and others(Vacant post of C&V category)
[30-Oct-2018] जवाहर नवोदय विद्यालय में कक्षा 6 के चयन परीक्षा के सम्बन्ध मे
[30-Oct-2018] Writ petition (Civil) No. 136 of 2017 titled as Barun Chandra Thakur v/s UOI & Othres .
[30-Oct-2018] Regarding awairness of ill - effects of drug abuse.
[30-Oct-2018] Regarding support to observe National De-worming day and Vitamin A on 1st November 2018 in Himachal Pradesh
[25-Oct-2018] Press Note of BRCC
[25-Oct-2018] ऊर्जा संरक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा 4,5 एवं 6 (श्रेणी अ )कक्षा7,8 एवं 9 (श्रेणी ब ) के स्चूली छात्र/छात्राओ हेतु पेंटिंग प्रत
[25-Oct-2018] Regarding appointment under SMC
[22-Oct-2018] Regarding NDD National De worming Day November 2018
[18-Oct-2018] Primary Sports Duty at GSSS Chamba w.e.f 29.10.2018 to 02.11.2018
[17-Oct-2018] Regarding Submission of Duly verified documents and printed application form of Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship 2018-19
[16-Oct-2018] Office Order of JBT
[16-Oct-2018] Regarding Provision of special leave to untrained in service teachers to attend the Personal Contract Programme and examination for online D.el.ed Cource
[16-Oct-2018] Regularization of C&V
[16-Oct-2018] Regarding last date of online filling the form of eligible Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship of students on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for the financial year 2018-19.
[11-Oct-2018] Regarding D.led Exams
[11-Oct-2018] Regarding permission to visit GMS/GCPS/ GPS for Genral Knowledge Awareness Checking
[10-Oct-2018] Office order Regarding local holiday on dated 08.11.2018
[10-Oct-2018] Regarding MId Day Meal Scheme Complaint
[10-Oct-2018] Office order regarding Child labour
[10-Oct-2018] Regarding information of TGT Arts/NM/Med
[08-Oct-2018] Class-IV Employees Duty for State Level U(14) at GSSS Basdehra from 12.10.18 to 17.10.2018
[08-Oct-2018] District Level culture programme judges at GHS Raipur Sahoran
[08-Oct-2018] Regarding Collection of Middle Merit Scholarship Cheque
[08-Oct-2018] Office Order
[06-Oct-2018] Office order of C&V
[06-Oct-2018] Pre- Primary classes (Nursary &KG) to be started in selected 3391 schools of Himachal Pradesh under Pre School Education Programme
[06-Oct-2018] Regarding Duties of escort teachers to escort students to state level CSC 2018 at chamba Chougan w.e.f 9th to 12th Oct 2018
[04-Oct-2018] Instructions/norms for the constructions of Kichen cum store under Mid Day Meal Scheme in Primary/Upper Primary schools in the state
[03-Oct-2018] U(14) State Level(Minor) Games Duty at GSSS Basdehra
[03-Oct-2018] U(14)District Athletics & Culture Duty at GHS Raipur Sahoran
[01-Oct-2018] Regarding centrally sponsored scheme of Pre-Matric scholarship to the children of those engaged in occupation involving cleaning and prone to health hazards proposals for release of due central assistance during 2017-18 and 2018-19.
[01-Oct-2018] Regularization of contract Appointees in the Govt. Deptt. instructions thereof
[28-Sep-2018] Regarding painting competition on Energy Conservation-2018
[28-Sep-2018] Regarding last date of online filling the form of eligible Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship of students on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) for the financial year 2018-19.
[27-Sep-2018] Regarding Duties Distt Level Athletics and Culture at GHS SAhoran
[27-Sep-2018] Office Order of Ground committee for the State Level tournaments (Minor) at GSSS Basdehra
[27-Sep-2018] Revised Schedule State Sports, Distt Sports U(14) & State U(12)
[27-Sep-2018] Office Order of Organization committee for the State Level tournaments (Minor) At GSSS basderha
[26-Sep-2018] Regarding Appointment order of Shastri
[26-Sep-2018] Revised Schedule of State Tournament U(14)&U(12)
[25-Sep-2018] Regarding change in dates of district level CSC 2018 going to be held at GSSS Bangana
[24-Sep-2018] Regarding Govt. & Private Schools Closed on Dated 25.09.2018
[24-Sep-2018] Vaccination Certificate of Child at the time of admission in School
[24-Sep-2018] Corrigendum Regarding Sabal Bharat Mission Workshop on 25.09.18 at Govt. Degree College Una
[24-Sep-2018] Regarding organization of one day workshop on SABAL Bhart Mission on dated 25th September 2018
[19-Sep-2018] Corrigendum regarding change ofDistrict level Duties for CSC2018
[19-Sep-2018] Regarding Duties of the PETs in State level under 14 Boys tournaments.
[19-Sep-2018] Regarding Distt. Level Coordination committee and Duties of officials and Judge/ Expert for CSC 2018
[19-Sep-2018] Regarding demand of Pre-Matric scholarship Scheme tp the children whose parents are engaged in unclean occupations health hazard for the financial year 2018-19
[19-Sep-2018] Regarding Last date of online filling the form of eligible Pre-Matric Minority Scholarship of sctudents on National Scholarship Portal
[18-Sep-2018] Regarding regularization of left out categories
[18-Sep-2018] Regarding duties of state level tournament Under 14 Major Games
[17-Sep-2018] Submission of Budget Estimate for he Year 2019-20 and revised budget estimates for the Year 2018-19
[17-Sep-2018] Guideline regarding Scientific project reports and Skit play CSC-2018
[17-Sep-2018] Appointments order of Shastri (C&V)
[17-Sep-2018] Instruction regarding implementation of D.El.Ed./B.Ed. qualification upon the shastri teachers appointed in the Year 2016 & 2017
[14-Sep-2018] Nomination of National Award for innovation in Educational Administration
[14-Sep-2018] Observance of 15 September, 2018 i,e last day of swachta Pakhwada as Swachata hi Sewa Day
[14-Sep-2018] Regarding State Level tournaments (Minor) games of under 14 Boys
[13-Sep-2018] Writ Petition (civil)618 &676 of 2013 titled as Antarrashtriya Manav Adhikar Nigrani Vs Union of India & Ors
[11-Sep-2018] Appointments of OT recommended by commission / verification of documents
[11-Sep-2018] State Sports Duties U-14(Girls) at GSSS Karsog
[10-Sep-2018] Regarding the important instruction & eligibility criteria for Primary and under 14 Sports of the year 2018-19
[10-Sep-2018] Office Order
[07-Sep-2018] sports-duty-at-GSSS Panjawar
[06-Sep-2018] Distt-Boys-Sports-Duty-at-GSSS Panjawar
[06-Sep-2018] Regularization of contract C&V teachers in Una Distt.
[05-Sep-2018] Regarding Corrigendum for CSC 2018
[05-Sep-2018] Regarding Children science congress -2018 for subdivision haroli at GSSS Lalhari
[05-Sep-2018] Regarding Children science congress -2018 for subdivision Una at GSSS Basdehra
[01-Sep-2018] Regarding demand of pre matric sholarship schemes to the children whose parents are enaged in unclean occupation health hazards for the FY 2018-19
[01-Sep-2018] Batchwise counseling of TGTs w.e.f. 11.09.18 to 13.09.2018.
[31-Aug-2018] स्वर्णिम हिमाचल पत्र के अंतर्गत अखंड शिक्षा ज्योति मेरे स्कूल से निकले मोती योजना के दिशा निर्देशों के अनुमोदन बारे
[31-Aug-2018] भारत के राष्ट्रपति को संबोधित करते समय अभिवादन के रूप में महामहिम शब्दों का प्रचलन समाप्त करना
[31-Aug-2018] One day orientation workshop under the Earthen Program for ECO club Schools
[31-Aug-2018] office order regarding SDMIS data entry
[31-Aug-2018] office order regarding SDMIS data entry
[31-Aug-2018] Regarding the Celebration of September month as "POSHAN MAAH" unde the Poshan Abhiyan.
[30-Aug-2018] Office Order
[28-Aug-2018] Appointment order of JBT in Una Distt.
[25-Aug-2018] Regarding latest Establishment Return of C and V Category
[25-Aug-2018] Regarding latest establishment return of TGT category
[25-Aug-2018] Corrigendum-1 in respect of duties children science 2018
[24-Aug-2018] Office order
[23-Aug-2018] Sports-Trainer-Primary-for BRCC UNa & BRCC Mubarikpur
[23-Aug-2018] Coaching-camp (Sports) for Primary-Teachers
[23-Aug-2018] Proforma for Bus Charges during Distt Tournaments
[21-Aug-2018] Regarding Extending date for submission of IRDP scholarship for the FY 2018-19
[21-Aug-2018] Revised Schedule State & Distt. Sports-2018-19
[21-Aug-2018] Provide the information C&V PTA(GIA Teachers) at present working in Una Distt.
[21-Aug-2018] Office order regarding providing MDM to NRST centre
[20-Aug-2018] Regarding CSC Duties 2018-19
[16-Aug-2018] Corrigendum of Distt Level Girls Tournaments 2018-19
[16-Aug-2018] One day orientation workshop under the Earthen Program for ECO club Schools
[16-Aug-2018] Regarding handicapped scholarship for the year 2018-19
[16-Aug-2018] Regardng demand of Pre-Matric scholarship schemes to the children whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation health hazards for the financial year 2018-19.
[14-Aug-2018] Transfer order of C&V
[14-Aug-2018] Submission of demand for budget in different SOEs for the financial year 2018-19.
[09-Aug-2018] Regarding 3rd session of Vidhan sabha
[09-Aug-2018] Clarification regarding Scholarship for the year 2018-19
[09-Aug-2018] Regarding M.R. bills.
[08-Aug-2018] Sports selction proforma
[07-Aug-2018] Pvt. Schools Participation in sports of Zonal and Distt Tournaments
[07-Aug-2018] corrigendum regarding distt. level tournaments under(14)
[04-Aug-2018] Regarding submission of scholarship list of all type of scholarship for the financial year 2018-19.
[02-Aug-2018] LPA 14/2012 Veena Raizada v/s state
[02-Aug-2018] LPA 14/2012
[02-Aug-2018] National Awareness Campaign in 2018
[02-Aug-2018] Regarding Maintenance of Village Education Ragister
[01-Aug-2018] खेल कूद प्रतियोगिता के सुचारू रूप से संचालन हेतु प्रतिनियुक्त किए गये अध्यापकों की जिम्मेवारी सुनिशित करने बारे
[31-Jul-2018] बर्ष 2017 के राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरुस्कार बारे
[31-Jul-2018] Regardng demant of Pre-Matric scholarship schemes to the children whose parents are engaged in unclean occupation health hazards for the financial year 2018-19.
[30-Jul-2018] Regarding onliine filling forms of Pre Matric scholarship scheme for minority students year 2018-19 On NSP protal.
[30-Jul-2018] Sports-Duty-For-Zone-Level-and-Distt.-Level-Tournaments-2018-19
[27-Jul-2018] Regarding issuance of Vacancy Certificates in respect of teachers
[26-Jul-2018] Press Note Regarding Utilization certificate of spent amount on the JNV EXAM 2018
[24-Jul-2018] Regarding Handicapped scholarship for the year 2018-19
[23-Jul-2018] Regarding Children science congress -2018
[23-Jul-2018] North Regional Training workshop on teaching Mathematics through Origami.
[20-Jul-2018] Performa and Guidelines regarding State Teacher Award 2018
[17-Jul-2018] Press Note for JBT counselling
[17-Jul-2018] List of JBT candidates sponsered by Emp. Exchanges Una for batchwise counselling on 20.07.2018 in the office of the DDEE Una
[13-Jul-2018] O.A.No.2314/2018 titled as Raj Kumari V/S State of HP & others.
[12-Jul-2018] Regarding organization of District level science seminar 2018
[10-Jul-2018] Regarding Launching of letter writing compaign "Dhai Akhar"
[09-Jul-2018] अप्र्शिक्षित सेवारत शिक्षकों के लिए संचालित डिप्लोमा इन एलीमेंट्री एजुकेशन की परीक्षा फीस से संभंधित
[09-Jul-2018] Regarding filling up of additional JBT posts in Distt. Una
[06-Jul-2018] Regarding JBT batchwise counselling in Una Distt. on 20.07.2018
[06-Jul-2018] Office Order
[06-Jul-2018] Regarding submission of scholarship list of all types of scholarship for the financial year 2018-19
[06-Jul-2018] अनुसूचित जाति/अनुसूचित जनजाति (अत्याचार निवारण) अधिनियम 1989 के अंतर्गत दिनांक 18-05 -2018 को आयोजित की नई बैठक की कार्यवाही भेजने हेतु
[05-Jul-2018] Performa for Participation in Elementary Sports 2018-19
[05-Jul-2018] Office order
[05-Jul-2018] Elementary Sports Meeting Proceeding and Calendar 2018-19
[04-Jul-2018] वर्ष 2017 के राष्ट्रीय शिक्षक पुरुस्कार बारे
[04-Jul-2018] Office Order Regarding Appointment of DIET Principal as Nodal Officer of Distt. Selection Committee
[02-Jul-2018] Clarification regarding joining of LT/DM in the monthe of June 2018
[29-Jun-2018] Revised Guidelines for National Award to Teachers - 2017
[26-Jun-2018] Regarding National Award of Teachers of the Year 2017
[26-Jun-2018] Regarding 25% Reservation to weaker sections and Disadvantaged Groups in all the Educational Institutions including privately managed Schools and Public Schools
[25-Jun-2018] Corrigendum CSC 2018
[22-Jun-2018] Elementary sports calender 2018
[21-Jun-2018] Appointment order of LT
[21-Jun-2018] Appointment order of DM
[21-Jun-2018] Regardind Distt Lelevel Meeting for organisation of children Science congress 2018 on dated 25 th June 2018 in the office of DDEE Una
[20-Jun-2018] Office order of Sports
[20-Jun-2018] Regaring LT & DM appointment in Una Distt.
[19-Jun-2018] Advisory NIPAH Virus NiV 2018
[18-Jun-2018] Deputation Order
[15-Jun-2018] Regarding week long science Teachers Summer camp from in GSSS Raipur Maidan
[14-Jun-2018] Sansad star khel Maha Kumb sports tournament Block Una/Haroli
[12-Jun-2018] Week long Summer camp from 16 to 22 june 2018
[11-Jun-2018] सरकारी विद्यालयों के माध्यम से उज्ज्वला लाभार्थियों द्वारा एलपीजी का सुरक्षित उपयोग
[11-Jun-2018] वर्ष 2018 के शिक्षक दिवस के अवसर पर प्रकाशित स्मारिका के लिए लेख एवं आलेख प्रेषित करने बारे
[07-Jun-2018] District level Chess workshop at DIET(Dehlan)
[04-Jun-2018] Office order of C&V
[04-Jun-2018] Yoga Duty-competition-U(14)Boys & Girls
[04-Jun-2018] U(14) BOYS & GIRLS DISTT. LEVEL YOGA-COMPETITION ON 08.06.2018
[02-Jun-2018] Reschedule of School timing Govt. Primary & Upper Primary w.e.f. 4 june 2018 to 30th June 2018
[31-May-2018] Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight from 4th June-17th June,2018
[31-May-2018] Reschedule of Govt. & Pvt. school timings w.e.f 1.06.2018 to 30.06.2018
[31-May-2018] Allotment of seniority
[30-May-2018] Regarding collecting the IRDP Scholarship Cheque for the year 2017-18
[30-May-2018] Regarding Piploo Utsav holiday on 23.06.2018
[29-May-2018] Collection of Certificate of Completion of Elementary Education (VIII) for the year 2017 18
[29-May-2018] Annual Progress Report for the year 2017 18 regarding directions from the Honble Suprme Court of India in respect of Sexual Harassment of women at work place
[29-May-2018] Strict Implementation of the Protection of Civil Right Act 1955 and Scheduled Castes/ Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocity)Act 1989
[29-May-2018] State Level Consultation on Inclusion of PwDs in Electoral Process:Reg.
[25-May-2018] Regarding updation pf PMIS work of C&V Teacher
[25-May-2018] Regarding sports meeting
[25-May-2018] Regarding considering 4th Saturday of every month in schools as a Bag Free Day
[24-May-2018] खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता की बैठक की तिथि में बदलाव बारे
[23-May-2018] Conducting of Online Teacher Needs Identification
[22-May-2018] Office Order Regarding Sanskrit Sammelan at Baba Rudranand Dham on dated 24.05.2018
[22-May-2018] Regularization of DM
[22-May-2018] Regularization of PET
[22-May-2018] Regularization of OT(Shastri)
[21-May-2018] Regarding construction of boundary wall in all BEEOs una
[19-May-2018] U-14 खण्ड स्तरीय व् जिला सतरीय खेलकूद प्रतियोगिता के आयोजन हेतु बैठक बारे
[17-May-2018] Regarding Descrimination with school going children on the basis of caste, creed Etc.
[17-May-2018] Regarding Descrimination with school going children on the basis of caste, creed Etc.
[17-May-2018] Regularization of Contract appointees of TGT
[16-May-2018] Reminder-I Regarding depositing of Unspent Amount of Rs. 19.80 Crore in the Account of DEE HP
[11-May-2018] Transfer order of Shri Kamal Dev (OT) and Smt Baby (OT)
[11-May-2018] Regarding Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Pre Matric Scholarship to the children those Engaged in occupation involving Cleaning and phone to health Hazards Continuation of the Scheme form the year 2017-18 to 2019-20 with modifications
[11-May-2018] Regarding Irregularities in National Scholarship Portal (NSP) under Scholarshil Scheme
[11-May-2018] Transfer order of C&V
[10-May-2018] Proposal regarding Change of nomenelature of Shastri(Sanskrit Teacher)to the post of TGT(Sanskrit)
[09-May-2018] Transfer Order of C&V
[08-May-2018] Instruction regarding credit of Earned Leave
[08-May-2018] "Pushtik Daan Divas"
[05-May-2018] Office Order of C&V
[04-May-2018] Regarding Transportation charges of free text books for the year 2018-19
[04-May-2018] Office order regarding change in school timing
[03-May-2018] Regarding re-scheduled school timing Govt. & Private Schools from 8.00 AM to 1.30 PM
[03-May-2018] Regarding Transfer order Sh. Sham Sunder ,Shastri
[03-May-2018] Regarding 25% Reservation to weaker sections and Disadvantaged Groups in all the Educational Institutions including privately managed Schools and Public Schools
[03-May-2018] Regarding setting of Sanitary Napkin Dispenser and Incinerator
[28-Apr-2018] Regarding Transportation charges of free text books for the year 2018-19
[28-Apr-2018] Regarding GIA to SMC teachers appointed on period basis under SMC Policy
[27-Apr-2018] Transfer of C&V
[27-Apr-2018] Corrigendum/Transfer
[26-Apr-2018] Transfer order of C&V
[26-Apr-2018] Regarding providing the information of dues paid to Sh. Ram Paul ,Retd PET(DOR 31.10.2014) and the latest status of Court case filed by Smt. Sunita Kumari (DM)
[25-Apr-2018] Transfer order of C&V
[24-Apr-2018] Regarding Transportation charges of free text books for the year 2018-19
[24-Apr-2018] Program Implementation schedule of six month PDPET program for the in-service teachers of the state of Himachal Pradesh
[19-Apr-2018] Celebration of Hand wash days on 20th April 2018 in all schools
[17-Apr-2018] Regarding Transfer Order of Sh. Sher Singh PET and Rakesh Kumar LT
[13-Apr-2018] Regarding Celebration of Gram Swaraj Abhiyan from 14th April 2018 to 5th May,2018
[11-Apr-2018] Regarding Transfer order Sh. Parveen Kumar PET (PTA)
[10-Apr-2018] Proforma for supplementary textbook demand for summer closing schools
[10-Apr-2018] Programme implementation schedule of six month PDPET programme for the in-service teachers of the state of Himachal Pradesh
[09-Apr-2018] Meeting regarding Conduct of JVNST-2018
[06-Apr-2018] Regarding Calendar of Swachhata Pakhwada for the year 2018
[06-Apr-2018] Additional list of TGT counselling
[06-Apr-2018] Regarding TGT Counselling
[05-Apr-2018] Transfer/Adjustment order of SH, Onkar Dass OT(Shastri) GMS Chaproh
[02-Apr-2018] 4th April 1905 Kangra Earthquake Anniversary-Shake out drill in Himachal Pradesh
[02-Apr-2018] Transfer order of sh, Akash Kumar verma GSSS Gindpur Malon to GMS Deoli Bari
[31-Mar-2018] Programme implementation schedule of six month PDPET programme for the in-service for the in service teachers of the state of Himachal Pradesh.
[29-Mar-2018] Regularization of Contract Teacher JBT Category
[29-Mar-2018] Regularization of Contract Teacher C&V Category
[28-Mar-2018] Report of Magisterial inquiry on reports of discrimination with SC Community students in govt. High School Chesta Distt. Kullu
[26-Mar-2018] List of candidates for batchwise counselling for the post of TGT(A)/Med/NM to be held in this office on dated 11.04.2018 to 13.04.2018
[20-Mar-2018] Confirmation of C&V cases
[16-Mar-2018] Regarding inclusion the names of eligible C&V teachers in the TGT pannel for 2018
[15-Mar-2018] Regarding No discrimination with school children on the Basic of religian, caste creed and gender in the schools under Mid Day Meal program
[14-Mar-2018] Regarding Show Cause Notice ARMs
[09-Mar-2018] SLP No. 5370/2014 Titled as Harbans Lal V/s Rajeev Sharma & others(Regarding recovery of overpayment, Adhoc/Tenure)
[09-Mar-2018] पांचवी कक्षा तथा आठवीं कक्षा की वार्षिक परीक्षा के प्रशन पत्रों को प्राप्त करना व संबधित ब्लाक/स्कूलों को वितरण करने बारे
[08-Mar-2018] Show cause notice ARMS MDM Portal
[08-Mar-2018] शतरंज खेल से सम्बंधित जानकर अध्यापकों की सूची प्रेषित करने बारे
[08-Mar-2018] Opening/Maintaining of bank account for the purpose of MDM Scheme in schools in the State
[07-Mar-2018] launch of National Nutrition MIssion (NNM) and Expansion of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) on 8th March,2018 -reg
[07-Mar-2018] Regarding the writ petition no 1224 fot 2017 of the sexual Harassment of women at workplace ( Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal ) Act, 2013
[06-Mar-2018] Application of TGTs for the post of M.Sc. through Deptt.
[06-Mar-2018] Pay Fixation of Ex-Serviceman on Appointment in Civil Service thereof
[06-Mar-2018] Regarding Personal Contact Programme (PCP) for online D.El.Ed Course for Untrained in service teachers
[05-Mar-2018] Regarding cancellation of D.EI.ED training order of the teacher who has regularized from the Gramin Vidya Upasak by the Education Department
[01-Mar-2018] Regarding Vacation to D. El. Ed. Trainees of session 2015-17,2016-18 & 2017-19
[01-Mar-2018] Regarding Deposting of Unspent amount of Rs. 19.80 Crore
[01-Mar-2018] Office order of Teachers for conformation of BPL Families from Block Development Officer Una District Una Himachal Pradesh
[28-Feb-2018] Regarding Postponement of National Science Day
[27-Feb-2018] Up dated Final seniority list of C&V category (OT/PET/DM/LT/Craft) appointed/regularised up to 31.12.2017
[27-Feb-2018] भारतीय जनता पार्टी के स्वर्णिम हिमाचल दृष्टि पत्र २०१७ के कार्यान्वयन सम्बन्धी
[27-Feb-2018] Regarding Press Note of ACRs
[26-Feb-2018] Regarding vacation to D.ElEd trainees session 2015-17,2016-18 & 2017-19
[24-Feb-2018] Regarding updation and Promotion of student in SDMIS thereof
[19-Feb-2018] Regarding Personal Contact Programme(PCP) for online D.EI.Ed. Course of untrained in service teachers.
[17-Feb-2018] Transfer order of sh. Rakesh Kumar LT
[16-Feb-2018] CWP No.5163/2012-G Titled as Jai Krishan & others Vs State of HP
[15-Feb-2018] Compliance of Directions of Honble High Court Passed in CWP 1516/2017 regarding not to use personal vehicle to transport school students to schools
[13-Feb-2018] Regarding NDD(National De-worming Day 2018) training thereof.
[12-Feb-2018] Regarding Deworming Day Meeting on 19 &24 Feb.
[09-Feb-2018] Regarding Panel for the post of DPEs amongest eligible in service PETs
[07-Feb-2018] Tentative seniority list of C&V (OT/PET/DM/LT) teachers regularized during the period 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2017
[03-Feb-2018] Door to Door Campaign- Office Orders-reg
[30-Jan-2018] Regarding Provided BIO Data of Employees
[27-Jan-2018] Regarding vacation for D.El.Ed Trainees.
[23-Jan-2018] Regarding updation of seniority list of C&V category
[20-Jan-2018] Regarding Voter Day celebration on dated 25 January 2018
[20-Jan-2018] Regarding Instructions of Mid Day Meal Scheme
[20-Jan-2018] Regarding implementaton of Court order in CWP No. 1365/2015 connection with CWP No. 1811/2008 Dev Raj & other v/s State of HP
[19-Jan-2018] Election Duty
[18-Jan-2018] Regarding Inclusion of the name of PGT panel amongst in service TGTs possessing master degree for Promotion as PGT in the Year 2018
[17-Jan-2018] Regarding send the Estimate for repair & Maintenance of school building of HP
[06-Jan-2018] Proper Scrutiny of Medical Claims
[06-Jan-2018] Proper Scrutiny of Medical Claims
[05-Jan-2018] Assembly Order regarding Van on vacation from 08.01.2017 to 12.01.2018
[05-Jan-2018] Regarding updation of seniority list of C&V Category
[05-Jan-2018] Regarding settling of similar nature cases in order to dispose of the pending litigations matter
[02-Jan-2018] Strike notice for 17th Jan 2018 by MDM workers union
[26-Dec-2017] Regarding student security in school
[26-Dec-2017] Implementation of MDM Scheme in schools in the state
[23-Dec-2017] Regarding submission of confirmation cases of TGTs
[23-Dec-2017] Regarding submission of confirmation cases of C&V category
[22-Dec-2017] Regarding extension of date of submission of school level painting upto 15.01.2018
[20-Dec-2017] Regarding 6 month bridge course
[16-Dec-2017] Regarding last date of verification for online D.El.Ed course.
[16-Dec-2017] Regarding refund of fee deposited by the untrained in services teachers for online D.El.Ed course / Cancellation of registration
[16-Dec-2017] Regarding offline registration for online D.El.Ed Course for left out untrained inservice teachers.
[11-Dec-2017] Regarding Postpond organizing workshop on RTE act 2009 on 12th Dec 2017 at DIET hall Una
[08-Dec-2017] Identification of study centres for D.El.Ed Course for the purpose of PCP Workshop Class Room Based Activity & School Based Activities..
[08-Dec-2017] Regarding organizing Workshop on RTE Act 2009 on 12th Dec 2017 at DIET hall Una.
[05-Dec-2017] No discrimination with schoolchildren on the basis of religion, caste, creed and gender in the schools under Mid Day Meal Programme.
[05-Dec-2017] Regarding corporal punishment/restore dignity of children in private schools under RTE Act
[04-Dec-2017] 6 Month Bridge Course for B.Ed degree holder teachers. Extension of date thereof
[04-Dec-2017] Regarding regarding Online D.El.Ed Course
[04-Dec-2017] Regarding Verification by the Principal (Online D.El.Ed)
[02-Dec-2017] Regarding depositing of Unspent Amount of Rs. 19.80 Crore in the Account of DEE HP
[30-Nov-2017] Regarding verification by the Principal for online D.El.Ed course.
[30-Nov-2017] Instructions regarding online D.El.Ed. course.
[28-Nov-2017] Clarification regarding claiming of salary of PTA contract Teachers
[28-Nov-2017] Regarding settling of similar nature cases in order to dispose of the pending litigation matters.
[25-Nov-2017] 8th. class enrolment for Annual Exam 03/2018
[25-Nov-2017] 5th. class enrolment for Question Paper 03/2018
[25-Nov-2017] 6 Months Bridge Course (Professional Development Programme for in-service Elementary Teachers - PDPET) for B.Ed. degree holder teaching classes 1-5 in Government /Govt. Aided/Private Schools.
[25-Nov-2017] Identification of Study Centres for D.El.Ed course for this pupose of PCP workshop,Classroom Based Activity & School Activities.
[23-Nov-2017] Local Holday
[23-Nov-2017] Payment of honorarium to cook-cum helper (Mid Day Meal Workers) under Mid Day Meal scheme.
[23-Nov-2017] Regarding registration payment / verification by the Principal of untrained in-service teachers
[23-Nov-2017] Instruction regarding online D.El.Ed. course
[23-Nov-2017] Conducting of social audit of MDM scheme in the state reminder Thereof.
[22-Nov-2017] Regarding training of un-trained in-service teachers working in Govt. / Govt.Aided / Private Schools, verification thereof
[22-Nov-2017] Instruction regarding online D.El.Ed. course
[21-Nov-2017] Regarding Starting Classes of D.El.Ed Batch 2017-19 and online D.El.Ed training
[18-Nov-2017] Regarding date of submission of Pre-matric Minority scholarship cases for the year 2017-18
[18-Nov-2017] 8th National Painting Competition for the year 2017-18 for School children of 6th,7th & 8th standrads-reg.
[15-Nov-2017] Regarding D.El. Edu.
[14-Nov-2017] माननीय प्राक्कलन समिति द्वारा मिड डे मील स्कीम के कार्यान्वन हेंतु सुझाब बारे
[14-Nov-2017] Regarding Information of the Employees (TGTs) recruited after May 2003 under new pension scheme in HP.
[13-Nov-2017] Direction regarding D.El. Edu.
[08-Nov-2017] Regariding Ellection Holiday on 09/11/2017
[06-Nov-2017] Corrigendum for State Level Children Science Congress 2017 in r/o Duties of Escort Teachers to Escort State Level Participants
[03-Nov-2017] पाठशालाओ में स्थापित पोलिंग बूथों में 9 नवम्बर 2017 को होने जा रहे विधान सभा चुनावो में दो volunteers एवम एक peon/MDM worker की डयूटी लगाने बारे
[02-Nov-2017] Regarding verification of Pre-Matric Miniority scholarship 2017-18
[02-Nov-2017] Regarding training of un-trained in-service teachers working in the various schools
[31-Oct-2017] Vidhan Sabha General Election regarding rehearsal.
[31-Oct-2017] Implementation of the Right of Education Act 2009
[31-Oct-2017] Organization of 25th Himachal Pradesh Childrens Science Congress regarding
[30-Oct-2017] Regarding provision of Mid Day Meal to the students studying in the NRST centres.
[30-Oct-2017] Payment of Honorarium to cook-cum-helpers(Mid Day Meal workers) under Mid Day Meal Scheme
[30-Oct-2017] guidelines for Mid Day meal Planning
[30-Oct-2017] guidelines for Mid Day meal Planning
[30-Oct-2017] About cleaning the polling booths established in schools.
[28-Oct-2017] 6 Months Bridge Course (Professional Development Programme for in-service Elementary Teachers - PDPET) for B.Ed. degree holder teaching classes 1-5 in Government /Govt. Aided/Private Schools.
[26-Oct-2017] NAS OMR sheet
[26-Oct-2017] NAS Class 8th
[26-Oct-2017] NAS class 5th
[26-Oct-2017] NAS Class 3rd
[25-Oct-2017] Regarding Establishment Return of TGT Catagory
[25-Oct-2017] Regarding provide latest Establishment return of C&V Catagory
[23-Oct-2017] Reschedule of Athletic & cultural Programm w.e.f. 14.11.2017 to 17.11.2017
[18-Oct-2017] Sports Order
[12-Oct-2017] Qualitative improvement in the teaching of English: Nomination of 10 Masters/Mistress/Lectures in English per state for admission to 108th PGCTE Course at RIE Sector 32 C, Chandigarh. Teacher Trainees with Computers Skills to be given preference.
[12-Oct-2017] Regarding Inclusion of Children Living with HIV in India (CLHIV) under section-2(d) of Right to Education Act,2009.
[12-Oct-2017] Regarding Morning Assembly
[12-Oct-2017] Suggestions regarding Rescheduling of Vacation Schedule of Govt. Schools.
[10-Oct-2017] Corrigendum Distt Level Children science congress 2017 at GSSS Amb
[09-Oct-2017] Regarding Swachh Vidyalaya Purashkar 2017-18.
[09-Oct-2017] Regarding JNVST-2018
[09-Oct-2017] Pledge on "Beti Bachao,Beti Padhao" to be taken on 10/10/2017
[07-Oct-2017] Corrigendum
[07-Oct-2017] Office order regarding regularization of C&V .
[06-Oct-2017] Office Order
[06-Oct-2017] Regarding sign board in school
[06-Oct-2017] Office Order regarding Constitution of Co-ordination Committee for conduct of Children Science Congress-2017.
[06-Oct-2017] Office Order regarding deputation of Pr/HM/Lect/TGT(Sc) as quiz masters/judges for Children Science Congress-2017.
[06-Oct-2017] Office order regarding Athletic & Cultural Programm wef 25.10.2017 to 28.10.2017 at GSSS Bhanjal
[04-Oct-2017] "State Level Painting" Slogan and Essay Writing Contest on occasion regarding participation of students.
[04-Oct-2017] Office Order regarding Distt. Primary Sports w.e.f. 09.10.17 to 12.10.2017 at GPCS Chururu Distt. Una
[04-Oct-2017] Regarding information under RTI Act,2005
[29-Sep-2017] Office order regarding conduct the written exam of constables at KC Collage Pandoga
[27-Sep-2017] Regarding demand of Weekly Iron Folic Acid tablets on prescribed format.
[26-Sep-2017] Regarding verification of Pre matric Monitory scholarship date for the yer 2017-18
[26-Sep-2017] Regarding submission of Uncleaned scholarship for the year 2017-18
[26-Sep-2017] Regarding submission of handicapped scholarship for the year 2017-18
[26-Sep-2017] Regarding implementation of safety and security measures by various Govt. and Private Schools.
[26-Sep-2017] Regarding invigilators duty (80 Lecturers & 80 TGT) during Police Recruitment Written Test held on 02.10.2017 and instructions thereof.
[23-Sep-2017] Regarding information under RTI Act,2005
[23-Sep-2017] No discrimination with school children on the basis of religion,caste,creed and gender in the schools under Mid Day Meal Programme
[23-Sep-2017] Corrigendum Children science congress 2017
[23-Sep-2017] Regarding training of un-trained in-service teacher working in the various Govt./ Govt. Aided/ Private Schools.
[22-Sep-2017] Regarding enhancement of honorarium of Cook-cum-Helpers(CCH) engaged under MDMS in the State of Himachal
[20-Sep-2017] Regarding Children Science congress 2017 Duties of judge/ Expert for all sub division distt una
[20-Sep-2017] regarding coordination committee children science congress 2017 sub div & Distt level of una distt
[18-Sep-2017] schedule of Sub Division level children science congress CSC 2017
[16-Sep-2017] Regarding regularization of contract employees
[15-Sep-2017] Regarding demand of weekly Iron Folic Acid tablets on prescribed format
[15-Sep-2017] Furnishing of various information and data by Block Offices and school thereof
[15-Sep-2017] Press Note
[14-Sep-2017] Regarding Free Text Books for 2018-19
[08-Sep-2017] Regarding Regular Inspection
[08-Sep-2017] Civil Appeal No. 8513 of 2012 (Arising out of SLP(C) No. 31592 of 2008
[07-Sep-2017] Submission of Budget Estimates for the Year 2018-19 and revised estimate 2017-18
[07-Sep-2017] Regarding verification of experiences of Sh. Davinder Singh S.o Jeet Singh VPO Dehlan Distt. Una HP
[07-Sep-2017] Implementation of provisions of Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection)of Children Act,2015 - reg.
[07-Sep-2017] Regarding children Science congress 2017
[07-Sep-2017] Regarding the instructions for NTSE & NMMS examination,2017-18
[06-Sep-2017] Proceding of the meeting held under the chaimanship od Sh. Rohan Chand Thakur, IAS DC Shimla in order to comply with the directions given by the Honble High Court on 17.08.2017 in CWP NO. 1516/2017 titled as Dr. Nitin Vyas Vs State of HP
[06-Sep-2017] Matter regarding enhancement of honorarium of cook cum helpers engaged under MDMS in state of HP
[06-Sep-2017] Regarding Essay and Painting Competitions under (PCRA) Petroleum Conservation Research Association under Natural Gas
[06-Sep-2017] Enrolment for Middle Merit Scholarship 2017-18
[05-Sep-2017] उर्जा सरंक्षण पर राष्ट्रीय अभियान के तहत कक्षा 4,5 और 6 एवं कक्षा 7,8 और 9 के स्कूली छात्र/छात्राओ हेतु पेंटिंग प्रतियोगिता का आयोजन
[05-Sep-2017] Regarding Condition of acquiring minimum educational qualification as per R&P Rules of TGT & C&V (PTA GIA Teachers.
[04-Sep-2017] Reg. regularisation of contract appointees in govt. departments instructions thereof.
[04-Sep-2017] Information regarding Unsafe building
[04-Sep-2017] सरकारी एवं प्राइवेट स्कूल के अपर्शिक्षित शिक्षकों को डिप्लोमा इन एलीमेंट्री एजुकेशन में प्रवेश विषयक
[31-Aug-2017] Extension of last date till 30.09.2017 for submission of Fresh applications under Pre-matric, Post-matric, Merit-cum-Means.
[30-Aug-2017] Uploading of Swachhta Pakhwada activities on google drive
[30-Aug-2017] Prescription of dree code to attend Honble Court and office CWP No. 1043/2017-Om Parkash V/s State of HP & Ors
[22-Aug-2017] Regarding distt level meeting for organization of Children Science Congress for the 2017 on dated 26th August 2017 in the office of DDEE UNA
[22-Aug-2017] CWP No. 1516/2017 titled as Dr. Nitin Vyas Vs. State of HP
[22-Aug-2017] Reg. Training of Un-Trained in-service Teachers Working in the Private Schools in the state.
[21-Aug-2017] Display of Samprapti Soochi (Learning Outcomes Chart) on classroom walls
[21-Aug-2017] Regarding Inclusuion of fruits and vegetables in the flagship Programme of MDM
[21-Aug-2017] Development of kitchen Gardens under Mid Day Meal Programme in the schools
[16-Aug-2017] Regarding incidence of rape and murder of minor girl student of 10th standard at Kotkhai District Shimla
[16-Aug-2017] Swacch Bharat Pakhwada for the year 2017.
[10-Aug-2017] Regarding implementation of mid Day Meal program in the schools of State
[08-Aug-2017] Sports Duty in Una Zone
[08-Aug-2017] Proposal regarding change of nomenclature of shastri to the post of TGT(Sanskrit)
[05-Aug-2017] ODF Sustainability and Solid and Liquid Waste Management week from 9th August 2017 to 15th August,2017
[04-Aug-2017] Regarding MR-Rubella Campaign
[04-Aug-2017] Swachh Bharat Pakhwada for the year 2017 i.e. 1st September to 15th September,2017
[04-Aug-2017] Awareness initiative of persons with Intellectual Developmental Disabilities (PwIDDs)
[03-Aug-2017] Regarding depositing of unspent amount of Rs. 19.80 Crore in the account of Director Elementary Education HP Shimla & Utilizing same for providing storage tanks, water purifies and hand wash facilities in all schools under Elementary Education .
[01-Aug-2017] Nodal teacher sensitization workshop for MR Rubella 2017
[01-Aug-2017] Guidelines for improvement in learning level to enhance quality of education in Himachal Pradesh.
[01-Aug-2017] Regarding Reviewing and Monitoring Under SSA
[31-Jul-2017] Instructions MId Day Meal Scheme
[29-Jul-2017] Writ petition (civil) 618 and 676 of 2013 title as Atarrashtriya Manav Adhikar Nigraani V/S Union of india & other.
[28-Jul-2017] विकलांग छात्रवृति योजना के अंतर्गत प्रस्ताव भेजने बारे
[27-Jul-2017] List of Candidates Counselling for TGT ARTS/Non-Medical/Medical Sponsored by the Employment Exchange.
[25-Jul-2017] Elementary sports Una Zone venue change
[25-Jul-2017] Office order regarding Zonal and Distt. level Elementary sports 2017
[24-Jul-2017] National Award for information Innovative and Experiments in education for teachers and /teacher Educators
[24-Jul-2017] Regarding implementation of Pre-Matric scholarship Schemes for students with Disabilities.
[21-Jul-2017] Conducting Social Audit of MDMS in the State
[21-Jul-2017] Proposal for the enhancement of honorarium of Cook-cum-Helpers engaged under MDM Scheme
[15-Jul-2017] Regarding State Award 2017.
[14-Jul-2017] Regarding Circular of Final Seniority list of TGTs appointed /promoted up to 31.12.2008.
[11-Jul-2017] Regarding submission of list of IRDP Students for the financial year 2017-18.
[10-Jul-2017] Regarding National / State Teacher Award -2017
[06-Jul-2017] Regarding clarification in R/O TGT and C&V (PTA Teachers) Non-Fulfillment of minimum Education Qualification as per RTE Norms.
[05-Jul-2017] Regarding scholarship for Students with Disabilities -opening of National scholarship Portal.
[05-Jul-2017] Instruction regarding reimbursement of medical Claims
[05-Jul-2017] Instructions regarding Trancefer/Appointment of Teachers.
[01-Jul-2017] बैठक के अन्य नवीनतम मद बारे दिवंगत कर्मचारीयों के एवज में करुनामूल नौकरी एवं पेंशन लाभ व उनकी मृत्यु तिथि के ब्योरे बारे सुचना क
[30-Jun-2017] Utilization of interest amount accrued from the recurring MDM funds at various level -providing LPG in the left out schools thereof.
[30-Jun-2017] Regarding Sensitization about Aadhar and Bank Details of the beneficiaries under scholarship schemes meant for minorities
[27-Jun-2017] Requisition of proposal under the centrally sponsored Schemes of Dr. Ambedkar Pre-Post-Matirc Scholarship for DNT Students.
[24-Jun-2017] Regarding Panel for the post of DPEs amongst eligible in service PETS
[23-Jun-2017] Circulation of final seniority list of TGTs appointed /promoted/ regularized / takenover / w.e.f. 01.01.2009 to 30.06.2015
[23-Jun-2017] Elementary Sports proceeding for the Year 2017-18
[23-Jun-2017] Special Summary Revision of photo Electorol Rolls in View of General Election to HP Vidhan Sabha Elections=2017 w.r.t. 01.01.2017 at the qualifying date - making necessary arrangements for the convening special Summary Revision of Photo Electoral
[23-Jun-2017] Regarding Physical Allocation of Scholarships and timeline activities under the pre-matric based Scholarship Scheme for students belonging to the minority community for the year 2017-18 from classes 1st to 10th
[19-Jun-2017] Partial Modification for Summer Vacation School Celendar for all the Schools in HP for the session 2017-18
[19-Jun-2017] Regarding Measle Rubella vaccination Campaign
[19-Jun-2017] District Task Force Meeting for Measle Rubella (MR) Campaign
[19-Jun-2017] Regarding Establishment Return of TGT Category as on 15.06.2017
[15-Jun-2017] Regarding Adhar Enrolement
[15-Jun-2017] Regarding meeting of Incharge Govt. Middle Schools on 17.06.2017
[08-Jun-2017] Notification regarding Direct benefit transfer DBT scheme on painting & Essay Competitions.
[05-Jun-2017] Press note regarding Minority Scholarship
[01-Jun-2017] Elementary Sports meeting on 14.06.2017
[27-May-2017] Regarding Compliance of the order of the Honble Supreme court of India in Special Leave Petition (civil) No1426/2015 titled as pankaj umar Vs State of HP & other
[24-May-2017] Comprehensive Guiding Principals-2013 for regulating the transfer of State Government employees.
[23-May-2017] office order regarding Samarth meeting to be held at Hamirpur on 26.05.2017
[18-May-2017] Regarding Change in school timing
[17-May-2017] Regarding Mukhya Mantari Shikshak samman yojna inviting application therefor from the eligible teachers.
[12-May-2017] Regarding maintenance of Village Education Register in schools.
[12-May-2017] Regarding Medical Checkup of cook Cum Helpers engaged under MDMS.
[09-May-2017] Regarding Educational Services for child victims of sexual Assualt-regarding.
[09-May-2017] Office Order
[09-May-2017] Regarding Celebration of World Environment Day on 5th June, 2017
[09-May-2017] Regarding regularization of Contract appointees (C&V).
[09-May-2017] Regularization of Contract appointees in the Govt. Department instructions thereof.
[06-May-2017] Regularization of Contract appointees in the Govt. Department instructions thereof.
[04-May-2017] Regarding cannabis eradication Programme 21st April to 20th May 2017.
[04-May-2017] Writ Petition (Civil) 618 and 676 of 2013 title as Antarrashtriya Manav adhikar Nigraani Vs Union of India & Other MDM feedback from
[03-May-2017] MDM daily data reporting through SMS.
[02-May-2017] Regarding Oath on swachh Bharat abhiyan
[02-May-2017] Regarding Aadhaar Enrollment of all cook cum Helper engaged under MDM Scheme in the State
[26-Apr-2017] Regarding collecting the cheques of IRDP Scholarship
[26-Apr-2017] Regarding Cheque of Middle Merit Scholarship 2016-17
[25-Apr-2017] Regarding Inclusion of HIV Affected Children within definition of Child belonging to disadvantaged group as defined under section 2 d of the right to free and compulsory education
[24-Apr-2017] Regarding National Deworming Day on Dated 27th April 2017
[22-Apr-2017] Regarding collecting the cheques of Scholarship
[22-Apr-2017] Regarding GIA to PTA provided teachers engaged as per the GIA to PTA rules, 2006
[22-Apr-2017] प्रशिक्षित स्नातक अध्यापकों की गोपनीय रिपोर्ट पर PMIS No. /Mobile No./ Employee Code दर्ज करने बारे
[20-Apr-2017] Regarding Regularization of clerks appointed on contract basis
[17-Apr-2017] Guidelines on food safety and Hygiene for school level kitchen under MDMS
[13-Apr-2017] Verification Report of Primary Middle High and Higher Secondary schools
[13-Apr-2017] Directions regarding National Deworming Day Schedule to be held on 27th April 2017 in the State of HP
[12-Apr-2017] Regarding daily SMS Based real time Automated Reporting of Mid Day Meal Scheme Thereof
[12-Apr-2017] Regarding Allotment of Seniority number to the TGTs of 2002(Commission) appointed in the year of 2008 ,2009& 2012
[12-Apr-2017] Regarding to maintain the record of teachers engaged through SMC
[07-Apr-2017] Regarding proceeding of the meeting of "Ek Bharat, Shreshta Bharat.
[07-Apr-2017] Regarding write Petitions field in various High Court by cook cum helpers of Mid Day Meal Scheme
[07-Apr-2017] Notification under section 7 of the Aadhaar act,2006 for Sarav Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) under Scheme
[06-Apr-2017] Office order
[03-Apr-2017] Regarding meeting on daily SMS based real time automated reporting of MDM scheme thereof.
[03-Apr-2017] regarding meeting on underperformance of your schools in CCE, Non use of HTM/ABL by our teachers, and lack /non-maintainance of basic infrastructure in our Schools
[30-Mar-2017] Mission Statement of schools implementation of the decision taken in the PMs review meeting on SSA
[30-Mar-2017] Financial implication involved in regularization of services to count contract period towards pension on analogy of judgment passed in CWP No. 5400/2014 titled as Veena Vs HPSEB & another.
[28-Mar-2017] submission of utilization certificate for construction of rooms, retaining wall & play ground the year 2013-14 to 2015-16
[27-Mar-2017] CSIR Innovation Award for school Children
[27-Mar-2017] Regarding Nomination for "Bal Shree Honour Scheme 2016"
[23-Mar-2017] Regarding inspection of private schools
[23-Mar-2017] Regularization of contract appointee in the Govt. Dept.
[21-Mar-2017] Regarding nomination of teacher for Urdu teacher training program in the state.
[16-Mar-2017] Regarding Monitoring of MDM Scheme thorough SMS
[16-Mar-2017] Resolution to eliminate measles and control rubella/congenital rubella syndrome- regarding.
[15-Mar-2017] Regarding Pay Fixation of TGTs on the analogy of Decision passed by the Honble High Court in CWP No 1811 2008 as Dev Raj V/s State of HP and others.
[14-Mar-2017] Assembly Question Diary No-12/14/619 regarding number of working employees & their FMA & OMR
[04-Mar-2017] Regarding 5th. & 8th. class question papers 03/2017
[03-Mar-2017] एम. एस. सी . कोर्स हेतु आवेदन पत्रों के अग्रेषण बारे
[01-Mar-2017] Regarding supplying of information sought under the provisions of the RTI Act, 2005
[22-Feb-2017] LPG Subsidy to Schools with Unified District Information System for Education (U-DISE) numder-reg.
[20-Feb-2017] Regarding re-constitution of SMC for further three years
[03-Feb-2017] Order relating to the National Anthem of India
[03-Feb-2017] Gardening implementation of Vittiya Saksharta Abhiyan
[03-Feb-2017] Celebration of Matribhasha Diwas (Mother Tongue Day) on 21.02.2017
[03-Feb-2017] Regarding Extension of timeline for verification of Online Applications under scholarship Scheme
[01-Feb-2017] Provide information in r/o NGC-Eco -Clubs program.
[30-Jan-2017] Regarding Fraudulent suspicious claimants of Scholarship Renewal Applications
[30-Jan-2017] Regarding Fraudulent suspicious claimants of Scholarship
[27-Jan-2017] Regarding 5th. & 8th. Class enam 03/2017
[27-Jan-2017] Regarding intensified pulse polio immunization programme (IPPI)
[27-Jan-2017] Regarding Pay Fixation case in R/O Smt Monika Chaudhary TGT Med. GSSS Saroh by implementing the judgement delivered in CWP No. 1811/2008 titled as Dev Raj V/s State of HP
[23-Jan-2017] Coverage of MDM workser under social security scheme viz PMSBY,PMJJBY & APY engaged under MDMS
[20-Jan-2017] Regarding Promotion from JBT to LT
[20-Jan-2017] Orders of Honble Supreme court relating to the National Anthem of India
[18-Jan-2017] Regarding Vacations till 21.01.2016
[18-Jan-2017] Regarding strike notice on 20th jan,2017 by mid day meal worker Union
[17-Jan-2017] Regarding withdraw the budget under IRDP 2016-17
[10-Jan-2017] Provide information in r/o NGC -Eco clubs program.
[10-Jan-2017] Regarding approval for withdrawal of various fund lying unspent balance.
[02-Jan-2017] Regarding information various funds lying unspent
[27-Dec-2016] Regarding Financial liabilities on account of judgment passed by the Hon,ble High Court in CWP(T) 6037/2008
[26-Dec-2016] Regarding award of scholarship under Cultural Talent Search Scholarship Scheme 2017-18
[26-Dec-2016] Request for including waste peckers in various schemes extended to safai karamchari and detailing out the procedure to identify waste picker
[22-Dec-2016] Regarding fixation of Pay in r/o tgt appointed before 27/09/2012
[20-Dec-2016] Regarding Non Fulfillment of minimum education qualification
[20-Dec-2016] Regarding " Mukhya Mantri Shiksha Samman Yojna".
[14-Dec-2016] Regarding inclusion the names in TGT panel amongst TET pass in-service JBT possessing BSC(NM/Med)
[13-Dec-2016] Regarding scholarship for students with Disabilities through NSP
[09-Dec-2016] Implementation of CWP 1811/2008
[09-Dec-2016] SLP No. 5370/2014 titled as Harbans Lal v/s State of HP and others
[08-Dec-2016] CWP NO. 1811/2008 titled as Dev Raj Vs State of HP & others
[06-Dec-2016] Regarding Non-Maintenance of Village Education Register.
[06-Dec-2016] To frame a foolproof mechanism for implementation of commission for protection of child right Act,2005. RTE Act,2009 and to keep a vigil and check over private Educational Institute Etc.
[06-Dec-2016] Regarding Non-Payment of Village Education Register.
[05-Dec-2016] Regarding submission of monthly status of WIFS.
[05-Dec-2016] Regarding section 12 of RTE Act,2009
[30-Nov-2016] Configuration of verification of work flow under the pre- metric scholarship scheme and timeline of verification reg.
[29-Nov-2016] प्रदेश की सभी पाठशालाओं में बच्चों को मिड डे मील योजना के अंतर्गत मध्याह्न भोजन तेयार करने एवं परोसने बारे विस्तृत दिशा निर्दे
[21-Nov-2016] CWP NO. 1811/2008- Dev Raj Vs. State of H.P.
[19-Nov-2016] IRDP Budget for class 6th. to 8th. for the Year 2016-17
[19-Nov-2016] IRDP Budget for Primary school for the Year 2016-17
[18-Nov-2016] Regarding Revised formats for monthly status report of WIFS
[16-Nov-2016] Regarding submission of status report of WIFS from March 2016 to till date
[16-Nov-2016] TLM not being used and/ or ABL not being conducted in your school
[10-Nov-2016] Regarding Duties of State Level Children Science Congress 2016
[08-Nov-2016] Regarding Last date of online Pre-Metric scholarship for Students with Disabilities for classes IX and X for the Year 2016-17
[07-Nov-2016] Extension regarding Pre-matric Minority Scholarship for the year 2016-17
[04-Nov-2016] Office order
[27-Oct-2016] regarding Pre- Matric Minority Scholarship for the year 2016- 17.
[27-Oct-2016] Regarding CSC Judges 2016
[27-Oct-2016] Co-ordination Committee CSC 2016
[24-Oct-2016] Observation of 31st October as Rashtriya Sankalp Diwas and Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
[21-Oct-2016] Regarding date of submission of Duly Attested verified candidates list and printed application forms of scholarship Minority for the Year 2016-17
[20-Oct-2016] Regarding information for cyber security awareness week w.e.f. 17.10.2016 to 22.10.2016 at Shimla HP
[18-Oct-2016] Distt. level elementary Athletic & culture programe
[18-Oct-2016] Track marking Duty
[17-Oct-2016] Regarding Interviews of TGT Wd. of EXSM
[13-Oct-2016] Regarding hands washing
[05-Oct-2016] Submission of Budget Estimate for the Year 2017-18 and revised budget estimate for the Year 2016-17
[04-Oct-2016] Middle Merit Scholarship Exam on 15.10.2016
[04-Oct-2016] Distt. level Primary sports duty 2016-17
[03-Oct-2016] Regarding protection Children from sexual Offences (POCSO) Act 2012
[29-Sep-2016] Regarding implementation of orders of Honble High Court of HP in the Cr. A.No. 430 of 2011 dated 28.07.2016
[26-Sep-2016] Corrigendum In respect of schedule of Children science congress 2016 for Sub division Haroli and Sub division Bangana
[24-Sep-2016] Submission Utilization Certificate in r/o Eco-Clubs
[19-Sep-2016] Regarding Establishment Return of TGT Category as on 15.09.2016
[19-Sep-2016] Regarding Health Checkup of students of class I-VIII in the state of HP
[17-Sep-2016] PMIS Up-dation all TGT teachers
[17-Sep-2016] 7th Painting Competition for the Year 2016-17 on Water conservation and Pollution-reg.
[16-Sep-2016] Regarding Meeting held with Principal Secretary Education and the Member of the UIDAI Department
[06-Sep-2016] Regarding Aadhaar enrollment & Aadhaar seeding of the beneficiaries of the Scholarships Scheme for the implmention of the DBT
[05-Sep-2016] Regarding list of judges,Expert Sub Div - Amb csc-2016
[05-Sep-2016] Regarding list of judges,Expert Sub Div - Haroli csc-2016
[05-Sep-2016] Regarding list of judges,Expert Sub Div - Bangana csc-2016
[05-Sep-2016] Regarding list of judges,Expert Sub Div - Una csc-2016
[05-Sep-2016] Regarding Coordination Committee Distt. Level CSC 2016
[03-Sep-2016] Regarding responsablity in Sports
[03-Sep-2016] Painting competition regarding save energy
[02-Sep-2016] Regarding Primary Sports 2016-17
[01-Sep-2016] Regarding strike notice on 2nd September , 2016 by Mid Day Meal Workers Union.
[30-Aug-2016] Regarding devising pathways for re-engagement of out of school - children (OoSC)
[30-Aug-2016] Regarding Various Demands of MDM Workers
[30-Aug-2016] Regarding Guidelines Scientific Project Report Children Science Congress 2016
[29-Aug-2016] Shedule and Guidlines for the CSC-2016 for the classes from 6th to 12th for the year 2016
[27-Aug-2016] Enrollment of minorities students for aadhar Number and its seeding with their bank accounts
[27-Aug-2016] Regarding Pre-matric scholarship for Students with Disabilties for for classes IX & X
[27-Aug-2016] One day orientation workshop for csc-2016 and national Environment Awareness campaign on dated 29.08.2016
[24-Aug-2016] Extension of last date for submission of online applications under Pre-matric and Post-matric Scholarship Schemes
[24-Aug-2016] Regularization of contract appointees in the Government Departments- instructions thereof
[23-Aug-2016] Regarding providing database of all teachers
[20-Aug-2016] भांग हटाओ अभियान
[20-Aug-2016] Eradication of Cannabis
[20-Aug-2016] Regarding non distributionof free text books 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17
[19-Aug-2016] Regarding appointment of students ambassadors for swachh Bharta Swachh Vidyalaya and songs on Swachh Bharat in Bal-Sabha Programme.
[19-Aug-2016] भांग व नशीले पदार्थों के सेवन न करने बारे 22 अगस्त 2016 को बच्चों को शपथ तथा एक जागरूक रैली निकालने बारे
[17-Aug-2016] Regarding co-operation for implementing of HP Education awareness movement / programme in the state of HP create educational awareness /consciousnesses in the society and to provide free education program to SC/ST/OBC.
[12-Aug-2016] Regarding on Food Safety and Hygiene for school Level Kitchens under Mid Day Meal Scheme regarding
[09-Aug-2016] Regarding revision /enhancement of cooking cost per child per day under MDMS in the FY 2016-17
[09-Aug-2016] District wise information in r/o interest accured from MDM Scheme funds at various levels as on 31.03.2015 ant 31.03.2016 respectively
[09-Aug-2016] Daily Mid Day Meal Automated Meal Reporting and management System (MDM-ARMS) in the State
[08-Aug-2016] Regarding Analysis of class 10th.
[08-Aug-2016] Regarding Azadi devas- Yaad karo kurbani celebration
[06-Aug-2016] Activity schedule to be carries out by the eco - clubs under NGS Programme
[06-Aug-2016] Regarding Provisions of the rights of children to free and compulsory education Act RTE 2009 mandates ensuring an enabling and postive learning environment for all children in schools
[02-Aug-2016] Regarding reservation of 25% admission of children belonging to weaker section and advantaged group in private schools
[02-Aug-2016] Special report in r/o private schools
[02-Aug-2016] Regarding disbursements scholarship through Aadhar
[30-Jul-2016] Regarding recommendation of Teachers Name for State/National award therof.
[30-Jul-2016] Regarding Pay Fixation of Regularised TGTs.
[30-Jul-2016] Regarding Submission of online applications under School Education Leave i.e. Pre-matric 1 to X and Post matric for class x1 and X11 for students belonging to the minority communities for the year 2016-17 -reg.
[26-Jul-2016] Plantation campagin in State on 12th 2016 on the eve of International Youth of Day by the Eco Clubs.
[25-Jul-2016] Regarding Section 24(1) (1) of the right of children to free nd compulsory education (RET) Act -2009
[21-Jul-2016] Food Security and Standards Authority of India (FSSA) guidlines regarding consumption of HFSS/junk Food
[15-Jul-2016] Intensified Diarreo Fornight (IDFC) from 11th to 23rd July 2016 with the ultimate aim of Zero Child due to childhood diarrhoea
[05-Jul-2016] Submission of Project Proposals for all India Competition on innovative practices Experiences in Education & Teacher Educations institutions fr the year 2016-17.
[05-Jul-2016] Guidelines for protection of Good Samaritans in pursuance of directions of Honble Supreme Court of India.
[05-Jul-2016] Regarding Elem. sports Gagret Zone venue change
[02-Jul-2016] Training Workshop on " HP Children Science Congress" on 04.07.2016.
[29-Jun-2016] Regarding appointment of Distt. Grievances Redressal Officers (DGRO) under National Food Security Act, 2013
[28-Jun-2016] Regarding list of candidates for the interview TGT Arts/NM/Med.
[25-Jun-2016] Regarding indulging of school children in drug intoxication
[23-Jun-2016] One day Distt. Level Seminar on "Pluses for sustainable security: Prospects & challenges
[22-Jun-2016] Regarding unclean occupation scholarship 2016-17
[22-Jun-2016] Regarding minority community scholarship for the Year 2016-17
[22-Jun-2016] Submission enrolment for Middle Merit Scholarship 2016-17
[21-Jun-2016] Regarding inclusion the names in TGT pannel amongs TET Pass C&V
[16-Jun-2016] Regarding CWPII No. of 2016 titled as court on its own motion Vs. state of H.P.
[15-Jun-2016] Sports Calender Eementary 2016-17
[15-Jun-2016] Regarding demand of Scholarship for the Year 2016-17
[09-Jun-2016] Legal Literacy Programme in Schools and colleges.
[09-Jun-2016] Alignment of Services Rules with the sexual Harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal ) Act, 2013
[04-Jun-2016] Regarding final Seniorty list of C&V Teachers (PET) only as on 31.12.2014.
[01-Jun-2016] जिला रेड क्रॉस सोसायटी के सहयतार्थ जिले के सभी स्कूल व कॉलेजों में भ्रूण हत्या, एड्स नशामुक्ति व अंधविशवास तथा दहेज़ प्रथा बारे
[28-May-2016] वर्ष 2016 के राष्ट्रीय / राज्य स्तरीय शिक्षक पुरस्कार बारे
[26-May-2016] Regarding RTI ACT 2005
[26-May-2016] Regarding providing the services of 60 Teacher (TGT) as invigilators during writen test for the post of police constables.
[26-May-2016] Regarding providing the services of 60 Teacher (TGT) as invigilators during writen test for the post of police constables.
[24-May-2016] Regarding providing the services of 60 Teacher (TGT) as invigilators during writen test for the post of police constables.
[19-May-2016] Ragarding ANTI TERRORISM DAY
[19-May-2016] Regarding direct correspondence with Hon ble Ministers
[18-May-2016] Regarding time schedule of opening and closing of schools
[10-May-2016] OFFICE ORDER
[03-May-2016] Regarding Press Note Minority and Un clean Scholarship
[02-May-2016] Regularization order of JBT
[02-May-2016] Regularization order of C&V
[29-Apr-2016] Schedule for collection of Free Text Books 2016-17
[26-Apr-2016] Issuance of Ordinary passport to Govt. Servants,PSU/Autonomous body Employees, etc al.
[18-Apr-2016] Regarding providing the information relating to Rationalization of TGT Teachers as it stood on 30.09.2015
[13-Apr-2016] Regarding providing the information relating to Rationalization of TGT Teachers as it stood on 30.09.2015
[11-Apr-2016] Regarding organizing camps in schools.
[07-Apr-2016] No discrimination with school children on the basis of caste, creed gender in the schools under Mid Day Meal Scheme.
[07-Apr-2016] National De-worming Day to be celebrated in the State of HP on 27th 2016 and Mop up Day on 2nd May, 2016
[05-Apr-2016] Role of SMDC regarding Teacher engaging in taking private tuitions.
[05-Apr-2016] Regarding revision / enhancement of cooking cost per child per day under MDM Scheme in the financial year 2015‐16.
[02-Apr-2016] प्रदेश के सभी पाठशालाओं में बच्चों को मिड डे मील तेयार करने हेतु उपयोग एवम इस्तेमाल में लाए जाने वाले पानी के सन्दर्भ में दिशा न
[31-Mar-2016] implementation of New Online HPOLTIS
[28-Mar-2016] Regarding Nomination of teachers for admission to ten month language education programme in language other their mother tongue for the year 2016-17
[23-Mar-2016] Regarding clean drinking water supply in School
[22-Mar-2016] Regularization of contract appointment in the Govt. Department instructions thereof.
[16-Mar-2016] Regarding impemetion of Juvenile Justice (Care & Protection of Children ) Act,2016
[11-Mar-2016] Allocation/Distribution of Budget under MDM for 2015-16
[09-Mar-2016] Establishment return in R/O C&V categories.
[08-Mar-2016] OFFICE ORDER
[08-Mar-2016] Engagement of Cook Cum Helpers under MDM Scheme
[08-Mar-2016] एम० एस० सी० कोर्स हेतू आवेदन पत्रों के अग्रेषण बारे
[05-Mar-2016] Corrigendum-Conduct of Terminal Assessment of students studing in Govt. School
[03-Mar-2016] Administrative approval regarding revision/enhancement of cooking cost per child per day under MDMS in the FY 2015-16
[02-Mar-2016] Regarding monitoring of term end assessment annual examination of 5th & 8th classes.
[01-Mar-2016] Honble Supreme Court Committee on Road SafetyIssuing directions to the Educational Institution to take appropriate steps to sensitize school children about Road Safety issue.
[29-Feb-2016] Press Note Private School
[23-Feb-2016] Regarding Celebration of Annual Prize Distribution Function.
[23-Feb-2016] Addressing consumption of Food in Fat, Salt and sugar (HFSS) and Promotion of Healthy Snacks in Schools in India.
[19-Feb-2016] 11th Session of Twelfth Vidhan Sabha (Budget Session) Commencing w.e.f. 25.02.2016 to 07.04.2016.
[16-Feb-2016] Mid Day Meal Rice Requirement format
[15-Feb-2016] Regarding appointment as LT in Distt. Una Himachal Pradesh
[12-Feb-2016] Use of SSA Data Entry Operators (DEOs) in MDM-MIS work
Sh. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, Hon'ble the Chief Minister, H.P.
Sh. Rohit Thakur, Hon'ble Education Minister of H.P.
Sh. Rakesh Kanwar (IAS), Secretary (Education), Himachal Pradesh.
Sh. Som Lal Dhiman, Deputy Director, Elementary Education, Una.
Deputy Director of Elementary Education
Ministry of Human Resource Department
H.P. Elementary Education
Treasuries, Accounts & Lotteries H.P.
Service of Employees
Mid Day Meal Scheme
National Scholarships Portal
Deputy Director Of Higher Education Una